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Loose Cannon

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Posts posted by Loose Cannon

  1. from wiki -

    Non-lethal or less-lethal rounds are firearm rounds which are designed to incapacitate, but not kill, a target. The rounds rely on the transfer of kinetic energy to accomplish this incapacitation. Rubber bullets, wax bullets, plastic bullets, beanbag rounds, and rubber bullets with electroshock effect (e.g. Taser XREP rounds) are less lethal than conventional metal bullets, and are also propelled at lower speed. (Gunpowder is not used, only a percussion cap.)

    Enough ignorance being spewed already. No gunpowder, but still a small blast. Clear in this 101 video.

  2. What a load of <deleted> na khrap this commentary - ohh hoooh - is na khrap.

    Cant we bombard the people in charge with emails? Too many games start at 2am and have to be watched at home - this is horrendous na khrap. Would rather just have the stadium noise and no commentary na khrap.

    Ooooh hooohh...

    If you have UBC switching to English will just give you stadium sound, unfortunately not on all the channels.

    How pathetic to have the opening game on 6 Thai channels with nothing in English. Same coverage, same adverts...same same but different, they really know how to make themselves look like idiots to the farang.

    Seems like my box won't do that. Mmmmm-hmmmm.... I have either Thai or Thai na khrap. Surely there must be some world cup radio available I could run in the background over the pc. I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount na khrap.

  3. What a load of <deleted> na khrap this commentary - ohh hoooh - is na khrap.

    Cant we bombard the people in charge with emails? Too many games start at 2am and have to be watched at home - this is horrendous na khrap. Would rather just have the stadium noise and no commentary na khrap.

    Ooooh hooohh...

  4. Yup, it is a transit visa. Expires on the 4th of this month. Beleive me I hate doing border runs. Thanks for advice Lop Buri, much appreciated. If not an O visa , 60 days, multiple will make life alot easier :o

    I might as well squeeze my question in here: I have a passport packed with tourist and 30-day visas. I am currently on a tourist visa and would be looking for hte 30 day extension. Will it be given to me? I seem to remember that they started giving you only 10 days back when they raised the fee to 1900baht. When that happened I stopped going for the extension and just did the border run/visa trip.

    What is the current situation? Is 30 days extension the norm again or do the actually do it case by case?


  5. I have just realized that tomorrow is "Chakri Day" - the same day as I was planning to hand in my visa at the Thai Embassy in KL for a double-entry tourist visa (Schoolboy error, I know). My return flight is on Sunday.


    1) Will the embassy be closed for "Chakri Day"?


    2) Can I hand it in Thursday and get it back Friday?

    I gave myself an extra day as I didn't want to be cutting it too fine. :D

    Can't believe I fell in this old trap - and it is not the first time! :o

  6. Just a quick question with hopefully a simple answer...

    Instead of going to Penang I was going to go to KL to get my double-entry tourist visa. (I have a couple tourist visas in my old passport, one in my new, no overstay ever). Is it straightforward to get it there?

    Are there visa-agents sorting it for you?

    Thanks for any help.

  7. The last couple of days the True connection has been back to normal if not worse.

    I have seen people mentioning a way of getting 2mb REAL SPEED and pay 25baht/hour but I can't find anywhere explaining how it is done - though I know I have seen it. Is it something about changing the username or something?

    I do not like to have to pay extra for something that should already be included but yesterday it took me six hours doing something that should only have taken one. When that happens I just have to bite the bullet I guess.

    Change your username to xxxxxxxxx@TRUE2M and keep password same. But don't forget the hourly charge!!

    Whilst I am a happy True customer I do also believe that their tactics are underhanded.

    Thanks! I am not happy at all doing that but sometimes I just have to get something done - like yesterday. But I am not happy about it - that is for sure.

  8. The last couple of days the True connection has been back to normal if not worse.

    I have seen people mentioning a way of getting 2mb REAL SPEED and pay 25baht/hour but I can't find anywhere explaining how it is done - though I know I have seen it. Is it something about changing the username or something?

    I do not like to have to pay extra for something that should already be included but yesterday it took me six hours doing something that should only have taken one. When that happens I just have to bite the bullet I guess.

    I know you guys know :o Don't make me go through True's customer "service" - pleeeaaase :D

  9. The last couple of days the True connection has been back to normal if not worse.

    I have seen people mentioning a way of getting 2mb REAL SPEED and pay 25baht/hour but I can't find anywhere explaining how it is done - though I know I have seen it. Is it something about changing the username or something?

    I do not like to have to pay extra for something that should already be included but yesterday it took me six hours doing something that should only have taken one. When that happens I just have to bite the bullet I guess.

  10. welll, I hate true adsl. really hate, i think they are cheating or something krub. and it always cut. but right now I did not use true adsl connection anymore, don't like it. now I used T.O.T ADSL connection which is 10 times faster than true adsl at only 990 baht each month for 1mb. highest at 4mb speeds. right now they are in promotion 1mb for 990baht. but you need T.O.T phone number that's all. I used it at my workplace on 512 connected to 36 machines and no problem, it is still superfast. one thing, I NEVER GET DISCONNECTED from it. just connected 24HOURS. my pc now becoming server lol. if you interest try to look at this site click on the flash banner and check if your T.O.T line phone working or not http://www.isp-thailand.com/adsl/checkarea.php if it is saying สามารถใช้บริการได้

    then you are allow to use that number but if it is said ยังไม่สามารถใช้บริการ ADSL ได้ในขณะนี้  then sorry. TOT phone number will begin from 02-2 till 02-5 only but True will begin from 02-6 til 02-9. so hope this help you.



    Thanks for the info. I sent an email to True describing in no uncertain terms how I felt like :D and :D and also a bit :o and though I never got a reply speeds has been great since. It could very well just be a coincidence but I will give it a chance.

  11. - Is it this bad for everyone? What I am experiencing is borderline theft and I can't imagine a company surviving with this service.

    From what I can see, it's bad for most.  Some lucky few get nearly full speeds internationally, but most are like you.  I setup a 2.5mbit package for a friend, and it's very lossy (internationally, locally it's zipping) and slow.  Most Thai companies survive with this level of service... typical, really.

    - Any IT-tricks that will speed it up?

    Login to the 2mbit account.  Pay by the hour.  Presto, great speed.

    - I heard some talk about a business package - how much is that? Can everyone get it and does it perform?

    I think you might need to be a juristic person, but the "restrictions" applied can vary depending on the salesperson you talk to.  I've been given various conflicting answers, typical of True.  The price is of course more expensive than the home package.

    - Where does the CEO of True live? I have something for him.

    In never-never land, where he dreams that his customers adore him.

    My friend just cancelled his True subscription.  It was in no way better than a 56k connection (other than the great and useless "local" speeds).  He's back to 56k now.

    Thanks for the info - I think I might use the 2mbit account when I really need and then do the rest of my work in the night/ early hours of the morning.

    About the business package: It seems easily worth getting 256/512 "business" instead of the 4mb for "the common people with their pants around their ankles". After all, I only check local net for the UBC website!

  12. Having read this forum a few times I understand that everybody has problems with True but this is just unreal.

    I recently had a 3mb line installed and it seems to be close to that for Thai websites (about 2,5mb - no problem). International websites is a different story altogether!

    During the day I am down to less than 30kbs and evenings just about reaches 50kbs. If I am lucky I will get up to 120kbs in the hours between 4am-8am. During the day I actually connect to my samart unlimited 56k dial-up keeping the True line as a backup. I find this completely unacceptable when paying for 3mb.

    What can I do?

    - Is it this bad for everyone? What I am experiencing is borderline theft and I can't imagine a company surviving with this service.

    - Any IT-tricks that will speed it up?

    - I heard some talk about a business package - how much is that? Can everyone get it and does it perform?

    - Where does the CEO of True live? I have something for him. :o

    This is the last time I drop the soap while standing next to True :D

  13. I arrived back last night.

    As I am non-thai and do not have a residence permit,

    I ignored the questions on the back of the arrival card.

    I do have a Non Imm O visa based on marriage and would be delighted

    if that entitled me to a residence permit, but is does not.  Not yet anyway.

    So the Thai Immigration does not consider me to be resident, do they?

    If they meant "visitors", then they should say so.

    There was no comment made at the immigration counter

    Same here. I returned yesterday (Don Muang) and didn't fill out anything on the back.

  14. Not much more I can add. Your passport is ok and you only want a tourist visa.

    Basically alright in any of the four places.

    Penang, personally I like and stay out at Bathu Ferringhi, may be not much fun, it is a beach.

    K.L., well not much to do there.

    Singapore, might be a bit boring, every thing efficient, but with GF. OK, shopping, I said it b4, Bangkok is cheaper.

    So for GF, Hong Kong. Very big airport. You can explain, Bangkok will be same, same soon. :o Downtown, first time visitor nice. Walking, shopping (window I say) everything close. Bustling place, so after all some excitement.

    I said it already, decisions, decisions. :D

    Visa? I think even the guys in good old Fairmont House in Hong Kong should be ok for a TR-Visa.

    Anyway, good luck and enjoy where ever you go.

    Ah and btw. don't take the money rule too serious. It's in the books, like Malaysia wants a minimum of US$ 500.00. Usually, they never check and, you said, you both look respectable. Walk together through immigration counter, wherever you go. They like couples and should not give you any problem.

    Thanks a lot - if not for the answers then for the assurance.

    I was basically wondering if there were any conditions that would rule out me going to any of these locations more than a clearcut recommendation and I don't think there is so that is great.

    I guess it really is down to HK or Penang. Penang sounds very straight-forward and it really comes down whether it is "a hole" or not - sounds like there are mixed views on this. I will have a look at some websites and see if it sounds okay.

    Once again thanks - very helpful responses.

  15. But I am not leaving with a blank passport really as I will have my old one with me - packed with stamps.

    I was thinking of your girl friend who you say has never flown so assumed her passport would be blank and being attractive, young, female with such a passport might cause questions to be asked.

    I have always had visa stay transferred with a letter from my Embassy USA but if yours says no not much you can do. Or maybe they have changed procedures.

    If you go to Georgetown, Penang I would avoid Chulia for accommodations myself.

    Ah I see - that makes more sense than what I was on about :o

    Am hoping she will be alright. Her passport was issued five years ago but never used. But I guess at least that shows she didn't have one made just for this trip.

    We are both 24 and don't look too dodgy so I hope I won't be mistaken for a pimp :D

    As for my embassy they gave me a letter to go with my new passport stating that a new one had been issued as the old one was full.

    Once again thanks for all the help guys.

    I guess the only question left is whether there will be any difference in getting a double-entry tourist visa issued at the embassies in HK, KL, Singapore and Penang.

  16. This is not something pathetic about me trying to impress my girlfriend so take it easy. We have been together for a long time and I definately don't need to impress her at all - don't you worry about that.

    However she did just have a birthday and it wouldn't hurt to treat her to something nice. And if I can do that + see a new city + make her happy we all win. I am not too worried about the 5000baht+ it will cost to choose KL, HK etc over Penang. I like to travel too and am not addicted to Thailand only.

    I am also not trying to get some kind of advanced visa so I didn't imagine it would be putting that at risk to go to somewhere more exciting.

    "Sorry I'm straight to the point but I'm a retired Marine and I hate people trying to impress or be better than others..."

    I really don't see how this is the case here. I am not 30+ older than my girlfriend, she is in no way a bargirl and I am not trying to make up for my bad looks by showering her with gifts. We are a completely normal, young couple.

    Thanks for the other info though.

  17. Actually that brings me to another question: I had a new passport issued as the other one was full - so I obvioulsy still have my old one. I asked my embassy if I should pay Suan Plu a visit to have my current stamp "moved" to my new passport but they said it was no problem. I jsut have to bring my old passport with me when I leave Thailand. That way I will be stamped out in the old one and in in the new one (Singapore, HK or whatever). I hope this is true?

    But I am not leaving with a blank passport really as I will have my old one with me - packed with stamps.

    I have heard many mixed things about Penang - some people say it is only good for one thing (visa), others say it is a nice place as well. I am obviously not a beer-bar kind of guy and maybe it is those who don't like it?

    Might have a hard time convincing my gf of the glamour of Penang - she has never even heard of the place... :o

  18. Thanks a lot for the responses guys.

    I figured that Penang is the easiest when it comes to visa as it seems like an industry down there. However I would like to make a small holiday getaway out of it as well if possible - if nothing else to give my gf a memorable experience from her first trip outside Thailand. I am not listening too much to her wishes of going shopping though :o I don't think she really wants to go shopping and she is not an Emporium-girl by any stretch of the imagination. I just think, having never been abroad, she fancies the idea of buying something nice (like a pair of boots), flash 'em to her friends and proudly say: "I bought those in Hong Kong". But shopping is definately not the main objective.

    Three follow-ups

    1) when you say my GF needs money to cover her stay - how does that work? Does she need to flash some cash or show a full bank book or how? Or is the fact that she is with me enough?

    2) when you say that Singapore and Hong Kong are termed as stricter - does that go for normal tourist visas as well? Admittedly I have a lot of both 30 days and Tourist visas in my passport already (actually have just been issued a new passport so it doesn't look too bad) but I have no records of overstay or anything.

    If asked I can also produce a truckload of ATM receipts from overseas bank accounts. Are they stricter as in they will don't issue me a

    - tourist visa at all

    - double-entry

    - more than double-entry (I understand this is pretty much a lottery anyway)

    3) Any embassies know for taking more than three days to do this? I was planning on probably handing in the application Tuesday morning and picking it up Thursday at the latest. Depending on where I go (flight schedules) I might even hand it in Monday afternoon. Anybody experienced any long delays?

    Thanks a lot for any info!

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