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Posts posted by somdej

  1. This would result in large scale insurrection


    Absolutely agree with your comments. for Peace and Stability it is best she remain overseas at least for the time being. Imprisoning her would result in major civil unrest and certainly not in the best interests of the country. I suspect that truth be known, they let her flee in the first place because of this very reason. 


    The request for repatriation may just be for show. I just couldn't imagine the repercussions of sending her to prison.





  2. I might also add that some of the most expensive Palad Khik can easily reach a price of 500,000 Baht +.at auction....

    That's just plain stupid and highlights the commercialism of Buddhism by some temple Abbots which is strange because things like this are more animism.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    Your response pretty much shows a limited knowledge of Thai amulets and there are many people that would strongly disagree with you.not only on a religious basis but also those that enjoy collecting rare antiques. Indeed many amulets can easily fetch 20 million Baht or more, which when you think about it is less than a million US dollars and in comparison with rare antiques and works of art from the US or Europe that is not a large sum.

    • Like 2
  3. Excuse my language, but it is appropriate considering these scum who drive minivans.

    I drive on the 7 and 36 a lot. The majority of minivans I see on these freeways are operated by a pack of idiotic, bullying, rude .... They speed in excess of 140 KPH and get right up on your rear bumper so you cannot see their headlights. Or they drive slow in the fast lane and will not move out of the way. They will cut in front of you suddenly without any directional indicators or safe space. It seems all the other Thai drivers in vehicles smaller than them avoid them like the plague. I see this behavior acted out against many innocent drivers time and time again.

    I had a road run-in about three months ago where a van came up on me so fast I thought he would rear-end me. I was boxed in and could not pull over. He persisted and honked and flashed his hi-beams. The surrounding vehicles cleared out. I still could not safely get out of the way as he was so close on my rear, heavy-duty, stainless steel bumper. Needless to say, I dealt with it and he lost. I turned on my hazard lights and he stayed on my bumper. I slowed down gently and he stayed on my bumper. I sped up and he sped up. I said .... it; braced myself and slammed on the brakes. He slammed on his brakes and two for his tires blew out at about 130 KPH - bam bam. No contact. He barely made it to the side of the road and nearly got hit in doing so, as he swerved across three lanes suddenly and forced several vehicles to slam on their brakes. I kept on going with a shit eating grin and years of experience driving in these types of conditions.

    I hate these ...... beyond belief and am prepared to retaliate with my 4000+ pounds of angry steel if they threaten my safety and do not allow me the courtesy of getting out of their way safely. I am aware of the fact that they are crazy and they are capable of doing anything, but if I am alone in my truck and this happens, then this happens and they'll go with me or they'll simply go. I am not ashamed of telling it, and I suspect there will be a few who do not condone what I did, but I give a shit. Put my back against the wall and I'll unleash whatever Hell I've got to give. The little ..... can die for all I care. I have no use for them. They shouldn't be allowed to drive anything. 16 year old princesses and minivan drivers: enough said! Every time I read a story like this I shake my head in disbelief at how stupid, selfish and disrespectful Thai people are towards others with the technology they have been blessed with. Flame off.

    Very interesting response indeed. Immediate reaction is to criticize for being equally as discourteous and stupid as the very kind of drivers that the post purports to hate.

    But I have to be honest with myself, when any vehicle is tailgating at speed, as often happens in this country, one cant help but feel extreme anger. The safe approach is of course to pull over and let the idiot pass and more often than not that is exactly what I would do as I have no desire to become just another statistic.

    Having said that I have myself become very upset with such bad driving and although the act of stopping abruptly can in itself be regarded as road rage, when your life is being threatened in such an irresponsible way all sorts of emotions and responses can be engendered.

    I have on many occasions done my utmost to frustrate tailgaters, maybe nothing as extreme, and I don't necessarily condone these actions but I do feel a degree of empathy.

    • Like 1
  4. For those that are interested you can visit the website here:

    Not exactly low key, but I do wonder what charges could possibly be made based on this. Its hardly exploitation or prostitutuon.......I suspect that nothing much will come of this otherwise someone will look pretty foolish in my opinion....but you nver know.

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  5. Reading through this forum and in particular stories like this reminds me of the BBC news, I don't know why. I suspect because all this negativity is so depressing.

    Thailand is no longer the country that I loved 25 years ago that's for sure, and given the resources I would probably move but it does make me wonder to what extent Thai Visa, with its seemingly constant stream of bad news, is representative of Thai society as a whole, or is my perception of reality being distorted.

    Cant we have just one day of all good news stories.

  6. It amazes me how this place gets to so many people. Is this place such a dead end that these people think they have no other option? I would guess there is a woman at the core of this.

    Yes very sad indeed, RIP

    Its my own previous experience that Thailand can provide tremendous highs but at the same time extreme depressions and it takes considerable time to adjust to the cultural divide and balance the two emotional states. Its not always apparent to an individual just how quickly this country can affect your state of mind and in particular where communication of personal feelings can be difficult because of language barriers.

    I like your statement but I would say the cultural divide is more of a discovery of how you are less than a second class citizen here once you have been here a while. In the beginning, Thailand is a bit euphoric and after reality sets in it can be depressing at times.

    Yes I think you sum it up very nicely, its being a second class citizen with effectively no rights.

    • Like 2
  7. Prices and availability are great, but why so few seat belts?

    Also, I getting tired of biting my tongue every time brother driver floors it over speed bumps.

    Taxis in Bangkok rate amongst the worst in the world. Any taxi that has safety belts, but does not allow passengers to use them shouldnt even be considered as a candidate for the top 10.

    Furthermore I recall maybe ten years ago, when rear saftey belts were mandatory in many countries all over the world, Toyota, Nissan etc were still offering cars for sale in Thailand where such proven safety was an optional extra, it spoke volumes about these Japanese companies that clearly were interested in profits over clients lives, very much the same as Thai taxi drivers.

    • Like 1
  8. The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

    This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

    They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

    Why has this got to be turned into a political matter, the political views of Master Yoovidhya are of no relevance to this case..

    The fact is that the case involves a hi-so who hit a policeman (killing him) and then fled the scene.

    Master. Yoovidhya was drunk and high on cocaine while driving a very fast sports car, he did not see a policeman and decide that he would run him over because the police are red shirts.

    Likewise, the officers prosecuting him may well throw the book at him but that is because of what he did to one of their comrades (and also the way he is brushing the matter off as if it is insignificant) and not because he is hi-so and therefore a yellow shirt.

    I have personally had enough of the red/yellow shirt malarkey and I presumed all Westerners who live in Thailand have had negative effects from the riots but some people drag the political situation back up at the first possible chance.

    Please if you have ANYTHING sensible to contribute to this thread, then please feel free to do so, otherwise please vent your political frustrations on one of the other threads that deal with the red/yellow shirt farce.

    I just wonder whether you appreciate to what extent the underlying power struggle that has ensued in this country for decades defines eveything that happens. The whole of Thai society is controlled by just a few very powerful people/families, and It is high profile cases such as this that simply reflect that turmoil and bring it to the surface. Politics is what defines this country and unfortunately there is no escaping reality however corrupt it may be.

    I am sure the outcome of this case will all depned on which faction of society holds the upper hand. I dont believe for one minute that indisputable evidence will have much bearing on the matter.

  9. There are two issues here, freedom of speech and Incitement

    Should he be allowed to make such comments, yes of course he should, its freedom of speech, however repulsive it may be. Its is his opinion however warped it maybe.

    Should he be allowed to incite violence, which is not covered by Freedom of Speech, no he should not.

    So the question to be asked is did his T-Shirt try to get others to commit an act of violence, in this case against the police. It is not whether this statement causes irrational behaviour in others but whether it it provokes people to commit violence.

    In my opinion it does and as such the jail sentence was correct.

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