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Posts posted by DrDaveHPP

  1. As for fast lane and slow lane ....they don't exist in UK...they have a very simple rule....stay in the right hand lane unless overtaking. This does not mean the middle lane or anywhere else but the right hand lane... all other lanes are for passing only!

    For "right", read "left". :o

    Contrary to popular belief undertaking is legal in the UK too! It just isn't usually necessary or justifiable - I.E. "due care and attention"...

    Technically true, in the sense that the Highway Code isn't law itself. But the courts do take failure to observe the HC into account.

    FWIW, the HC tells drivers to overtake only on the right, except: a. on one-way streets; b. when someone's waiting in the middle of the road to turn right; c. when traffic's moving slowly in queues and the queue to the right's moving more slowly. (Although I think they've now updated c. to take into account fast-moving, busy motorways like the M25 Orbital round London.)

  2. It seems the requirements vary from company to company...

    I and my (non-Thai) wife applied for a satellite connection through CSLoxinfo in August last year and were told it would take "a week to ten days". It actually took five!

    No work permit needed - just a copy of my passport and tourist visa.

  3. Been here in LOS for 18 years, been on a bus once only, 18 years ago. I would rather WALK from BKK to anywhere, than take a Thai bus. [snip]

    Fair enough if you've got a reliable car and driver. For those of us who have to rely on public transport there's not really any very feasible alternative to the buses (trains are too slow and too infrequent). Given the way that many taxi drivers behave on the expressways, I wouldn't fancy taking one of them.

    As it is, my wife and I have been using the Ekamai-Pattaya bus route regularly for the last four years. In all that time, although there have been a few hair-raising moments we've only ever been in one accident - a pickup pulled out of a side road without looking, and the bus driver didn't stand a chance of avoiding him (though he braked pretty hard). Made a nasty mess of the pickup, but all that happened to us was that the windscreen was broken and there was a dent in the front of the bodywork.

    Moral: if you're going to travel by road, you might as well be in as large a vehicle as possible. :o

  4. ...[snip]Its about time our respective Embassies earned our tax wages and get their AR*****S in gear.

    And do what exactly? I just wonder how many Thais [substitute nationals of the developing country of your choice] get murdered in Western capitals every day - and what their Embassies/High Commissions are expected to do to prevent those murders? I don't think any country's nationals pay enough taxes to afford a 24-hour bodyguard service... :o

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