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Posts posted by luv2bexpat

  1. Hey guys thanks for the input, ????  it does seem that cream is going to be problematic ???? I even looked at importing from China as they seem to do them in vast numbers. 


    The problem is timing it for the build and the fact that you can't really see the product.  I did have a look at the above suggestions been wandering round all over the place but to no avail. ????  The nearest was an SCG one but that had various shades of cream within the tile, we did look hard at it, but I think that it is more bathroom type and would not work in the kitchen. 


    I must say that I am surprised by the lack colour for the metro/subway tile here, given the huge colour variations back home that are available, but hey ho we live and learn eh?


    Thanks for the help all ???? 

  2. Hi everyone


    A little help please, we are halfway through our house build project in Buriram, but we are currently in Bangkok.  We are looking for cream coloured metro tiles and simply cannot find them anywhere, does anyone have any idea where I can find some for my kitchen? 


    I am more than happy to travel to view tiles, as these tiles seem to be a rare commodity over here.  ????


    Kindest regards



  3. Hi guys

    Just a quick question for your perusal.

    My wife and myself are currently in the UK for the purpose of her UK Nationality application. She has ILR and passed LitUK and now has obtained a TOEIC - B1 equivalent. The application is in and was checked by the Nationality checking service, so she has retained all her documents.

    When (being hopeful here) she is granted her Nationality and after the citizenship ceremony, can she apply for her first passport in Thailand? The reason is we both have to travel there shortly afterwards and may not have the time to wait in the UK any longer.

    It would not be impossible to wait, but would be difficult as I'm studying at a Bangkok University. I'm sure the University will be flexible as they have been fully informed and have been positively receptive, but it would be nice to start with the others in the cohort.

    I have emailed all relevant agencies in the UK in an attempt to get an answer, even the British Embassy in Bangkok, but not a single one has replied, a very poor show indeed sad.png . I guess they are very busy doing other things.

    So guys, may I hand this question over to you all?

    Regards all


  4. Hi guys

    Many thanks for the posts its been a great help, it gives me a direction to head in and I will pop across to the other forum and have a good look round.

    Oh and TerryLH ( I have tried to convince her otherwise!!!) its a bit of humour my friend in what otherwise may have been a long post, but thanks for your answer its been a real help thumbsup.gif

    Regards all

    Luv2be wai2.gif

  5. Hi guys

    I'm kinda new to all this, so please forgive me if I don't fully post all the relevant information. I don't think my situation is new, but I have looked around the forum for similar issues and not really found much to piece them together.

    Ok so here it goes smile.png

    The Background

    I am 51 yrs old and at the moment living/based in the UK (I have sufficient funds for retirement visa), I have a Thai wife and married 7 yrs and we are very happy together. I work full time, but on a flexible arrangement with the NHS which allows me to roam a bit smile.png.

    My wife has ILR around 4.5 yrs and is wishing to become a citizen of the UK ( I have tried to convince her otherwise!!!). We have been living in the UK since we got married 7 yrs ago.

    I have started attending a University in Thailand full time study, but its set up in a way that allows students attend in the Thai education system holidays, so around 10/14 weeks a year which allows me to either return to the UK to work or stay in the Kingdom (if I applied for an ED visa).

    I have only completed a small portion of study (around 1 month) under a Tourist visa (visa is 2 month, single entry) and have not applied for a Education visa at the moment. I have had to return to the UK for a family emergency which has now resolved. My hope is to return shortly to continue to study.

    Whilst here in Thailand last month, my wife was offered employment and is thinking about supplementing our income, so I perhaps won't need to return to the UK to work for the duration of the study.

    I will state it is our intention, at the moment, to return to the UK after the study period.

    The questions

    For me - Is there a duration I have to stay out of the Kingdom, before being allowed re-entry i.e I had a 2 month tourist and had to return to the UK after 1 month? Can I reapply for another tourist visa given there is time still left on the original visa (around 3 weeks) at the moment? The course allows me to apply for an ED visa if required, or I could perhaps go via the retirement or even marriage visa i suppose, which one would you suggest, given my wife's wants listed below.

    For my wife - If I stayed in the Kingdom for the duration of the course (3 years) with my wife, how would that effect her UK ILR and her possible citizenship, if she wished to continue and apply for it? Would we need to return for periods to the UK to maintain it?

    I hope this makes some sense to you guys and apologies if it seems scrappy, I'm sure there is a 1000 more questions that I could think of, but these are the most pressing for us both at the moment, if there is a simple answer or solution please forward them on as my head is spinning at the moment.

    Kindest regards all and keep up the good work on this great site.

    Luv2be wai2.gif

  6. Hi everyone

    Ive been reading posts for a few days now and finally plucked up the courage to join and say hello.

    Live in UK with my thai wife of 4 years, but shes been encouraging me to change my life (however, she loves the UK weather, including this years snow :bah: ).

    So, any pointers on visa's (gosh i cant get my head round these) and career changing employment would be most welcome, so i could perhaps move to LOS.

    Happy to struggle and work hard (love it infact) and as the big 50 approaches in a few years :ermm: like to be happy and not rich!!

    Kindest regards all


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