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Posts posted by ianbaggie



    No...what they do is a little bit my business. They want to kill me and my family and burn down my home. I'm not all that cool with that. Sorry.

    Are you dealing in DRUGS? That's what it sounds like. And to correct you - there was mass killings going on here in Thailand before Thaksin took over. If I remember correctly the police had a special HIT SQUAD About 18 years ago. :bah:

    Get your hearing checked. I'd ask you what you think you heard - if I thought the answer would be coherent. Are you aware they tried to burn the capital down, or are you living in 1992.

    by and large I agree with your posts, but saying they tried to burn the capital down is just STUPID. It's past exaggeration. Vehicles, sure, tires, yeah, Central World and a few other spots, maybe. But the whole "capital" ??

    please, that just sounds as bad as the guys you post in reply to.

  2. sPOT ON!!!!

    man I am in Thailand now, so is this going to turn into a nasty fight? or just peaceful demonstration? I don't want airport to get shut down or those emergency curfews and shit....what do you guys think?

    It'll be a quiet gathering. It will cause a few traffic jams (like when it rains). It'll be over by midnight.

    Avoid where they're protesting and you won't even know it happened.

    .... probably.

    Not again!!!!!

    Comon.. last week there was a spurt of bomb attacks and a few deaths,,,

    This weekend a (peaceful protest) by the same peeps who were arrested in chiang mai as planning to bomb bangkok..

    sure - in the beginning it will start as a peaceful protest to gather numbers and pretend to be civil...

    but when the numbers are up and the brains are washed - the heat gets turned up and the weapons get sent in...

    Thats whats coming...

    Just when the peak holiday season was coming and Thailand had a chance to redeem itself and just when Central world has re-opened..

    its time to smash them back down and keep the economy starving and blaming a govmnt for the damage caused...

    time will tell... but its so boring now... its not democratic in any way shape or form...


    Same as before, they will break every rule in the book - park three lanes (or more) in and interrupt traffic, loud speakers not loud hailers and the whole thing will turn to the usual law breaking rabble and the Police will turn a blind eye as always.

    Perhaps now is the time for the new army chief to step up to the plate and prove his authority. Let's see.

    This junta does not need any encouragement to 'step up to the plate'


    man I am in Thailand now, so is this going to turn into a nasty fight? or just peaceful demonstration? I don't want airport to get shut down or those emergency curfews and shit....what do you guys think?

    I have grave concerns. Illegitimately obtained billions wired offshore and stashed away for a rainy day buys you all kinds of wet weather gear.

    It buys you the 'peaceful' protesters....

    It buys you the charismatic leaders who incite them to violence and arson...

    It buys you filthy shills to spin your terrorism as 'peaceful protests suppressed by killer soldiers'...


    It even pays for Australian academics employed at the Australian National University (taxpayer-subsidised, of course) to publish your lies and censor all voices of reason from commenting....


    ...and pays for Western liberal portals like The Huffington Post to publish your vitriol and give you censor powers over pesky comments which threaten to spoil your expensive fantasy soup with annoying realities...


    ...and pays for your employees - who happen to be leaders of large political parties - to demand you be granted 'amnesty' (read: "or we'll riot again" whilst spinning your refusal to negotiate with terrorists as "unwilling to reconcile")...


    ...pays for your campaign to terrorise the capital with bombings which distract the government into, you know, dealing with terrorism; whilst you surreptitiously attempt to pull the wool over the gullible global media eyes with idiotic rhetoric...


    Before you know it, you have a Thai Deputy PM talking reconciliation and willing to meet an animal Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have described as "a human rights abuser of the worst kind"...in his Dubai luxury hotel fleeing prison sentence for nauseating corruption....to discuss his 'terms' and reconcile. And mainstream media sources start getting hella nervous so they start hedging their bets and giving you and your employees more and more favourable coverage.

    And then all that is left to do is....? A 'peaceful' rally or two? I'm not the one writing the script; merely watching in horror as the unthinkable becomes disturbingly thinkable.

    I have grave concerns.

    Because this world is full of morans. Who bounce to the sound of clinking coins. Dark days ahead for Thailand....

  5. Your lack of intelligence astounds me!! You claim the reds want democracy and change - the only change they want is change from the 500 baht a day their deposed dictator Thaksin will give them from the money he stole - im not suprised Farang dont have a clue about Thai politics - one thing is for certain THAIS CERTAINLY DONT!!!! One thing for certain - Abhisit Government better than Thaksin Government - they were BOTH educated in UK!!


    Here we go again, another "shitty" day in Paradise. :annoyed:

    While in most western and specially USAmerican and European governments can do what ever they want to do, in Thailand at least there are some ppl going on demos!

    If I read here the other day that child porn is publically sold in Sukhumvit and Police seems to be corupt more like ever before ITS TIME TO CHANGE something.


    ....and to every Farang who is concerned about its business in LoS, take a long holidy at YOUR country and stop complaining about something u dont have a clue of TIT

    and my often repeated question: WHAT HAS CHANGED SINCE ABHISIT? ....just the faces of corruption or something for the masses?

  6. Because the red shirts are lying cheating murderous barbarians thats why - take a look at the video above and see what happens when they are given "the right to demonstrate - maybe youre that muppet farang that was arrested waviong his bamboo stick around and shouting were gonna burn that lot at central world - democract is not a red shirt philosophy!!

    Bringing back a deposed dictator for 5oo baht a day is what its about!!

    Here we go again, another "shitty" day in Paradise. :annoyed:

    Why is it a shitty day. No-one is forcing you to go to the rally? People have the right to demonstrate. It's called democracy. Would you rather that no-one had the right to demonstrate. Perhaps you should move to some hardline dictatorship country. There are demonstrations in many countries, and some much worse than here.

  7. Possibly the fact that its full of 300 years worth of British citizens and has a charter from the time of George the 3rd is relevant here also the fact that Argentina never cried for it until WE found OIL there!! Have a think on the other swide of the coin Richard

    If the situation were reversed and the Argentineans occupied the Channel Islands or Isles of Scilly for example, we as Brits would all be screaming blue murder.

    Geographically I can't see how the British have any right to lay a claim to the Falkland Islands.

  8. I find it odd that we now have closet red shirt posters that can rubbish anything the Government or security forces do and form a reliable conclusion that the red shirt movement are whiter than white and not really terrorist murderers. Bring back Thaksin quickly so that we can all benefit from his all seeing benevolence!!!! Thats the one thing that would make me head for Vietnam and leave behind the family if necessary. Its a good job Thailand has security forces that can spot a bomb when they see one - to me thats the only thing that can make the devastation - or maybe you think someone set light to a fart!!

    I find it odd, that the "bomb" has been described so quickly and a cute little illustration has even been provided. The Thai police must certainly have some cutting edge technology and great expertise since they have delivered a decisive conclusion in a shorter time period than other more experienced agencies do. Yes, the damage may be consistent with a bomb. However, a complete reliable conclusion takes weeks even where there is a lot of evidence. Samples have to be taken and analyzed and that takes time. It doesn't matter who it is, the determining factor is time.

    This is quite an impressive feat. looks like Thailand is now the only country in the world that can analyze data from an incident like this in near real time. Quite an accomplishment.

  9. PAT LOGAN - ok heres the checkmate !! You walked into your own trap!!

    If these people in France are so well assimilated into your culture after 3 generations as you claim. Why do they as a group have grievences? How did they come to be together to identify one another ,form into a group, an plan and take action together. If you question this I can send you numerous links showing the ethnic background of rioters in France. Ill even send you some in FRENCH if you like!! The fact is that Moslems do not lose their culture just because they get a French passport. If we denied them this with their Fathers and Grandfathers there would be more riots in our respective countries.

    I suggest you read this post twice and this time think about what the opint of my argument is.

  10. Deerai - youve hit the nail on the head -

    DEMOCRACY is not = to being able to break the law -

    NOONE IS ABOVE THE LAW at any time - thats why depose and execute Kings and impeach presidents!!

    The difference between westerners and Thais is we had a system called the Feudal system which enfiorced our respect for the law - Many in Asia have never seen this level of disciplined environment that was passed down through generations from Norman and Roman times.


  11. RUBI & PAT LOGAN - seems to me your getting the message - YESSSS!! we LET foriegners have passports - now where can I go to get one in Thailand - even if im married to a Thai and have a baby with her thats BORN in Thailand. or do they think Fathers just disappear?? time for some serious reflection on just how stupid we are in the west to foriegners coming into our country - we should apply the same standards to them maybe - or is that level of equality racist??

  12. Hereiam- yes and there you are with the typical attitude of - Hereiam im blameless how can you judge me. Possibly the reason why Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos are rising so quickly. Just be glad men DO come here otherwise half your national income would disappear. You talk about the west as though its the same as Thailand - have a look at a map - get a feel for the scale - then look at population sizes - look at Africa, THEN Look at Russia, America, Europe, Canada, compare it and what have come out of those places to contribute to the world - then stand back and look at Thailand and think about growing rice and selling daughters. I think even you may start to feel humble - then finally think on how those foriegners are treated when they come here. Think of the pure racism in the word "Farang" often twinned with the word "moo" and wonder no more at why people like me resent their experiences here and vow never to return to the country - and havent now for 9 years. Oh and by the way - i noticed you didnt comment on the behaviour of the Police - just doing their job by taking bribes maybe? - your Problem is you cant take the truth.

  13. You see - that arrogance is there all the time from some Thais - think theyre the elite of the world never done anything except grow rice and turn their daughters into bar girls. What other country openly BOASTS of having different prices for foreigners and their own citizens - if we did that in London wed be called RACIST!! What other country do you get stopped by the police and openly asked for a bribe - T.I.T, F.A.T!!! I did the sensible thing - married a Thai lady took her back to UK and now she says she never wants to go home again!! says it all really!!

    In a Western country - or in China - it would never have been permitted to happen in the first place.

    I am assuming you are either a westerner or a chinese. Either way, would be good if you left this attitude back home (wherever that is) before you come to Thailand. The west and china have their traditions just as all countries have theirs. In some countries public anger is not managed well, for various reasons that a visiting tourist carrying a baggage of blinkers may never perceive, let alone understand. In China, public anger is not allowed. You have your Tiananmen. Try to boast about that. Or, try to boast about the cops that kicked a frustrated black in Los Angeles. Talk of anger management. Maybe the mismanagement of Katrina Hurricane victims' funds might help you think about those that are victimised. In short, it's better not to gloat about your own elitism in comparison with others. Underneath our clothes we all have our warts.

  14. Hahahaha is right - the red shirts/Thai lac party - legally elected??? hahaha - thaksins puppets without a brain cell between - all they can do is hide black shirt terrorists amongst their ranks - fire grenades at innocent shoppers - what a GREAT Government theyd make!!! Thaksin had to be forced and thrown out of power by the army because he was funneling BILLIONS of Baht into his holding company from tax payers money. Thats why the Bangkok elite HATE the red shirt movement so much - because they STOLE so much from them - sure he gave a few pennies to keep the Udom peasants and the wifes family in Chiang Mai happy!! Not much good about the red shirt movement - thats VERY clear to see!! Also - the poster who said it wouldnt happen anywhere else - you were right to say it wouldnt happen anywhere else - can you imagine if a group of terrorists held up Times Sq or the center of London or Paris?? Its a shame Thailand was never colonised!!! They might have a brain if they haqd of been.

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