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My Cow Chai

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Posts posted by My Cow Chai

  1. No point in having lifeguards in the high season; the seas are smooth. Another death (or near drowning) today (Monday) at Karon. No lifeguards. It's the low season where the deaths are and this low season (unlike last for some reason) there are no lifeguards!

  2. Well I see no reason why Thailand couldn't hold a successful Olympics, and the real benefit would be to tourism afterwards with the world's viewers having seen images of Thailand for 2 weeks.

    I'm more concerned about London's bid for the 2012 Olympics. You'd have thought the Brits would have learnt their lesson with the Millenium Dome but no. Somehow the new Wembley is going to cost more than all ten stadia built for the Portugal 2004 European football championship! Something is rotten in the UK.

  3. What you all think about Phuket?

    Tell us what you think, pro's & contra's


    I think Phuket's great.

    I love the Phuket police. They constantly stop me and ask me for my driving licence. I dread to think what might happen if they didn't. I might actually drive along without my licence on me (shudder)!

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