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Posts posted by LDNBKK86

  1. You need to think this logically ...

    You cannot contact her daughters school .... this is silly & may get you in more trouble, it's got nothing to do with the daughter or her school. What if you contact the school and mum finds out and files a complaint against you for harassment. It could happen .....

    Also, the police are not interested in your minor complaint about noise ... you have already told them whats going on so they have come and investigated as required. They will follow up if they think it is needed.

    If you go annoying them every time the noise happens they will get pretty pissed of with you .... just leave it at the one complaint.

    There are 2 options .... Option 1 : You complain to the building body management, show them a pic of the mess outside, scribble in your note pad when the noise occurs or whatever .... Now if they feel there is an issue they will investigate and sort it out the thai way .... they will talk to the ' crazy lady ' if they think its needed.

    Option 2 : move.

    Seriously , this is Thailand , not the place where you can just complain to someone and everyone will jump up and down and go solve the problem ... ITS ONLY YOUR PROBLEM ... NO ONE ELSE WANTS TO MAKE IT THERE PROBLEM , BUT THATS WHAT YOUR ASKING. good luck. wai2.gif

    I woke up this morning feeling relaxed and I was able to think about the events that occurred yesterday. Taking everything into consideration and whilst reading everyone's comments and advice I agree that I should not bother the police again (unless absolute necessary). I will meet with the condo committee next week and discuss the situation.

    I won't contact the school. This would be the wrong thing to do. I'm sure the school can see there is a problem. It's obvious that this poor girl is having a really rough time. She goes to a international school and any teacher would see the signs.

    I hope that the father gets involved. As the owner of the apartment, he would have to be contacted by the building management.

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  2. I'm not moving. I shall continue to pursue using the correct channels inline with the condominium rules and regulations, whilst calling the police whenever she goes crazy. I shall speak with the ex husband about the situation.

    On Monday I will also contact the daughters school. I know where she goes as a friend of mine used to teach her. I shall ask whether they have a councillor on campus that can talk with the daughter.

    You are going over the top with this and probably getting in way over your head.

    You mention about going via the correct channels, yet you are not following the correct procedures.

    This is a civil not a criminal matter. If you continue to bother the police each time you consider the said woman is annoying you, than they are going to become peeeesed off with you for wasting their time on such trivial matters. The police can only ask the lady to tone down her behaviour, they do not have the powers to arrest her unless she commits a criminal act. You will not win favour with the police or the authorities using these tactics.

    On what authority do you have for contacting her daughter`s school and requesting that the girl sees a councillor? That by law is a form of harassment and will only jeopardise your case against your upstairs neighbor. Also do you legally own and run your restaurant business on the estate? Do you have a work permit and is this run under a registered company? If not, your part in the restaurant business may fall under scrutiny, which could mean you come off worse out of this.

    Your first course of action should be to persist with the management company, as this is what you pay your maintenance fees for, before calling in the police and stalking the lady`s daughter at her school. Otherwise you may bring on more trouble than what you bargained for.

    Quite honestly, if you and I were neighbors in dispute and you tried these tactics on me, I would come down on you like a ton of bricks. Try to do this properly without over stepping the mark and trying to fast track the resolving of this problem, because it won`t work.

    Very good points. Thank you.

  3. I'm not moving. I shall continue to pursue using the correct channels inline with the condominium rules and regulations, whilst calling the police whenever she goes crazy. I shall speak with the ex husband about the situation.

    On Monday I will also contact the daughters school. I know where she goes as a friend of mine used to teach her. I shall ask whether they have a councillor on campus that can talk with the daughter.

  4. Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

    Do you own this condo or do you rent?

    If you own own the condo, then there must be a juristic management company that you pay a yearly maintenance fee. You say that you made the condo manager aware of the situation but no further action has been taken. If that is the case, than firstly, this woman must be contravening some terms of the lease by spoiling the enjoyment of your home. This time put your complaint in writing or send an email to your estate management company, give them 7 days to respond. If they ignore your correspondence or refuse to take any action against the offending party, than explain that you will not pay any further maintenance fees until the problem is resolved.

    If you are are renting, contact your landlord in writing. Explain the situation, ask the landlord to contact the estate management company directly and again give 7 days for a response. If no joy, explain in writing that you will refuse to pay anymore rent until the problem is resolved. If all becomes too complicated and stressful, then you have the option of either remaining in the condo as the long and suffering or moving out.

    We rent this condo, however we own other unit in the same complex, which we rent out. Therefore we do pay a management fee.

    I have been told that I will meet the committee next week to discuss

  5. Today I have had 4 families come up to me and give me the thumbs up. They told me they will support me (presumably as long as it's 100% anonymous).

    I told the condo manager that if the police keep on being called it won't be long before the condo gets a bad name. That will affect property prices. Surely that will encourage residents to be more proactive

  6. Most likely Ya ba addict if nightly. Most likely ex bar girl who was on the job due to it, snagged herself a farang husband and now the money has gone.

    Hiding from the police would indicate to me she needs to hide something from them as in the Ya ba.

    Are her children Thai or LK ?

    But she could be suffering from a mental illness and needs help. Kids may not know what to do and no one else will help.

    Ya Ba is what I'm thinking too. Ex bar girl, more than likely.

    Eldest daughter (angry tomboy) is thai. The younger one is LK.

    Ex husband is from Russia, apparently

  7. After watching the CCTV and logging all the times. We have instructed the security guard to make a note of when she comes and goes. The police will come back later to gather more information including images from the CCTV. Unfortunately they missed the perfect opportunity to question her. Looking at the CCTV footage, she was wasted.

  8. Update:

    The police turned up at 0915.

    Interviewed a few residents to understand the issue. The lady's daughter came to the lobby, saw the police. Got out her phone and started texting someone (her mum). I told the security to watch the front gate.

    The police go with the daughter to the apartment. Guess what!! Crazy lady is know where to be seen. I run to the front. Oh, her car has gone!!!

    We are now watching her on the CCTV recording stumbling out the front door. Into her car and off into the distance.....


  9. Here's the situation...

    Me and my family live in a nice apartment complex in Bangkok.

    The lady who lives above us is crazy. For the past 3 years we have endured sleepless nights due to the shear amount of noise that is coming from her apartment. It sounds as though she is smashing her apartment to pieces. Shouting and screaming. Throwing household items out of the window (she is in the 3rd floor).

    Every once in a while when it happens I go upstairs, knock on her door. No answer. We call security. They knock on her door. No answer. At 4am this morning we called the police. It's currently 7am and I am still waiting for them (police station is about 1 minute away by bike / car). We have told the apartment manager on a number of occasions, however nothing is ever done.

    As far as I understand it, the apartment is owned by her ex husband (European) however he hasn't been here for years. The lady living there is in her 40's. There is a tomboy (possibly her daughter) that we often see. She also has a daughter in her teens who, whenever I see her, is walking round like a zombie due to lack of sleep. I really feel sorry for her as you can see she is growing up in the middle of a terrible situation.

    It often seems that my family are alone on this one as being that we are the only ones living below her, we are the only ones that hear her. However whilst sitting in the lobby waiting for the police, there was a lady talking to security. Turns out the lady and her family live above the crazy lady. We discussed the events over the past few years and it seems that she shares the same frustrations and sleepless nights.

    I don't want to move my family out of where we currently live because of this ladies actions. I would have hoped that the condo management would have been able to help, however I suspect they don't really want to get involved.

    I'm not confident that the police will show up.

    I'm running out of ideas.

    Any suggestions?

  10. Hi All,

    I have a restaurant here in Bangkok, located in a nice leafy area. Since opening about 3 months ago, each night at about 7pm a number of bees, +20 are hanging around the doors, eager to get in. They don't seem to have much trouble getting in due to customers walking in an out of the doors. Upon each open / close, a handful of bees creep in.

    Until now, there have not been any stinging incidents, but they are driving us mad as they are pushing away customers. Luckily we are mainly a take away place, but the bees are not helping at all.

    We have located the nest, it's across the road about 20 ft up a large tree in the property adjacent to our restaurant.

    We called the pest control guys, they came down and they gave a number of excuses why they wouldn't do it.

    1. It was too high

    2. They didn't want to kill the nest as it would be inhuman...... :)

    The second one threw me as I often see them spraying that toxic smoke into all the drains in the neighbourhood bot giving a rats ass about the damage it's doing to the environment.

    They suggested that we waited until September when the bees would leave the nest. Then we should call them up and they would be happy to overcome the height issue and destroy the nest.

    We called 2 pest control companies, I sense they were related as they both gave the same reasons for not wanting to help, and also suggests about waiting until the bees went to their holiday home in September.

    What can I do?

    As a temporary measure there are a number of non toxic items I can use to distract them, marmalade is mentioned on various articles online. Has anybody had any success using particular methods.

  11. be mindful where you withdraw money. BBL used to charge 50 THB, however this recently jumped to 150 THB, inline with other banks, UOB charge 50 THB but their ATMs are not as widespread.

    Are you sure that Bangkok Bank raised the ATM fee? If the ATM card is on the UnionPay network (my HSBC HK card is), the ATM fee should be 50 baht shouldn't it?

    From Bangkok Bank Fees:

    • Cash withdrawal using an electronic card issued by a foreign bank within the China UnionPay (CUP) network

    50Bt per transaction

    correct BBL and others are all now 50THB. At the time i posted my earlier post BBL were charging 150THB per withdrawal, i know this as the ATM near by was the one i used and i was hit with the higher fee. Now they are all aligned, no need to worry.

  12. Pop over to Hong Kong.

    Open an account with HSBC at the airport.

    Very easy process - all that was needed was my passport and proof of address in Thailand.

    Took about 20 minutes.

    You then are given an ATM card that you can use world wide to withdraw money. (BBL and UOM cash machine only charge 50 THB per withdrawal)

    You have access to HSBCNet online banking which will automatically give you a selection of multicurrency accounts.

    If you are sent EUR it will automatically credit to your EUR account in HK. You the can do an internal currency transfer, wire some money to Thailand or just withdraw from an ATM.

    I found this to be the perfect solution for me, albeit a slightly different problem.

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