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Posts posted by spiritrace

  1. It's about time people started knowing the truth. I have been ranting about this since the 70's when I took geology courses. It's all right there in the walls of exposed faults throughout the country. Also the ice cores from both poles. There is so much evidence it's hard to ignore.

  2. First off, if so many people reject you or limit your time with them then the problem is you, you are irritating to them.

    After 7 years you will find that the U S is not the same country you left 7 years ago. Your clock stopped 7 years ago and the country continued to change.

    When I returned after 10 years I could not recognize the cars, and so many other things. It had all changed. I am 70 years old also. In the U S with a Thai wife. I spent 25 years in the military so change to me is not that big a deal. I own my own home and have a place to live regardless what happens.

    At 70 years old, you appear to be set in your lifestyle and are probably better off to stay in Thailand. If people want to see you they can come to Thailand. I have a number of people who will come to Thailand when I buy a home there. I am easy to get along with. I don't make demands.

    Just accept things as they are. Your life has changed, you have a good woman. What more can a man ask for? You are who you are.

  3. I traveled the world. Had enough adventures to fill 10 lifetimes. I am 70 now and find I still have enough steam for yet more adventures, I just have to take it a bit slower.

    I have no regrets and try to see the bad times as a lesson learned and get on with life.Yes, I agree that even the bad times were a learning event. Can't change the past but can avoid stupid mistakes in the future.

    Just like in my past when I didn't listen to the old guys I see the same with young guys I advise. We all have to learn the hard way. My life has been full and gratifying. I'm happy as a pig in mud.

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  4. Dedicate the next few years to your engineering and any other skill you can learn. Yes auto-repair. If you have a job, save every penny you can. If not, get a job. Then when you go back.....you will have skills, professional abilities and money to get you started.

    My wife married me in 2010 and we save all her pay checks. She now has enough to build a house and buy a business in Thailand and still have money left over. You have lots of years to get the right woman and start a family.....I am 70 years old and still moving forward.

  5. Money (financial security) is usually the first factor. It goes back to the family. All their lives girls are told to marry a rich guy. That insures security for the parents and family.

    My Thai wife finally told her relatives to get a job....... Yes! My brain washing has worked! Now she saves, invests, and plans for the future. Before she did not. Before, she would borrow money and give it all to her family. No more. She finally caught on to the game families play.

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  6. I have to agree with the Catholic church angle. Where ever the missionary priests went poverty and destruction followed. (IN MOST CASES)

    There seems to be a common thread of corruption and most the factors that hold a culture back. Race doesn't seem to be a factor but attitude is. People who leave those countries are relatively successful and hard working.

    It seems to be something in the blended culture of the church and nation.

    Hard to put your finger on it.

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