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Posts posted by LaaMok

  1. On 11/27/2017 at 1:50 PM, Shiver said:


    Not sure if we can post links here (it's not promotional), but here goes:  bx.in.th  That's a Bitcoin eXchange IN THailand.  Works a treat, good English if you need that.  Their main bank is Kasikorn if you want unlimited transfers (they have another, SCB I think (but not sure), but for other banks they limit you to 500,000 baht per 24 hours on weekdays, which is very livable for most tasks unless you're buying a big ticket item, in which case you would need prior planning to build up your stash.  As a rule I keep very little in Baht, ymmv.  There is more than one choice if you look on a search engine, but the one above I have used a couple of times -both directions- and have no complaints, and their helpdesk is fast and responsive - that's a big deal in crypto world where you can wait weeks.  It's probably by virtue of it not being a popular thing in Thailand that they can handle the volume of customers.  I'd like to say that it's because they're so efficient, but suspect it's the limited number of customers.  Stats are on their site for turnover to give you a feel for the size of their operation.


    Actually if someone wants to do some grunt work/arbitrage, then if you compare the rates on there with some international exchanges, then Thailand reacts slower to changes than elsewhere, so notionally you can buy knowing the direction, but.... If the market is choppy and it comes down again before Thailand exchanges have reacted, then you could meet yourself coming the other way.  I haven't tried this as I make my own elsewhere outside of the country, and I'm not sure if it would be considered working or not (probably, technically speaking, but ignore-able for now would be my guess - they're not going to shoot themselves in the foot if it's incoming to the nation).


    A friend of mine sent me 13 million baht and to get it out for him took a few days.


    Withdrawing to Kasikorn bank the amount is unlimited

    all the other banks are 500k per day max.   (3 transactions max per day in total)


    I loaded the account with 8 banks and thought I would send to each,  Ive had problems receiving 8m and 10m in the past, so i keep everything at 3 m per transaction maximum.


    so i did (per day)

    3 million kasikorn

    500,000 scb

    500,000 krungsri  


    You cannot send a fourth and you have to use different banks.

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