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Posts posted by sydneyjed

  1. On 5/15/2021 at 3:18 PM, TheFreqFlyer said:

    What are these jokers smoking? 3.5 million tourists, from where? Australia's borders are likely to remain closed until mid-2022 aside from travel to New Zealand (which opened last month) and a few other "low risk" countries. These could include Singapore, Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and possibly Taiwan and later, Vietnam. Thailand has not been mentioned in the first phase and thus we can probably assume it won't be part of any Australian travel bubble this year.


    Secondly, in a country that is proving itself to be one of the most totalitarian in the world, what with Buri Ram forcing vaccines on it's residents, Phuket fining and threatening foreigners with deportation for hosting a friend over for a beer in their OWN homes, Surat Thani fining anyone who drinks alcohol at home, and every province issuing fines of 1000-20000 Baht for not wearing a face muzzle, what makes them think tourists will put up with this nonsense?


    Even those willing to be vaccinated, are not going to put up with this. Isn't the vaccine supposed to allow all our freedoms to return? If tourists are still going to be required to be muzzled in public, including on a Phuket beach, despite being vaccinated, then Thailand can hammer the final nail in the tourism coffin. 


    At this point in time, there is more liberty in China than in Thailand. I can't imagine the Chinese would be interested in coming to a country where there are no casinos, where the fun police nitpick every thing you do and can potentially deport you for not wearing a face mask. It's happening in Cambodia (Chinese nationals have been deported for not wearing masks or breaking lockdown orders), Bali is doing it and Thailand isn't far behind. 


    China has tropical beaches too (in Hainan). Aside from Phuket being warm all year-round (whereas Sanya is a little cool between December and February), there is no reason for Chinese to want to come to Thailand. 

    Fiji not 'low risk' unfortunately..they have a quite substantial outbreak there with lockdown in place and Singapore has another cluster..this isn't going away anytime soon .UK and North America are gearing up to get their economies and population up and running by vaccinating themselves out of this and Brits heading to Portugal by the thousands when Boris gives the thumbs up..The Portugese won't know what's hit them when that happens!

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, connda said:

    The government nationally and regionally seriously needs to hire farang advisors to serve on planning boards which can inform Thai mayors, governors, and ministers when their short-sighted visions have a high probability of careening off the run-way and bursting into flames before becoming airborne. 

    In the meanwhile from the "we told you so" department:


    I only read on Thursday that there actually is somebody representing all the resorts and hotels(Bill Barnett group C9 Hotelworks)..Anthoney Lark(Phuket Hotels Association) has already met with Australia's Ambassador to Thailand Allan McKinnon and the Australian Consul-General Matthew Barclay to try and get something going.It is happening but Australians just won't be travelling till next year now due to such a slow roll out of the vaccine and uptake!

  3. 9 hours ago, Rocking Robert said:

    Are you comparing the UK’s response to Kovic 19 with 127,000 dead to Thailand response with 97 deaths

    No using it as an example of what can happen if you don't take this seriously and treat it with the respect it deserves..As I stated the UK found out the hard way what needed to be done all too late of course but is now coming out the other side with it's vaccine rollout.Thailand  I'm afraid maybe just entering the tunnel and needs to act quickly in order to stop going down this same path.The Thai hierarchy can either move on this quickly and decisively or the consequences are there for all to see.Stay Safe!

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  4. 5 minutes ago, mike1967 said:

    I totally agree. By now, we can only guess at the real figures. We all know it's about saving face. Covid, not us. It was only last week I posted that Thailand needed a lockdown but was called ridiculous by some members. Do they still feel the same? There's only one way out of this, lockdown AND vaccination then ongoing vaccinations against newer variants. None of which is happening. Thailand you are so far off the ball it's ridiculous.

    Well it seems the UK learnt this the hard way and that was exactly what they had to do in order to get their lives back..Has Thailand got the leadership and the people the mental resolve for such a prolonged self imposed lockdown?Testing times ahead I fear..Stay Safe!

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  5. 33 minutes ago, mike1967 said:

    The simple fact is, the Thais won't get tested because they don't want to be put in hospital. Don't shoot the messenger. This is direct from the horses mouth.

    Well especially this week of all weeks..the ones who have it will be now sitting around with massive extended families and friends they need to catch up with.What could possibly happen after the biggest holiday of the year?One can only hope I suppose but par the course where this has been repeated around the world it hasn't exactly ended happily I 'm afraid to say!The testing and tracking will be of no use when it explodes into the thousands a day which means they'll have to go into mass lockdowns in order to control the spread!

    • Thanks 1
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  6. 36 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Just informed that a second infection was found in my condo complex and was escorted to the hospital this morning.  The stairwells where the trash cans are is now being sanitized as well.  46 floors worth of double stairs.  Wonder if there will be a request for all of us in the condo to be tested.  That would surely be an astronomical feat, and a true PITA.

    I know it won't happen but last year in Melbourne they locked down not one but three apartment blocks in one part of town ..FOR TWO WEEKS..nearly 2000 people!Only way to stop this outbreak now is by containment only..which means putting whole communities in infectious areas into lockdown..otherwise you have no chance of stopping this now!

  7. On 4/12/2021 at 4:06 PM, jmccarty said:

    Could it be that the tests are running short because of a significant increase in testing running up to the holiday?  That could be why the shortage?


    More testing, more cases too?

    Tests would be running short due to the sudden upsurge in cases and then all the close contacts of the infected people then close contacts of the close contacts being required to have a test.Doesn't take much for this to put pressure on an already stretched system when cases surge like this unfortunately.

  8. 18 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

    i hope they don't throw the current retirees under a bus to accomodate the new (richer) batch they expect will be bashing down the door to get in..


    only for the new batch to look at the hoops and say <deleted> that..


    devils in the details lads and based on recent history this mob only considers their wish list


    still here's hoping!


    You can see the dollar signs flashing in their eyes right now..Every unscrupulous character will be plonking their money here in order to launder it in Real Estate away from the taxman and anyone else regardless of how it was accumulated..and the detail will be magically missing.Any regulated requirements will only include a minimum amount..the more the better!

    • Haha 1
  9. On 4/9/2021 at 9:46 AM, Dialemco said:

    What a shame premature opening entertainment venues and encouraging travel over extended Songkran holidays before vaccination roll out big mistake. Would have been far better for controlled opening International Tourism who would have at least been fully vaccinated and had Covid Free certificates before entering Thailand

    Being fully vaccinated does not mean that person is 'Covid free' ..far from it all it means is that individual is inoculated with said vaccine to minimise their condition becoming serious when/if they themselves catch it.Unfortunately until Thailand can confidently roll out a vaccination program  that offers accessibility  to the wider population that can offer them protection..nothing will change as this latest outbreak looks to have spread now and will be hard to control I fear!

  10. 21 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Sorry, I don't follow you on that - how is it possible to know that 91% are negative if they are not tested?


    When a big enough sample is tested, it gives an indication as to the greater population within that area. However, with Covid, 9% can very quickly become 18%, 36% .........................

    Exactly..if you don't have nationwide testing on a daily basis accessible to everyone you can only hazard a guess,hence an educated calculated guess still isn't an accurate indicator.Take Papua New Guinea for example..Australian medical aid doctors were shocked to find 1 in 2 locals tested were positive to covid!

  11. On 3/13/2021 at 4:34 AM, KhaoNiaw said:

    Book Cyprus then. Thailand's going to be slow getting vaccinations done and then waiting to see all the implications before they open up properly. You might need booster vaccinations by the autumn. No-one really knows what the situation's going to look like by then. Thailand definitely won't be leading the way though.

    My hunch is that Thailand will just let  other countries do all the hard work and vaccinate their people..then of course all they have to do is  check them at the airport to for proof..which of course the airlines will have done for them anyway at the other end!You can see where this is going as only the Hi So's will make sure they get it first so they can travel themselves overseas..the rest will probably never see a vaccine jab unless they pay for it!

  12. 12 hours ago, madmen said:

    By the end of the year all first world will be vaccinated and the world mostly open so a ton of holiday choices. You said Mexico because it's one of the few open right now. Next time say what you mean to avoid confusion 


    The way they are going about it here in Australia right now I highly doubt it..Predicted to have 4 million vaccinated by the end of April is a 'pipe dream' to say the least.Problems with overseas supply,logistics,geographical location and now with questionable local production of Astro' with reports some 450,000 viles were not upto standard.The Government here is winging it!

    • Like 2
  13. On 3/3/2021 at 4:44 PM, ukrules said:

    Had I been back in the UK I would have been vaccinated in mid February, the paperwork was mailed to the house I use over there.


    But I'm not in the UK, so no vaccine for me.

    I have two sisters over there..both them and their husbands have had their first shots..A mate in London also who was offered it because others had refused it so he seized the moment as he wasn't due to get it till April.He told me a lot of ethnics were refusing to have the vaccine so spare slots were available practically every day at his local GP.I seriously doubt Thailand will have its act together anytime soon given the corruptible culture of how everything 'operates' here.They are basically going to stand back and let the rest of the world get the vaccine then just open the borders again and let everyone in as quick as possible when they have their vaccine certificate.UK are talking about International tourism by the end of June..so should be an interesting few months listening to the <deleted> that will no doubt come out of TAT's mouths!

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  14. 19 hours ago, scorecard said:

    And not joining the modern world with a digital system/certificate which would be valuable/quickly verifiable when arriving in other countries.


    Further, is this his own idea or does it interface with the instruction from the PM to do broad research on the subject of vaccine passports/certificates?

    It may get you the green light to exit Thailand but I doubt very much that it will get  you entry into ANY of the countries that will have the new joint digital airline vaccine passport that Qantas and Emirates are introducing.Nothing against this booklet but it is old hat and open to forgery looking at it..these were used after the war into the eighties for polio and other diseases that were prevalent .I had a vaccine card to allow me into Australia..Small Pox I think!

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