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Posts posted by Johnt

  1. If he go to court and say he want to be deported home, then he will not have to pay the maximun amount 20.000 for overstay. But he will have to pay max 2500baht to the court, and then for the ticket home. Nothing more.

    I went home same way, for 9 month overstay. Anyhow he have to leave the country, so why not save the 20.000 baht. To be deported is not bad at all, no handcuff and so, and you are allowed to enter the country again, next day.

    They only blacklist people if they go prison for drugs.

  2. I have tried something similar, I stay the night with a girl, and her phone keep ringing, and everytime she have to go outside the room to speak. Well back again, she told me it was her boyfriend. She tell he support her with money every month, but that she always could use more.

    She dont feel it was wrong what she do with me, and next day I see her with another "farang"

    They simply dont care. Only a few know what true love is. And many girl have a hard childhood, without their parents love and care same we get in the western world. That sure affect their life. So I think most relationship is sure only based of money, but if both part is ok about that, then why change it. :cool:

  3. Attend to an immigration office as they open in the morning, have an air ticket out of Thailand from next day. Tell you want to go to the court and want to go home. Then they bring you to the court and here you pay 2500 baht, and they will drive you to the airport and send you home.(deportation) You will not have to pay the overstay, and can return next day if you like. They can not make any "black marks" in your passport. Only if its something about rubbery, drugs and so.

    The immigration police will sure try tell you that if you pay some money "under table" then he will not make any marks in your passport. But they are not allowed to do, if you only have problems about overstay. Believe me. I just have overstay 9 month, (out of control???????) Maybe you have to stay 1 night in the Jail, but you will not have to pay the overstay.

  4. First you have to get a 1 day Burma visa. This they make 2km from the Ranong habour (can not remember the name for this place) and then Just take a boat from the harbour (400 baht). Wait with the payment to you are back again. The boat will wait you, even you want to stay 3-4 hours in Burma. If you only want to extension your thai visa, you not have to go ashore in Burma. The boat will always first bring you to a small "island" (5x5mtr) just outside the burmese beach/habour where they make your visa. You will maybe have to pay 10-30$. But go ashore and try use some hours. Its a funny place, but many beggers. Somebody will ask to big your guide, so pick up only 1 person. He expect maybe 100baht when you are finished, but its ok. In Burma, look the temple on the mountain top, the warehouse.


  5. Hi DazDaz

    I have had many different companies in Thailand, all with problems. Tour business, Restaurant, Bar owner, Alarm systems company.

    But we have made a model now, who will save a normal house between 50-70% from the electric bill, using the sun energy, beause sun they have for sure. We need 1 month more and the prototype have been running 1 year in Thailand.

    Low cost, ready for sell.....we will see


  6. Yes dear Thetyim, I think you know what I mean, and I have tried so much during these many years in Thailand.

    In fact Dazdaz, I was making a list.....and not finished yet.

    It will also contain.

    How to open a company, and if your company is running good, how the Thais try to take the controle, with all the dirty tricks they can. Place heroin in my office, and while I stay in Jail for 2 days (again paying to come out), how the employies steal all there was to steal.

    Return and try make it run again, have shootings after me,  or cars orders to hit me when I was on way home on bike.

    and this was only a small part of my life time in Thailand.  So if you have good ideas who can make money, then keep them for yourself.

    And I do think fake smiles is what it is.  The Thais only aimed for money, and they will kill if its necessary. Just look in the news, and see what happen every day. The police is involved in nearly everything also. They have eyes everywhere, looking for places to "make money" I have to good inside knowledge here also. Check the many mysterious death cases among farangs living here. I have good friends, now dead, police speak it was suicide, but I know better.  I can continue but I not want.

    But among many thais, we farangs are so stupid, we are easy to take money from, and to steal from us is near legal, simply because we are not Thais. Their way of thinking is so far away from ours.  A old sweden man tell me this story.

    If you give a african man a TV, because he dont have, and because you want to give him,then he will never forget it, and will be happy everytime he see you, because he remember this.

    If you give a Thai a TV, sure he will smile and say thanks also, but he will return the next day asking you for give him a video also.

    And of course, have  bright heads in Thailand also, but they are rare.


    • Confused 1
  7. I not want to tell you to much about this.  I stay 12 year here already, and is one of them who "know to much"

    so much happen, that it in the wrong hands, will effect the Thai tourism.  I dont stay in Thailand more, I have seen enough.  But still I belive its one of the best countries with beautiful girls, and sure also the best place to use "loose" your money.


  8. I wonder how many get this question from our girls.

    And for many, it will be the reason to a devorce if we say no. But why make a house in "Burilam" a totally "nothing happen" area, when you not want.

    And if we want to make a house, would we not place it near a beach or near some civilization instead.?

    Also many parts of Isan, farangs make houses bigger than the next door farang, so the Thaigirls famely can "show" how rich they are. And how many have a house standing some place, in the girls name (how stupid), and have suddenly "grown" from each other after the house was finish.

    Somebody have any comments to this?

  9. if its a bargirl who is saying it, they mean they can not cheat you same they can do with newcomers.

    If its from other places, then its probebly because you know how "rotten" some thing is.

    If you have been living here for long time, you know what I mean.

    And is you can speak Thai, its commen when you come to places where people know about it, that they say "take care, this farang can speak Thai"

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  10. I wonder how many foreign men married to young girls, think about if its love, or maybe the men dont care and just enjoy the daily day, well knowing its not love.

    What make a goodlooking young girl choose a old man around 50 or 60, when she can get a younger and more handsome man.  Money, stability, ?  :o

  11. I will fight for you my dear, not fight you?

    when I say please to you, why you get angry?

    why I have to up every morning 6 o.clock?

    Why so many girls change dramatic when they start live abroad?

    So many ask me for make a connection to a thai girl, but you know what.  Let the girl stay in Thailand, best for you, best for her. I know you can be lucky to find the 1 out of 100 but thats so difficult.

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