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Posts posted by nattapong

  1. "Getting ice..."

    Odds on there was considerable quantities of booze involved.

    There wouldn't be half these stories in the local Phuket and Pattaya rags and everywhere else if people drank sensibly and in moderation like me.

    There's nothing but a tale of woe at the bottom of every glass and bottle.

    If they were smoking cannabis or taking MDMA instead of drinking alcohol then such an incident would have been less likely to have occured. Alcohol is a bad recreational drug in a number of ways:

    • it is toxic to many parts of the human body. See http://pubs.niaaa.ni...ndHangovers.htm
    • It increases the chance of engaging in bad anti-social behavior, including violence
    • the euphoria only lasts for only around an hour and is only mild, and afterwards it's more of a sedating effect

    The problem is that currently there aren't really any better alternative recreational drugs that are legal. Legalizing cannabis and MDMA would provide much less harmful and more enjoyable alternatives.

    *MDMA has been shown to cause SEVERE brain damage with regular use - period.

    *And while I agree that cannabis should be legalized, it cannot ever be metabolized and processed (when smoked) as a food - alcohol can.

    *To claim that moderate alcohol use is harmful is foolish, uneducated and pattently false. Alcohol is only harmful when ingested in larger quantities. In fact, it is beneficial when taken in moderation.

    Google "harvard study on the beneficial aspects of moderate alcohol use."

    *As far as anti-social behavior, it is only the <deleted> that git into fights when drinking. As has been mentioned before, these bar room brawlers were <deleted> BEFORE they drank. Alcohol was merely a key to unlock their asshol_e-ish-ness.

    Appealing to authority i.e (to a Harvard study) is a logical fallacy. Equally esteemed institutions would likely disagree. Additionally, you have not provided any scholarly references to support your conclusions regarding a[rse]-holes. I suggest you Google, "Ad hominem".

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