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Posts posted by redmango

  1. Yeah ! Party or opening night specials ! What's it gonna be ? Tough times call for drastic measures. Alot of us wanna come in and wish you guys well. Let's here about a promo, please.....

    Free snacks ? BOGO (buy one get one)? 60B Tequilah shots ? 60B Snagsom n Cokes ?

    I know you guys have done alot of work. I've seen the changes, and ppl coming and going day and night. Hats off to you ! So.....so many promotion possibilities! Lure us in for Thursday, why don't you ? Win-win!

    A bit of an opening party and some promo is definitely a good idea but offering too many freebies would only attract the wrong sort. Free snacks would be okay. Snagsom n Coke at 60B? If you mean 60B for a glass that would certainly be considered a snag to some folk here.

    The problem with a freebie night is it attracts the free-loaders that come out of the wood-work never to be seen again, especially if you were to advertise it here.:crying:

    It so happens I'm free tomorrow, so I'll be there, freebies or not. Good luck to them, I say.

    Thank you for the support guys, and yes we will certainly be laying on some free food tasters, as for a big party..... That's to follow in the near future.

    Slowly slowly catch the monkey.

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