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Posts posted by apollo13

  1. You lot are a sad bunch. You all cry for justice, but are ready to pass your own judgement on this girl before she has been properly convicted.

    And before you all get on your high horses about me defending her, I'm not..I'm quite happy for a court to decide whether she is guilty or not after reviewing all the facts and evidence (and not from reading newspaper reports like the wannabe judges on this forum)

    Listen to yourselves almost baying for blood.. "lock her up, throw away the key" you say.. thank god you are not part of the legal system in any country.

    This whole thing is a tradgedy.. for all involved.

    totster :ph34r:

    ........couldn't agree more, getting tired of inane 'solitary confinement is a good place to study dhamma' and 'throw away the key' statements that would be more at home in the English tabloid 'gutter press' than blighting this forum nowadays.
  2. "Most people that smoke cigarettes don't get cancer. Nor do most people of drugs become heavy abusers that end up homeless, endless hunting the dragon between the hand-jobs in the local park".(TAWP).....maybe you're right, but I have my doubts regarding your statement about ciggies and cancer. Where did you get the info from.....Philip Morris ? As for drug abuse, it depends on the drug, the person, and that person's social situation but continued heavy crystal meth use can turn intelligent people into conspiracy theory faked moon landings babbling wreckage....I've seen it.....very sad.

  3. Can someone outline the social realities of "ice" usage in Thailand?

    For example, what is the usual money cost per day for addicts?

    Assuming if high, that many would need to turn to crime.

    Are there major differences in Thai usage patterns than western countries?

    What are the most typical delivery systems for using the drug in Thailand? Obviously, with injections you get into HIV risk with that.

    Who controls the trade here? Mafia? Corrupt officials? Foreign mafia?

    Personally, I am rather libertarian when it comes to soft substances like marijuana, but I have seen crystal kill many people in so many ways, it does seem an aggressive response makes sense. (But not as aggressive as Thaksin's.)

    One thing I would suggest may help with educating young people about this. Of course young people naturally feel immortal and naturally rebel against adults telling them trite things like Just Say No. However, one thing they do respond to is vanity! For example, a national ad and education campaign to graphically illustrate how meth addiction rapidly AGES people and makes them look like death boiled over. What I am saying is that young people respond better to messages saying something makes them LOOK really bad as opposed to saying something kills them. This kind of vanity message anyway has been effective in the US against youth cigarette smoking.

    As far as your comments on drug education and Thai vanity go, I totally agree ....well said jingthing....in the U.S. you get the 'before and after' pictures showing the affects of crystal meth.....if only they'd do the same here, I really don't understand why the Thai Govt don't do the same , especially considering the fact that they are working together with the DEA in BKK and Chiang Mai.

  4. I'm foreigner and I never pushed for ban on elephants in Bangkok. These animals do not bother me, I like the "good ol' time" feeling and I don't mind about their diet (do these wise foreigners mind about the diet of the Thai people?) and FIRST OF ALL Bangkok is a Thai city: this is the responsibility of the Thai people not western environmentally correct persons.

    So, mahoots, drunk and drugged up, intimidating and attacking people who decline to give cash is your idea of 'the good ol time feeling', even though having these tards begging on the streets with their animals is not traditional in Thailand and has nothing to do with 'the good ol' times' . Animal welfare and environmental issues are everybody's concern.

  5. If he was on his way to Malaysia why not escort him to the border and hand him over - with the drugs still in his possession. As has been stated in another thread, they don't mess around down South.

    Of course the cynical might think that maybe BiB wanted to sell off the drugs themselves. If he wasn't the mastermind and it wasn't his money that he spent in obtaining them going home would present problems and he would need to check on his life insurance policies.

    Because the BIB want to keep the drugs for themselves and not share with the Malaysians.

    Ah. So you are one of the cynics. Just like me. The point I was whimsically making was that handing him over to Malaysia solves all his problems. Permanently.

    Pity that the hard of thinking have no satirical sensors. They might learn that cheap insults and catcalls reflect upon THEM.

    It's the way ya tell em.

  6. If he was on his way to Malaysia why not escort him to the border and hand him over - with the drugs still in his possession. As has been stated in another thread, they don't mess around down South.

    Of course the cynical might think that maybe BiB wanted to sell off the drugs themselves. If he wasn't the mastermind and it wasn't his money that he spent in obtaining them going home would present problems and he would need to check on his life insurance policies.

    Oh, not arrest him, just 'escort' the guy with the crystal meth over the border and give him to the Malay authorities.....caught with17kg crystal meth in Thailand,.....escort the guy over the border.........got any more bright ideas on law enforcement ?

  7. Forum Rule.

    25) Members are forbidden to solicit for or accept donations, gifts etc. for providing such advice to visitors and members. Likewise, it is not permitted to steer or solicit members and visitors to go to locations or businesses where it is necessary to pay for services or assistance. The exception is ThaiVisa.com sponsors, who may reasonably promote themselves.

    Integrity has no need of rules.........Albert Camus.

  8. What happened to the thread regarding some guy in BKK needing help ? Maybe he was a scammer, but couldn't somebody've (pref established poster) in BKK met up with the guy to check the credibility of his story and see if it's for real or if he's just a Nigrian 419er as suggested by one of the posters? (but we'll never know now, will we) His situation sounded dire with his need of insulin and not having anything to eat 'till end of the month. Shame that one of the mods deleted the thread, this guy could be genuine and one of the TV members might've wanted a chance to help.

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