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Posts posted by AlphMichaels

  1. On 12/20/2020 at 9:54 AM, Lacessit said:

    And in other news, a Fox opinion host, Paul Dobbs, has debunked his own claims of election fraud on American television. Apparently Smartmatic, the electronic voting company that supplies California with its products, has sent letters of demand to all news outlets claiming election fraud with their machines. The word defamation is being used, which sends shivers up the spines of corporate executives, in a different world to here.


    Specifically, the company charged that: "Fox News has engaged in a concerted disinformation campaign against Smartmatic. Fox News told its millions of viewers and readers that Smartmatic was founded by [the late former president of Venezuela] Hugo Chávez, that its software was designed to fix elections, and that Smartmatic conspired with others to defraud the American people and fix the 2020 US election by changing, inflating, and deleting votes."


    In the legal letter, Smartmatic included multiple segments from Dobbs's primetime show as examples of "false and defamatory statements/implications," with some comments coming from Dobbs himself - Dobbs said on November 18 that the company is comprised of "left-wing radicals" - and others from guests like Giuliani and one-time Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell.



    Lou Dobbs is but one in the Fox news stooge crew.  Word has it that Rupert directed "the kids", a.k.a. nepotism redefined, to milk it for all you can whilst layering in the first stages of step back.


    Time to again place/replace editorial to the end of newscasts rather than opening with it. 

  2. You start by not hiring an indigenous bank (@ an exorbitant fee) to do forecasts.  Modeling is and has always been suspect at best because they end up "adjusting".  By then it's too late. There's also a wormhole effect when taking prior data from reports as baseline if they were also poorly modeled.   I remember one back about 2010 done by a grad student for Koh Chang and Trat ecotourism.  It was a true head scratcher.   


    Outsource to competent 3rd parties and take it as delivered.       

  3. 4 hours ago, jackdd said:

    At first you should confirm that your wife inherits it, either because there was a will or because that's how it is by law.

    If she will, then i think the best idea would be to contact the finance institution which holds the blue book of the car and discuss the details with them.

    One would think the bank might be better prepared to address these situations.  Not the case here.  The bank, Kiatnakin Bank, while helpful to a point, got the check from insurer, notified us the monthly payments were no longer required, and even refunded 2 months payments via a check.  Getting through it.  The court and legal gave us some direction yesterday.   


    Feedback appreciated. 

  4. 4 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    This has the potential to be complicated. The rules of inheritance are not what you might be used to. In the first instance go and talk to the bank...there may be something they can do.

    Thanks.  Yes, it is all about inheritance and while we're starting to figure it out, to your point, it's also quite complicated because "inheritance" seems to spread across the entirety of her closest family members...., from husband to children to even parents.   


    The bank seemed only to want to secure the payoff from insurer and move on.  Less than helpful.  

  5. I purchased a car late 2017 and at point of purchase could not pay cash.  They allowed me to make a significant down payment so my wife's sister took a 200K THB bank note and put the car in her name.  She passed last month and the bank note had an insurance policy that pays off in the event of death.  


    We're now trying to work through transferring ownership to my wife and unsure how it is to be handled.  Has anyone dealt with a similar situation?  If not, anyone know what it is we need to do?  


    Thanks in advance.    

  6. I purchased a car late 2017 and at point of purchase could not pay cash.  They allowed me to make a significant down payment so my wife's sister took a 200K THB bank note and put the car in her name.  She passed last month and the bank note had an insurance policy that pays off in the event of death.  


    We're now trying to work through transferring ownership to my wife and unsure how it is to be handled.  Has anyone dealt with a similar situation?  If not, anyone know what it is we need to do?  


    Thanks in advance.    

  7. A reported 20+ parties vying for votes from people who will listen to a gov Dr and believe anything they tell them after waiting in a queue for a day.   


    Uniquely unqualified..., poorly educated in their field..., collecting cash & making promises they can't possibly keep.   Take away 18 and it's a sloth race to the bottom of the tree. 

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, ezzra said:

    One adult leader and 12 teens went cave explorations without any preparations whatsoever, it seems that they intended to go deep and not only a quick look,

    hopefully they will be found safe and sound, and that no one will pay with their lives for the basic knowledge that if you're about to do deep cave explorations you better be prepared and ready...

    I've done cave dives in Florida and Mexico before and they're intense.  I'm guessing the local guys they've pulled in have ZERO experience.  Compact masks, "short stiffs", safety reels, and stage markers.  You get into small spaces where you can barely fit-push through tank and gear (especially staged tanks), you get spooked.   


    Guessing these guys have never done this before and time is running out.  


    This cave and every other in country should be closed every rainy season without hesitation.  


    All my hopes for a successful end result.

    • Like 2
  9. Sorry folks..., this whole matter is 100% BS and the fault of humans.  I only get angrier when I see the savagery and stupidity in how dog populations are treated.  Call it anything you want..., these dogs are not at fault. 


    Fine irresponsible owners aggressively for each transgression.  Make it hurt.  ban them from dog ownership without first showing both financial and compassionate responsibility.   When they get to the temple to drop the puppy off that the kids have "outgrown" (there's an irony), let the head monk step out and tell them about two core principles in Buddhism; Wisdom & Compassion.   


    The piety here is as shallow as an empty and flattened can of mackerel.         

    • Like 1
  10. I'll bet 100 THB this couldn't fairly be defined as gambling as easily as it can be labeled another tool in the bar tool bag called "the fleece".    


    "Darling, you want to play a game?  You ever play Connect 4?  Oh, it's fun and easy..., If I win you buy me drink..., If I lose you buy me drink, OK?".  55555


    'Buffalo sick' line has lost its impact.  


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