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Posts posted by siam1946

  1. I have observed the good works that His Majesty has done for his people ,and the country over the past 38 years. He is truly dedicated to his people. May I extend my best wishes for a happy birthday.


    Tom Schubert

  2. Silly people - maybe you don't remember the last crackdown on the supposed eastern european mafia. (1992 - I guess), when Bangkok's finest took it as an excuse to extort money from anybody that didn't have their passport to hand.

    I am from London and appreciate any anti terorism activities that are genuine as an attack here is surely on the cards but the Thais are not serious, just check the guys at the Marriot using a broken mirror to see under cars following the Jakarta bomb.

  3. Thais will stay outwardly calm right up to the point where they start going beserk

    The 'Jai Yen' of Thais is a social convention in the absence of which they may become very angry indeed.

    Jai Yen has been likened to the cool icy aloofness of British - but its inaccurate - because behind a Pommy's icy carapace they can warm up and be friendly. Behind the Thai's 'jai yen' there sometimes lurks real rage.

    Thais are also very "hungh" (meaning 'jealous in matters of love") - they even have this special word for it. Not just 'it-cha" meaning normal jealous.

    Hi Moog,

    You have a good handle on Thai culture that is lacking in some of the other replies.

  4. This could be the beginning of something more disturbing than the tsunami. Did you notice the similarity of the near decapitation of the victim, and the total decapitation of the recent hostages in the news? A terrorist to make his point probably would leave the money behind, as a signature that this is not a robbery.

    These acts if they continue, could be more devistating to the tourist industry than the tsunami. :o

  5. We have all seen human nature at its best and worst. How many people when confronted with a dangerous situation ignore it, and even venture into it. Imagine a warning was sent in time, "oh! a tsunami, an once in a lifetime chance to see one! " How many people do you think would grab their camera and walk out into the now empty sea bed to get a better look? You did read the reports of foreigners who were sunning themselves around the pools after the tragedy, who were unconcerned about the rescue efforts that were going on around about them. And don't forget about the officer who was tossing down a drink and complaining that there were not any girls around to chit chat with him. GIVE ME A BREAK!

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