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Posts posted by comserve

  1. Submitted online TM47 at 8am this morning (Phuket).

    Received approval email at 4pm this afternoon. Works for me!

    I ended up doing the trip to Kap Cheong. When I asked the officer there he said the facility was not yet operational & to wait another month.

    I gave him a copy of my "Step 1' screen which he was keen to accept & send on to the required people.

    Probably it is their IT department's method for doing their Beta Testing. Since they have a captive user base they feel they can treat us with the contempt that they feel we deserve?

    Anyway I will be wiser in 3 month's time if I am still around in this country by then. All going well we will be migrating back to AUS.

    Anyone want to buy or rent a four bedroom two storey house 2 kms from the centre of Satuek?

  2. You should get some sort of response when you click submit.

    If you leave a requiref entry blank you get a message. Many get a message to contact your local office.

    Do you get green accepted message by the captcha.

    If the first page is good it goes to the 2nd step of 4 where you enter your address and etc.

    I am entering my information for step 1 (except for the flight # which I do not know).

    I get a "verified" message for the CAPTCHA password then click on SUBMIT but the submit button does not seem to work.

    Does one need to register somewhere prior to going to step 1?

    I've only been working in IT for 50 years, so am a relative novice!!!

    No registration is needed.

    I tried to get the same thing to happen by leaving a required entry blank or not doing the captcha and always get this message.

    attachicon.gifmissing info message.png

    Perhaps a browser problem or something blocking the popup messages. Such as this one.


    I did get a pop-up message when I happened to put the CATCHA password in the wrong place.

    Looks like I need to travel to Kap Cheong as I see one needs to submit on-line at least 7 days before it is due.

  3. You should get some sort of response when you click submit.

    If you leave a requiref entry blank you get a message. Many get a message to contact your local office.

    Do you get green accepted message by the captcha.

    If the first page is good it goes to the 2nd step of 4 where you enter your address and etc.

    On further examination I find the following:




    Oh well, here comes one more pleasant day of driving to get to KAT CHEONG (180 kms from Satuek where I live on a heavily trafficked road).

    Perhaps they did not think it was worth a message to tell a stupid farang about his transgression! After all, everyone should know that the Internet needs a week to transmit information!!!

    By the way, does one need to register their immigration office somewhere before using this fantastic facility?

  4. You should get some sort of response when you click submit.

    If you leave a requiref entry blank you get a message. Many get a message to contact your local office.

    Do you get green accepted message by the captcha.

    If the first page is good it goes to the 2nd step of 4 where you enter your address and etc.

    I am entering my information for step 1 (except for the flight # which I do not know).

    I get a "verified" message for the CAPTCHA password then click on SUBMIT but the submit button does not seem to work.

    Does one need to register somewhere prior to going to step 1?

    I've only been working in IT for 50 years, so am a relative novice!!!

    • Like 1
  5. I am trying to enter my first 90 day report online. I get to step 1 & enter my personal information.

    It asks for the Flight No, but I have left this blank as I have no idea of that (that line does not have a red * so it is not a required field).

    Get down to the CAPTCHA password & enter that OK , then "Submit" the form.

    When the "submit" button is clicked there is no response. I think it should verify the entry by supplying a "Reference Number" as that is required to check the status of your application.

    Question: (a) Has anyone successfully used this online TM47 entry successfully?

    (B) If so, what am I doing wrong?

    Since it is a holiday today, I will have to get my wife to ring immigration tomorrow to get it sorted.

    Since it is a 300km round trip for me to go to immigration I am keen to avoid the trip.

  6. Recently I saw a small article in the Bangkok Post about a new facility to do a 90-day report via the Thai Immigration website.

    Don't know whether this is advertised elsewhere but it gave the following link; http://www.immigration.go.th

    This article suggests that we can report in this way from April, 2015 however by going to the link it says only that it is a work-in-progress.

    Thought I would bring this to people's attention as for myself it will save a 300km round trip from Buriram every reporting period!!!!!!

  7. Just look at clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

    It states 40k baht or 400k baht in the bank for 2 months.

    I think the info comserve posted came from a website setup by a law firm to appear to be an official website.

    I have looked at this, it does say 40,000 THB/month on average or 400,000 in bank account.

    It does not address the case of a combination of both. (Do we assume by it's omission that it is NOT allowed? or do we assume that it has been overlooked?

    Also, it does say no less than 40,000 THB/month as an "average" so that would mean that simply calculating on the conversion rate applicable at the time of application should not be correct (since the conversion rate has dropped simply in the last few days).

    I would read that I would need to total the conversion amount on a monthly basis over the last 12 months & take that average.

    What say you?

    No mistake on there not being a combination allowed. It has been the same for many years.

    Average truly means a gross annual income divided by 12 to get the monthly income. A person could try to show them the average exchange rate for the past year.by doing the research and documenting it.

    I will let you know, if I need to use this when I have to go back on the 5th March.

    This is the second time I have had to make a second visit to "Kap Choeng" immigration on successive 12 monthly renewals.

    It really pisses me off having to do this as this trip is a 350km round trip on very heavily congested roads from Satuek. The previous year we were visited by a two person team based in Bangkok simply to prove that we are living in a domestic situation. During this visit I had to pick up the young child from school half way through the visit (which impressed the visitors).

    At one time immigration used to visit either Buriram City or Surin alternatively each month which was quite acceptable but it seemingly was toooo convenient for the customers to persuade immigration to continue such an arrangement. Also to reach my embassy means a trip to Bangkok to receive the per functionary embassy stamp.

    At least I can visit the Korat office for the 90 day bullshit and that can be combined with some shopping in that centre.

    So much to the poor members of this forum who only have to walk down the street for these services.

  8. There are only two options:

    - showing you have an income of at least 40,000 a month

    - showing 400,000 baht in a bank account in your name only in Thailand, there for at least 2 months.

    If not, you can get a 60 day extension of stay with no finacials.

    If you do not qualify you can apply for a multiple non-O visa in Laos, Savanakhet. You would then have to leave the country every 90 days.

    Mario, is there a Thai Consulate in Savanakhet where you have to go?

    If so, where would you find it if you go across on your own?


  9. Just look at clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

    It states 40k baht or 400k baht in the bank for 2 months.

    I think the info comserve posted came from a website setup by a law firm to appear to be an official website.

    I have looked at this, it does say 40,000 THB/month on average or 400,000 in bank account.

    It does not address the case of a combination of both. (Do we assume by it's omission that it is NOT allowed? or do we assume that it has been overlooked?

    Also, it does say no less than 40,000 THB/month as an "average" so that would mean that simply calculating on the conversion rate applicable at the time of application should not be correct (since the conversion rate has dropped simply in the last few days).

    I would read that I would need to total the conversion amount on a monthly basis over the last 12 months & take that average.

    What say you?

    No mistake on there not being a combination allowed. It has been the same for many years.

    Average truly means a gross annual income divided by 12 to get the monthly income. A person could try to show them the average exchange rate for the past year.by doing the research and documenting it.

    Actually I did two calculations.

    1) Adding the yearly calculations for the year, in AUD then converting the average monthly income by the current conversion rate comes out at average monthly THB of 43,608

    2) Converting each payment, at the THB conversion at the time of payment then average the total in THB comes out at an average monthly THB of 53,606

    Really (2) is the more mathematically accurate as it is converting at the time of payments (which is the real conversion).

    I imagine that either method would be accepted at immigration?

  10. Just look at clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

    It states 40k baht or 400k baht in the bank for 2 months.

    I think the info comserve posted came from a website setup by a law firm to appear to be an official website.

    I have looked at this, it does say 40,000 THB/month on average or 400,000 in bank account.

    It does not address the case of a combination of both. (Do we assume by it's omission that it is NOT allowed? or do we assume that it has been overlooked?

    Also, it does say no less than 40,000 THB/month as an "average" so that would mean that simply calculating on the conversion rate applicable at the time of application should not be correct (since the conversion rate has dropped simply in the last few days).

    I would read that I would need to total the conversion amount on a monthly basis over the last 12 months & take that average.

    What say you?

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Sophon, The Thai Immigration website clearly says under requirements: I quote

    3rd option: "Combination of the Thai bank account and yearly income with the sum of 400,000 THB.

    2nd Option: savings of THB 400,000 in Thai bank account 2 months prior

    1st Option: Monthly income of at least THB 40,000.

    That sounds pretty clear.

    Can you provide a link to this interesting information .


    The information I am quoting comes from the following source:


    This appears to be an official Thailand Immigration site although it also has advertising for

    SIAM Legal.


  12. Your application was sent to division 4 headquarters in Korat for approval like it always has been. Not sure what the officer was talking about.

    They cannot deny you extension of stay application as long as your proof of income is 40k baht or more.

    Don't worry it will be approved.

    You did a post in a topic earlier where I answered your question. See: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/780189-are-there-any-problems-to-apply-second-tourist-visa-in-laos-in-a-row/#entry9057192

    Thanks for the assurance. Yes I posted this elsewhere but I could not find it.

    The officer was asking my wife whether I could provide the 400,000 Baht in a bank account because the conversion was coming out so close.

    It is a while since I have been on the forum and I have not been able to get into it again. How does one get past all the adverts which seem to block the visa forum?


  13. I have been married in Thailand (Buriram Provence) for about 8 years and for the last two years I have been on a Marriage Visa (although my wife & I have been married for eight years. We live in our own house (in my wife's name) and we have supported our grandson since birth (he is 5 1/2 y.o.)

    Recently I have had a few funds disasters which means I am reduced to living on an Australian pension of $AU20,664 (monthly of $AU1,722) which on January conversion rate of 26.86 converted to a monthly income of 46,253 THB, annual of 555,037 THB.

    I went to immigration a couple of weeks ago on the day when the Australian Government interest rate dropped 0.25% and the AUD conversion rate dropped to 24.866 which meant my income on this conversion rate was: monthly 42,819 THB or 513,831 THB.

    The immigration officer reckoned that the monthly average of 42,819 THB was a bit too close to the line & referred this to his superiors in Bangkok.

    The rules state a monthly income of 40,000 THB or a combined total of a Thai bank account plus yearly income of 400,000 THB which is quite contradictory as when I went to school 400,000/12 = 33,333 THB.(but this is Thailand!). Anyway one day's low conversion rate does not equate to a year's conversions which have averaged about 27.500. (today's conversion rate has averaged 25.06).

    Am I being too logical for a Thai Immigration officer?

    I do not believe that they will refuse an extension based on these figures but it does make me a bit nervous!

    I am expecting a share holding of over 500,000 coming online on the NASDEQ in a couple of months at about $1.00 should rescue me in coming years.

    It seems prudent to ask the question, however, WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS IF THEY WILL NOT RENEW MY VISA? I just do not have the funds to shift back to Australia right now. Could I go to Vientiane, for instance, and get a 90 day re-entry permit?

    In the coming year we will probably migrate to Australia (where I do have a couple of personal law suites prepared & waiting for my funds to improve such that I can prosecute these claims).


  14. I am in the process of getting my Marriage Visa renewed at the Kap Choeng immigration post.

    I guess I was a bit casual about the funds I displayed showing my overseas bank account etc duly stamped at the embassy.

    I am a dual NZ/Aus passport holder using my NZ passport here (because the NZ Embassy is much more friendly to deal with than the Aus Embassy but I do receive an Australian Aged pension. Have been here for 8 years & have a Thai wife & we are bringing up a Thai grandson (5yo) in our own home.

    I was somewhat caught with the drop in the Aus exchange rate & my last year's income was marginally more than the 40,000 Baht requirement. The immigration officer was reluctant to grant the extension preferring to refer my application to head office in Bangkok.

    Could anyone suggest what my options would be should they decide to deny me an extension? I presently do not have the funds to return to Australia although this is hopefully a temporary situation as I am expecting to have additional funds (through a share float on the NASDEQ) become available in a couple of months.

    My wife reckons that there is no problem but I would be happier if I had some advice.

    Please give me your opinion.

  15. only two reasons why someone has a big gut.

    1/ being a pig with food

    2/little or no excercise

    Clearly written by someone who has not experienced a changing metabolism. Or a metabolism that some people were just plain born with. Before 50 I was thin. Now I eat less and exercise a lot more, but the change that happened is, if not impossible to reverse, at least dam_n difficult. I'm managing a holding pattern, but it takes a lot of effort. No need to be judgmental, it can happen to the best of us . . . or some of the best of us are just born that way.

    I have the same problem, but my holding pattern seems to have been broken since I have stopped drinking alcohol.

    Has only taken three weeks, but already my belt is using another belt hole ie my waist is shrinking!

  16. At the moment I am open to any ideas on the most secure arrangement for "usage" of the land. The developer currently owns the land and will give me title after the house is complete as I am making payments as he progresses.

    One of the biggest problems I have is my lawyer says she can advise me on the law but then says the actual interpretation in a courtroom can differ should problems arise later on. She also says civil proceedings can draw out for a long time so make sure everything is clear heading in. She will not even contemplate a Thai partner to own the land with a leaseback because of possible issues on the lease renewal.

    All my friends rent around Bangkok so they can leave without any complications. I started this house idea with my ex wife and there was never an issue as she would own the land in her name. We never contemplated divorce and now I'm on my own as far as continuing with this property. Title to the land is still with the developer / builder.

    can only give you my experience of buying a new, spec built house, in Thailand.

    Mine was a two level house so needed a pump to get water to the upper bathroom.

    When we bought the property it had never had water through the house so the plumbing had never been tested.

    It took me over three months to get the plumbing going. For instance, the upstairs toilet systern was just sitting there. Looked like it was installed but was not. Many of the glued joints leaked and since that three months have had under concrete water pipe spring a leak, water pipe inside a concrete beam leak causing plaster ceiling to be re-fitted & upstairs bathroom to be re-plumbed with external pipes.

    We also have an outside bathroom which has a plumbing leak under the floor, so that is used as a storage room.

    We had a water leak in the tile roof, caused by inadequate flashing on a hip joint. Have not been able to fix that but since a large factory has been built next door, that shelters our house from severe storms, so fixes the leak.

    Good job that I could do all this plumbing work myself.

    Be aware also that you may not be able to have a Thai partner own the land & you lease it back. It all depends on the attitude of the local head man at your local authority. I tried that and he deemed that he would not register it as it was not an arms length transaction.

    I would definitely recommend that you sort out the land ownership thing BEFORE you proceed further with your house building.

    Let me add, other than the plumbing problems, the house construction was very good.

  17. He said no such thing - that is why we asked. As he now says mother was Thai he should obtain Thai passport for exit/entry to Thailand and just use the UK passport for proof of not needing visa at exit and entry/exit of UK. Suspect she will be wanting to travel and perhaps live in both locations during her life and that is the best plan.

    Should he use the child's Thai passport to exit the country will he need to obtain a UK visa for the Thai passport?

    No simply exit on the Thai passport & enter the UK on the UK passport. No problem.

  18. Statistically speaking, how many of you did understood this sentence "For instance, he said, having the same last two digits of 66 appear as the winning number twice in a decade is impossible statistically speaking as it can only occur once in 417 years on average." .. and this one .. "Another highly unusual result was the last two digits of one of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's many vans, which ended up appearing seven times in the 40 bimonthly cycles."

    I did not. I had to double check that this article was from The Nation instead of from Not The Nation.

    How does Thai national lottery work?

    In my opinion, once one "last two digit" number has been drawn, the odds that it will be drawn again is 1 in 100. But I'm not a statistician, only a mathematician. I think the university study is a bit anal.

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