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Posts posted by Volks

  1. Where I live, I have drunk men, coming to my front gate, begging for money, for so called food. We all know its for Whiskey. It's a disgrace and shameful.

    I take offence at you disparaging Pattaya expats in this way.

    Thai men, not X pats.

    I quite like Pattaya as it goes, more than Phuket.

    I live north of Bangkok, but no matter where, I would guess things are much the same all over Thailand?

  2. I couldn't agree more, with what has already been posted.

    I've lived in Thailand for a few years now, and like so many 'GREEN BACKS', I too made the same mistakes when I first visited Thailand.

    Don't use TUK TUKS or rent Jet Skies. Beware of dodgy Lawyers and Police, the list goes on and I'm sure many of us have a story to tell?

    The Country of Thailand is a very beautiful place, bar all the litter and corruption.

    Where I live, us Farang have a saying, 'T.I.T' , ('This Is Thailand'), but as we all know, this Thailand, could and can be a much better place for all.

    I live here because I have a son from an X Thai partner, who left me, taking my son, who I've not seen for over seven months. She also has the home and land I bought plus she stole money from me and her family owe me a lot of money too. But you know what! I can't do much, (LEGALLY), about it!

    'Life is such', as the French say, but hay, more can be done and yes, tourists should be made aware of the dangers of having a holiday in 'THE LAND OF PARADISE'!

    Where I live, I have drunk men, coming to my front gate, begging for money, for so called food. We all know its for Whiskey. It's a disgrace and shameful. I may be Farang but I'm no money bank. Let's face it, we as Farang are not really wanted here as people, it's all about money.

    It's very sad.

  3. All the comments raised, make for interesting reading, with some very good pointers. I would like to add that when I've been to Bangkok, I'm always so very shocked and sad to see so much litter and filth in the streets. I would imagine that so much filth and rubbish would help contribute to the drainage problem, and as so many have already commented, Bangkok is lower than sea level. What can you do with such volumes of water, it has to go somewhere?

    I've also travelled to many parts of Thailand including numerous rural areas and villages and again I'm sorry to have to say that I can't believe how much litter I've witnessed in the streets as well as, "the jungle". It's a real disgrace and a major problem.

    I was always lead to believe that Thailand is the 'LAND OF PARADISE',. Far from it! The Government should re-educate people and make them more aware of the damage they are causing to themselves, humanity the climate and nature.and to provide the facilities for the proper disposal of all waste products. It's not rocket science!

    Why not erect signs displaying, 'KEEP THAILAND TIDY' and have waste disposal bins. Impose heavy fins to offenders make people responsible for their actions. After all, this planet is all of humanities home!


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