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Posts posted by monozed

  1. you don't date your friend's ex's let alone their ex-wife.

    Your answer right here cobba. Let me tell you, having had (a couple) of experiences almost identical to this, the ONLY avenue/answer is to talk with your mate B4 you leave for wherever(the sooner,the better), tell him straight up whats going on & be honest. After all you have no intimate feelings for this girl-right??? I suggest you don't speak/see the girl because experience tells me that the heart always weakens when in a "tight" moment. I suggest you ask your mate to explain why you no longer want to seek contact with her (i.e you have no intimate feelings towards her). Let me tell you that this advice is NOT EASY to carry out/live with, BUT you must face the hard reality & facts of your situation;

    1) IF & very much IF you want your friendship with mate to continue, do not keep him in the dark, & or go around behind his back.

    2) He has a child to this woman. They will always have good cause to keep in touch with each other, & if you go forward with his ex- this will make every thing SO uncomfortable for every one concerned- no maybes about it !!!

    3) Think long & hard about your position; Quite often women(& men) missinterpret friendship/niceness for something quite a lot more, this can & does happen without the other party being any the wiser to it. Nip this in the bud immediately, do not drag it out or play with anyones feelings !!

    Yes i do speak from experience & believe me if do not you want a punch in mouth/ friendship finished etc., deal with this upfront & NOW.

    P.S Good luck :o


  2. Sorry guys but there is only one mono & bronco is not him !!! He can only hope to be nearly as good as me ?? Jeff you are a ledgend, when you make it down here to Adelaide(& or the rest of the motely Surin crew), I will be sure to return your hospitality & I'm sure bronco will be in on it also! (He lives only 200 mts. from me)

    P.S. Bluecat, I do love Adelaide- but having expanded my horizons by visiting your wonderful country(First time outside Australia for me), I am a lot more wiser of the big wide world out there,

    & am now another person besoted by the Thai hospitality/charm!!!

    The relaxed nature & persona of most Thai people (male & female) is what stood out most in my travel experiences & will stay with me for ever. Simply a most beautiful place, inhabited by beautiful people!! Again many thanks to all that i met/encountered whilst there.


  3. G'day to all in LOS. (Monozed here- one half of the tornado that swept through???)

    Well what a trip, my first time in LOS & i can be sure in saying certaintly not my last. Arrived back in Adelaide to cold wet weather, what a contrast to the warmth of thailand!!-give me LOS anyday! A very big thankyou to all the lads in Surin for showing(?) us around, man do those guys know how to party- I swear it was them, not us?? All the best for now, Monozed :o

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