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Everything posted by Misterwhisper

  1. I accept that. I love a substantial and tasty burger from time to time and Carl's Jr.'s were goood. However, what irked me in the original posters comment was his notion that Pattaya didn't have enough quality food around, making it sound like he exclusively lived on burgers and other western fast food fare.
  2. Ever tried Thai food? Or is that not "quality" enough for you? Just curious...
  3. In other words, "on-site" education never worked very well either. Not that the Education Commission would admit to this...
  4. Allow me to interpret that for you: 1) He is one of the wealthiest men in the country BECAUSE he (was) a deputy national police chief. 2) He is only so well respected BECAUSE he is one of the wealthiest men in this country. 3) If he had been a low-ranking policeman throughout his entire career, he would now NEITHER be one of the wealthiest men in the country NOR be well respected.
  5. The only way booze is going to prevent you from catching Covid is if you buy an appropriately large glass jar and fill it up to the rim with your favorite tipple. You then pickle yourself in it, making sure that you stay submerged permanently. Oh, and please ask someone to screw on the lid!
  6. Not to worry. TAT and the Tourism Ministry assured us all very recently that soon 10 million visitors from the Middle East will be pouring in thanks to the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with Saudi-Arabia (a country of 35 million, of which only 12 million are actually locals). And then there still is the Thailand-India travel bubble that is going to bring in tens of millions more. So... with these wonderful prospects, who cares about a measly 40,000 Russians and whether they stay or leave?
  7. Which explains why he is driving an "absolutely non-clean" fossil fuel-guzzling Porsche. Ah, the hypocrisy!
  8. Now listen carefully... as I shall say this only once: "The Fallen-Overboard Madonna with the Big Boobies"
  9. Wife: "Oh, look at that! Thailand gives out 10-year visas for a mere $30,000..." Husband: "Wow, that sounds like a great deal! Wife: "Wait a minute... the small print also says that you're required to invest a minimum $1 million in order to qualify." Husband: "Really? Hm.... let's instead go get citizenship in Dominica or St. Kitts and Nevis for only a $250,000 investment. No more visas needed at all. AND it's much closer to home,. AND they all speak English there, too."
  10. This statement alone already proves that Chartchai Rotrungrangsri without a shred of doubt is delusional and far removed from reality. I have never ever (ever!!!) heard of a single tourist who visited Thailand solely because of its jasmine rice. And the ludicrous assessment that "9 out of 10 tourists" are going to try ganja... does that mean that Thailand basically banks on the arrival of millions and millions of stoners that are going to fall over one another in heaps as they storm airports worldwide? How about the families with underage children, the millionaires? Junkies, all of them?
  11. When will TAT finally recognize the fact that it is Thailand's onerous entry requirements that keep the bulk of potential visitors away? TAT can pull as many fantasy figures from its hat as they want, but that will not do anything to help bring in foreign tourists in droves. Just last week TAT projected "10 million visitors from the Middle East" in 2022 in a ridiculously enthusiastic announcement just because the country had re-established relations with Saudi-Arabia. Either you've got to be really detached from reality or have a child-like mind (or both) if you truly believe that the mere re-establishment of relations will now suddenly cause every other Saudi national to immediately jump on a plane to Bangkok. Just get a grip on it, TAT, and stop annoying everybody with your endless recital of wishful arrival figures as if they were some kind of magical mantra.
  12. Must be a truly horrific situation for "Thais in Russia" at the moment... when they can't check their FB posts 674 times a day.
  13. As unjust and cruel Russia's malicious attack on Ukraine is and as much as the world community is entirely right in condemning Russia for its despicable action, please let's not forget to also apply the same yardstick next time the United States of America unilaterally decide that they must "liberate" some foreign nation. Remember Haiti, Grenada, Somalia, Iraq. What's good for the goose should also be good for the gander.
  14. The truly despicably pathetic thing is: If Russia wins and assimilates Ukraine, Thailand will proudly proclaim that it has "always been with Russia". Yet if Ukraine against all odds should survive this and Russia is being shunned by the world community, Thailand will proclaim that "in principle we always supported the cause of Ukraine's independence".
  15. While Don takes a "neutral stance", Thailand's ambassador to the UN yesterday voted "yes" in favor of a resolution to condemn Russia's attack on Ukraine. Go figure. When one day Thailand's big bosom buddy from the north decides they need to expand into Southeast Asia in what they (just like Russia) may perhaps cynically term as a "defensive attack", I hope that the rest of the world likewise will maintain a "neutral stance".
  16. You forgot that he also can turn water into lao khao with a snip of his fingers and can predict lottery numbers when you give him a good rubbing down.
  17. Hi guys. I am writing a novel about people who want to write a novel about ladyboys who are in long-term relationships with foreign men in Thailand because they are convinced the world is desperately waiting for yet another volume of that sort. For my book, I'd like to interview a couple of authors who have taken on that subject. If you happen to know anyone, please drop me a short line here. Thanks.
  18. He is fighting an impossible battle. Thai Bev and Boonrawd are not going to simply give in. They have more than enough 1,000-baht bills up their sleeves to ensure that the market continues to be theirs - and theirs only.
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