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Everything posted by Misterwhisper

  1. Every idiot saw it coming that Thailand could NOT possibly reach those lofty arrival numbers -- with or without Omicron. Well, EVERY idiot, except ONE.
  2. And herein lies the problem. What the public sector mostly offers is IMpractical action, manifested by convoluted visa and work permit rules that change more often than the seasons, unrealistic financial requirements, restrictive company ownership laws for most foreigners (except Americans, who can take advantage of the Vietnam War-era "Amity Treaty"), etc. etc.. Take a glance at the digital nomads scheme that they recently formulated and realize the ridiculous preconditions they've set up, including income (from abroad!) requirements and fancy university degrees. Then compare these rules to those of other countries (Portugal, Malta, Cambodia, Vietnam, Jamaica, Ecuador, Lithuania, Estonia, and so on and so forth) that make it incredibly easy for digital nomads to live and work there. I wonder how much Lynn Howard got paid for waxing on so enthusiastically. Well, perhaps she needed the additional income...
  3. Be careful, guys. She could whip you to death with that reinforced ponytail!
  4. Just clicked on the link and of course it said "Service Unavailable". Surprise, surprise ????
  5. And rightfully so! There are more than illegal ones around to keep everybody happy -- proprietors, police, and punters.
  6. Will the new edition indicate the Thai and foreigner menu price differences in these distinguished high-end establishments?
  7. What do you do when the actual national police force is as useless as a pustule on your bum? That's right... you ask the general public to do the policing, promising them a cash reward PER reported offender that closely approaches the monthly salary of a police lance corporal.
  8. Thank you for reminding me. Yes, that was him. Purachai, the puritan.
  9. Schoolchildren also cannot legally ride motorcycles under the age of 15 and without proper license...
  10. If I recall it correctly, those strange alcohol ban time periods (2pm-5pm and 7am to 11am) were introduced by an over-zealous interior minister serving during Thaksin Shinawatra's first tenure. Can't remember his name but he also was responsible for quite a few other, rather weird and baffling ordinances. As I understand it, the alcohol ban periods, which only applied to retail shops (supermarkets, 7-Elevens, etc.), were introduced to protect "schoolchildren and students" -- many of whom were hard boozers according to the interior minister. In any case, even back then the measure met with a lot of confused headshaking, because after all: Pupils/students took their lunch breaks from 11am-2pm, potentially buying alcohol during exactly that "free-for-sale" period, while following afternoon classes they once again were able to purchase alcohol from 5pm onwards when on their way back home.
  11. I'd rather wish you'd bar people from Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Liberia, Benin and other illustrious WEST African nations from entering. For completely different reasons than them possibly being infected with the Omicron variant, of course.
  12. Thank you, NNT, for letting us know that this magnificent fair ended YESTERDAY.
  13. But having a brothel (a.k.a. karaoke bar/barber salon/massage parlor/restaurant/etc.) on every street corner and dispatching your daughters to Bangkok/Phuket/Pattaya to work as "telephone operator", "office clerk" or "sales lady" apparently is perfectly in line with Thai morality.
  14. Yep, it took them a little while to steal together all the designs and patents from around the world and use them in their own product.
  15. I have absolutely no clue how that survey could possibly have ranked Thailand so low....
  16. Why do I have the feeling that Thailand is soon going to hold its very own "Democracy Summit"... just to show them Yanks.
  17. Yawn. This constant dissemination of dreamt-up figures by all sorts of ministers and officials really is getting stale.
  18. Nor the DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea, despite the name.
  19. We should believe him. After all, it is the RTP that either runs many of the illegal dens in this country, or at least frequently collects lucrative "donations" from them in exchange for turning a blind eye. It is thus surely in the best interest of the RTP to prevent legal casinos.
  20. At least she got the color sequence right... unlike the below idiots who during their ultranationalist rally last year displayed the flag of COSTA RICA on their stage backdrop.
  21. Don't fret, Thailand. You'll soon receive your invitation to the Annual D-Ship Networking Conference, to be held early next year in peaceful and progressive Turkmenistan. Perhaps you'll even be honored with the "Excellent Leadership Award" trophy, who knows?
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