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Everything posted by Misterwhisper

  1. Who cares how many smuggled luxury cars he has seized???? What we WANT to know is how many other people he and his goons have possibly tortured and murdered in the past and reported their causes of death as being "drug overdosing". What we also WANT to know is what consequences he is going to face for his most recent murder. Why are the police concentrating on investigating smuggled car seizures when we have a very clear murder case at hand that should be prosecuted?
  2. When even a 2-year-old foreign toddler is going to be fleeced for an additional 500 baht "entry fee", you finally understand what TAT meant with its recently announced new slogan: "Visit Thailand 2022, Now Even More Amazing Thailand Has It All"
  3. How dare you all contradicting the honorable, universally worshipped, infallible director of the Center for Incredulous, Outstanding, Unmatched Excellence in Clinical Virology?!?! On second thought, I think all of you are right. A virologist who thinks the infection paths of Tetanus and SARS-CoV-2 are alike, thus comparable, should consider witching to a new career where professional competence plays only a minor role. Politician comes to mind.
  4. A sure winner that is going to bring in the rich in their millions! Or is it? "Then, they must show evidence of payments for their lodgings during their stay in the kingdom, which can be a rented house, a rented condominium room or a title deed of a condominium room. They are also required to have health insurance, with a minimum of US$ 100,000 cover for COVID-19 treatment valid for the entire period of their stay in the country. They must also have health and accident insurance coverage of40,000 baht for out-patient treatment and 400,000 baht for in-patient treatment."
  5. And US$300 gazillion in a Thai bank account. And a signed and notarized statement that they won't complain if their curry is too spicy. And another notarized statement that they will <deleted> off once their 9 months are up.
  6. What was the latest TAT slogan again? “Visit Thailand 2022, Now Even More Amazing Thailand Has It All” It even has an irrational alcohol ban! Amazing! Oh, and it has live music in empty establishments that nobody patronizes BECAUSE no alcohol is served. Amazing! I mean, how much more amazing can it get, actually?
  7. "Someone" would suggest 1 person. But in fact this truly brilliant, mindboggling, almost psychedelic, painstakingly crafted slogan without doubt is the result of countless brainstorming hours delivered by an entire committee composed of the brightest thinkers at TAT and the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, people who throughout the year do nothing else but contemplate the next slogan and pocket generous salaries for their indispensable service. P.S.: My 8-year-old nephew could've come up with this slogan within an hour and in exchange for an ice cream cone.
  8. You've got to be kidding me! This slogan is waaay too short. In order to really drive the point home, perhaps they should have settled for something like this: Visit Thailand 2022, Now Even More Amazing Thailand Has It All, And Also Return To Thailand In 2023, When It Will Be Yet Even More Amazing, Just To Become Even More Amazing In 2024 and Beyond, And By 2030 Will Be The Most Amazing Country Globally, Because Thailand Simply Never Ceases To Amaze, Provided Amazing Thailand Manages To Finally Open Its Borders Again"
  9. I am actually surprised that there even were that many. On the other hand this figure is a double slap in the face for these various idiots with their big mouths and super egos (you all know who I mean) who promised - nay, guaranteed! - that MILLIONS of foreign visitors would stampede into the country thanks to ill-conceived, unviable schemes like the "Special Tourist Visa" and the "Phuket Sandbox". Pretty much everybody with a modicum of intelligence and rational thinking ability KNEW that those schemes wouldn't work. EVERYBODY... except that small handful of self-absorbed, incompetent twits in their Cloud Coocoo Land ivory towers.
  10. You know that you've been living in this country too long when... ...you read sensible comments and suggestions made by a local and instantaneously realize that he cannot possibly work for the government.
  11. Parasites that get under your skin? I contracted one once. Wasn't pretty. Commonly abbreviated as MIL, it's scientific nomenclature is Mamamonsterus inlawis. It is known to come in many mutations. Luckily I eventually got rid of it by treating myself with a large dose of divorce., the one and only effective therapy against this vile critter.
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