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Posts posted by N3M3S1S

  1. It doesn't surprise me one bit.

    The way Thais drink is the problem They cane the spirits way too fast.

    I'm always telling friends to have a few slow beers first and let the system take it in slowly but it's always BANG BANG with them.

    Now wonder when I drink with Thai friends I'm usually drinking alone by 9pm...it's either that or my terrible wind.

    Again, lack of education, add Thai 'no common sense; they see many of their friends die of alcohol diseases, but doesn't prevent them doing it. Yes same in the West. But at least we ARE given the facts, unlike here, where most HIV infected Thais truly believe that all they have to do is take a pill, and it'll go away!

    Stupid stupid government, of any stripe. Shame on the fcking lot of them.

  2. Sopon said his ministry will strictly control the maximum speed limit for vehicles on highways and regulate school vehicles nationwide, focusing on their overall conditions.

    It's not just the highways. Many drivers, farang and Thais alike, drive like bats out of hell down tiny narrow sois. I believe this speeding issue to be far more responsible for accidents/deaths than any alcohol driven driving.

    I once asked a policeman here on Phuket why they simply didn't put up speed cameras (same down town Bangkok) and he said 'too expensive'. On Phuket?! Possibly the scariest place to ride a bicycle, let alone a car/truck anywhere in Thailand.

  3. Unusual, at least from what I have seen.

    My Thai family would never waste food, indeed nor anything else.


    I'm with you, I was always being castigated by my Thai husband for wasting food years ago (although was never prone to dumping left over edibles back home). I learned to save the saveable (not som tum or gaeng som for instance) and put it in the 'fridge for the next day, as most prepared food cannot be eaten after a day or so, even in a 'fridge. What cannot be eaten/not worth saving is put outside for the various dogs and other animals in our soi.

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