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Posts posted by Grove

  1. Not to make an issue of this, but the photo that accompanies the OP does not show a dummy camera, but rather a missing camera. It appears to be a photo of an empty camera housing. And a non-existant camera probably costs even less than a fake one. No? This doesn't change the issue but only its magnitude. The skeptical among us probably will continue to think that our upstanding and fearless leaders simply pocketed the money budgeted for the missing hardware. But that would be unbelievable. Right?

    If they had ordered all the fake cameras to be manufactured in say Taiwan or China (I can't see the Thais being capable of such a feat),

    they would cost more than the dummy cameras, as there are no electronics etc in a dummy camera; but a fake camera is actually a camera,

    it's manufactured to look and work like a real one - except it would be crap like a pair of fake Nike trainers - but cheaper.

    The dummy cameras are presumably simpler to make, and as a result could be manufactured in Thailand as there are no complex components,

    therefore a lot cheaper than the fakes (they wouldn't have been bought by the government as 'fakes' for obvious reasons.

    So, its more likely that they made more money from the deal by purchasing dummy cameras within their own borders.

    Maybe, just maybe, they saved even more money and bought fake dummy cameras!

    And lastly, who's to say that the other half of the total are not 'fake' as well, or 'dummy'. :)

    I would say the camera housing on the pick will cost in the region of 10 000 Baht ( for the government obviously). The first 2 meters of the cable, ( If its real) would probably cost more than the camera ( recording unit) itself.

    As you said, why put a masterpiece dummy if you can do the real deal for a fraction more.

    Happy viewing.

  2. I agree Baht 1500 is a bloody good living for these girls and I feel sorry for them as their living has been snatched from them. Far better that they put up with the suggestive, rude and downright filthy remarks of callers than working the bars.(are there any in Korat) Shame that the Welsh/English bosses were so greedy. If they had paid their taxes and any other necessary costs nothing would have been said. As for acting on a tip-off, come on how long has this been known about?

    Seeing that it is in Isan, I would guess it was known for about 2 day's before they started. The cops had to wait and see if it works or not and only then can they apply for some tea money. After that, it up to the bussiness owners.

  3. Good riddance to these white garbage. What the bloody Thai Immigration and Police needs to do is to be more restrictive in the visas and more intense screening esp to people from Britain, America and Australia and also other European Countries as Thailand and also other parts of Asia are attracting the garbage from these countries.

    Sarcasim only works if it is worded right .If this is not your intent Do not not post on this site Everyone here is an expert!

    Reworded; Thailand is an equal opportunity democratic shit magnet.

    A new one for the Hubb list.

  4. Interesting that only 22 escaped (or were caught?).

    After all they have (had?) 2.800.

    Good, that they have names, Jao Yai sounds cute.

    And sure they dont bite since they are not used to finding their own food!

    The saying goes: Dont teach the crocodile to swim.

    But in Pattaya arent they called Crocothai?

    You could be accurate on the name as the pick in the post is one of a Aligator, defenately not a Crocodile.

  5. The comments here are really shocking.

    The OP is asking about sinsod price or quotation, nothing else;

    He obviously has deep feelings for this girl, and has for several years.

    You should respect that regardless of who/what she is, or what you think she is.

    Trying to warn others about so called "mistakes" is useless and stupid.

    Our mistakes make who we are.

    They are needed in our personal development.

    I don't agree. OP asked for opinions on Sin Sot , Well, he got the replies. If he love her soooooo much, then ignore it. If he listen, maybe, he'll save a lot of money and hartship.

    I wish someone told me their storey and mabe I could have saved 8 Mil.

    Good luck joung man.

  6. Good advice.

    I would guess that between all we old " suckers" here, we have lost more money to bargirls than Thaksin stole from Thailand.

    Who said we LOST any money? We paid for a service and most often got good value for our money. Nobody stole anything. When you sample a lot of "produce" eventually you find a jewel amongst the used goods.

    That's not what I said. A couple of us did not sample a lot of " produce" and found a jewel. Some of us thought he found the jewel and then it was only " Pre-meditaded exstortion".

  7. Mate, a few basic rules will make your life happier:

    1. Never ever consider marriage in the West. Worst contract ever.

    2. Marriage in Thailand can be considered once you are over 60.

    Until then, you will have hundreds of cute girlfriends and will be able to understand the consequences.

    And keep out of the bar scene. Nothing to be gained there.

    Good advice.

    I would guess that between all we old " suckers" here, we have lost more money to bargirls than Thaksin stole from Thailand.

  8. One thing i learn about lady like this...she not stop taking money from whoever man will be around.If you to ask this brit guy if HE does trust her then he will pobable to say same as OP..YES she good girl..wait for me only and joke about taking money off other poor sucker

    He's probably already paid his 300 000 sin sot on an engagement with her.

  9. I saw a Thai guy electrocuted while up a pole. He was thrown clear and his colleagues put a corregated iron sheet on him for ten minutes. Then he got up and went back up the pole! amazing

    Anyway I am glad to see that the girls local to the accident now wear rubber shoes........er what about non locals?

    Why is there no reference in the article to the owner /manager of the socket. What is his/her comment? Maybe that was the bit about now wearing shoes..................classic. Mai ben rai. Dont make a fuss.

    You can't beserious. Best laugh I had all day. Keep it up.

  10. Police report on the death of the young Briton.

    The suspected reason that caused his death is most likely to be a faulty socket and it is probable that it might have been dangerous to touch. However, the exact reason could not be identified because the quantity of electricity samples from the case was insufficient.

    Despite the best efforts of the Thai authorities and their international partners in undertaking an exhaustive investigation, the electricity that caused the death in this event could not be identified and it can not be determined exactly how the young man might have been exposed to it, or if he even attempted suicide.

    Now that's what I call reporting. Great job.

  11. Wonder if all these millions of tablets will becoming from JAPAN ?

    now I wonder why Japan would benefit in that way, did they help anyone recently ??:whistling:

    As said by others here there are far more basic needs in schools throughout like writing books, pencils, and basic necessities like running water and useable bathrooms, drinking water, all better than these tablets that just appeal to the greed in people. Shiny trinkets for the natives is it ?

    Missin link found. That 's why the new government helped with the VISA request.

  12. I could not agree more.

    It is like a formula ((News) + (Conjecture)) x ((Ignorance + Hate)) = Postings on this site.

    You all have over stayed your welcome.

    Go back to the utopia you came from.

    note that 'murder' not confirmed, MFAT says 'died'

    Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

    We all know what the BiB are going to conclude anyway...

    Is there no topic, no situation, no moment of sadness that rises above the self-satisfying rush to Thai bashing?

    Some of use are here because of the people we love and not the country. So mabe you should respect the death of a good man and stop smoking that shit because it'll get you life.

  13. I fear that these tablet computers will quickly become nothing more than toys for the Thai boy and girls. Certainly, the Thai education system needs a lot of help to make it effective, and perhaps a technological approach is the way to go, but it sounds too much like this is another typically rushed Thai government plan that has not been thought through.

    To see if it's a reasonable plan before going full steam ahead, It would be logical to try this as a small pilot program in one of the areas where introducing this type of technology would thought to be difficult. There have been numerous examples of Thai laws and policy changes that have been just downright embarrassing because they weren't thought through in the first place, but Thais never seem to learn from their mistakes.

    A simple device without wifi/ Internet may be the best option, where e-materials for courses and cross reference can be accessed via SD card is used..... After each course, SD's could be replaced with new material as necessary.

    Why even give web access?

    One of the advantages of e-materials is that they can have direct internet links built in and instant dictionary access etc. That requires wi-fi or some such connection. To remove it limits learning potential

    When is that going to happen ? We don't even have 3G yet. The GPRS only work half ok between 8 and 9 am.

  14. Is this idea of giving kiddies a tablet used elsewhere?

    I've never heard of such from developed nations where education is thought to be important. If they don't think it's worthwhile, why does Thailand want to do this. Here, education is rightly viewed as poor. Do the rulers want to make it poorer?

    If they want a good education system, copy a country that's got one. Don't introduce silly schemes that hardly any of the teaching staff can teach and the infra-structure for them to be effective does not exist.

    "It is not the Government job to tell kids what is right or wrong"

    Then why is sex, drinking and certain movies illegal for youngsters. Also, isn't there a law against kiddies being in net cafes after a certain time/

    Several countries plan on moving their education systems to the us of e-book/e--material. That will mean using readers/tabs/smart devices. Korea plans on going paperless by 2015 and has already experimented with elementary students. Some US states have similar but less bold plans. It is going to be the future for education texts as advantages outweigh disadvantages although the publishing industry may fight hard.

    If Thailand has the text digitized then the tab scheme makes a lot of sense as there really isnt any need to go through all the stages others have when you can jump straight there. However, a few months ago Asia Books stated that although they had all their English Language books digitized that at the moment there were technical issues relating to Thai fonts and e-readers that needed to be overcome. I'm sure that cant be far off and will likely be accelerated by government announcments of tab introduction.

    A lot of people seem to miss that the tab as issued in Thailand although having a lot of potential and far more than say a kindle is really going to be used initially as a text accessing/reading device and it isnt much change in that way.

    "English Language books" digitized ? Would love to see the outcome of that.

  15. Sirichai said he was worried about children's health, as research in foreign countries had found that game addiction could lead to unexplained somatic complaints. His own research found game addiction also caused obesity in children.

    "The policy to distribute the tablets to Prathom 1 students is likely to worsen their intelligence, health and behaviour if the government is unable to control the risk factors," he said. "Prathom 1 students cannot clearly identify what is right or wrong, or what they should or should not do. We should not allow children that are too young be exposed to improper programmes because this will result in a negative, rather than positive, impact on them."

    Well...it is not that kids in this country do not already have access to internet ... internet cafes with loads of games are all over the country and they are being used ... !

    It is not the Government job to tell kids what is right or wrong nor is it the job of the schools or teachers for that matter ... it is the parents responsibility, if they do their job then everything will be fine and the kids will become valuable citizen of society later in life.

    I disagree with your last statement :

    1. If it's not the governements responsibility to tell kids what's wrong or right, why do they create this problem for everyone including themselves as the cost of this programe is not limited to supplying the tablets, but the infrustructure that opperates this idea.

    2. It IS the teachers job as that is what they get paid to do.

    3. I don't know if you have noticed that 50% of the parents in this country are not living at home, they have to work elswere to get enough money for the rest of the family to survive. It is normaly the grand-parents that look after the children, and they don't know much other than how to collect food from Nature and talking bull about the neighbours.

    4. In regards to a precvous post. Yes, my two " monkeys" aged 8 and 12 are sort of computer literate, but I guarantee you they will drop at least on tablet in the frst month.

    Can't wait to see the outcome of this joke.

  16. Wouldn't it be glorious to see the military come in the next time the tuk tuk mafia decides that they want to blockade somewhere? The chances of the tuk tuk cowards standing up when the odds are overwhelmingly on their side are slim to absolutely none.

    I'm guessing that standing up to them once really firmly would do the trick or at least cause second thoughts about doing it again.

    Ultimately, it would be nice finding out who is behind all of this and exposing them.

    Looks like this Tri bloke works for the same invisible hand as the tuk-tuks. He certainly doesn't work for the tourism trade. No worries, the tour ops abroad will shut the destination down and everybody can argue over 100% of zero. Khonkaen brought in meter taxis because the tuk-tuks were getting out of hand and now the tuk-tuks have all but disappeared because a ride that used to cost upwards of 150-200 baht in a tuk-tuk (lake to airport), is now 100 baht max in a new air-conditioned taxi.

    Worked like a dream. They only charge 40 thb for any trip any where in town.

  17. I don't know much, but what i did,is put down a small deposit for a house and got her to take out a 30 year loan, if i leave she can't pay it, if she gets a new farang, i'll beat the shit out of him, if she leaves, I'll pay her a small monthly allowance, in 30 years ,she can do what she wants hehehehehehe, small investment, i'd say, unfortunately, she loves me and has to suffer for the egoistic ,thieving,ungrateful antics of her fellow species here in Thailand....

    Great idea. I'll do it this time as I have lost 8 mil myself for trusting. ( Not making the wrong choices)

  18. I'm not a Lawyer but i think this a far better agreement, much cheaper to set up and it's for your life.

    Usufruct Agreements in Thailand

    Usufruct contracts are governed by sections 1417 to 1428 of the Commercial and Civil Code of Thailand. A usufruct is a right granted by the owner(s) of the land/house in favor of a usufructuary whereby this person has the right to possess, use and enjoy the benefits of an immovable property (section 1417 CCCT). The usufructuary has the right to manage the property (sect 1414 CCCT). It can be on a piece of land, on a house or on both of them.

    I tried to get a usufruct stamp (yes, one exists) from the lands department in Koh Samui. My wife was present and fully supported the stamp as it made our marriage 'equal' and took pressure off her from her mother who was taking a very keen interest in our assets. The land officer (the big boss in the office might I add) refused to issue one to us despite both parties asking and our land title being clear, undisputed chanote in my wifes name. His reasoning was that she shouldn't trust me because I was farang and a usufruct stamp was going against the interests of the country.


    Ran into the same problem. Found out later, my wife was the culprit. Get your Lawyer that drew up the contract to speak to the land office while you are there.

  19. A recent World Health Organisation (WHO) report has pegged the number of female prostitutes in the country at 2 lakh.

    can someone enlighten me? how much is 2 lakh.?


    Spelling mistake I guess. I Think it should be La'an. That is 2 Mil. Another mistake I would say is that you can dubble that figure.

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