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Posts posted by capt635

  1. I recently bought a cheap Sony as a back up but its full of ‘Bloat ware’ as usual. I have tried two different ways to ‘root’ it using instructions from the Internet but neither seems to work. Does anyone know a place in Bangkok where they do this? Pantip or Seacon perhaps?

    Thanks and regards to all

  2. Don't worry too much - once you get over the 6 years and 10 - the aging symptoms begin -I KNOW because I am in my 85th year! In the last year especially I have experienced diminished eyesight and worst of all real aches in my arms and back!

    I just ignore it all as best I can! Like You I have done the rounds of the hospitals and all they give you is medicine - heaps of medicine!

    The only answer would be the early coming of the technical SINGULARITY but thats hardly possible for you and I.

    Finally watch your WEIGHT! I stabilise mind by having only coffee and a bun for breakfast and then only ONE substantial meal a day

    Keep it positive friend and good luck

  3. I have a 320i BMW which has just 40k on the clock and is in impeccable mechanical and bodily condition. It has just received its final five year warranty/service check with a BMW Garage in Bangkok. The Insurance company (AXA) which has covered the car over the past five years (no insurance claims whatsoever) has just sent a renewal notice but now it indicates that all claims will be handled by its own selection of repair companies which does NOT include BMW Garages!!!!

    If the vehicle was a Japanese car I would not be too disturbed since these cars are so numerous and well know by all garages I suppose. However BMWs are a totally different matter and I would hate to have a ‘do it all regardless’ workshop get into my vehicle. For one thing there is a proliferation of very cheap fake parts mostly coming from places like China and this could be the basis of all kinds of cheating between the Insurance Company and concerned local garages. Yes I’ve seen it happen with a neighbour a few years ago!

    My question is simply does anyone know from experience, of an Insurance Company in Thailand which would guarantee service from BMW only?

    Thanks to all

  4. Here are the details:

    · My British Passport has expired and has no re-entry visas because I have not travelled outside of Thailand for the past ten years

    · I have renewed my Passport twice previously over the years at the British Embassy in Bangkok

    · I have Permanent Resident (PR) status in Thailand and have been living here continuously for the past 24 years


    My question is: should I bother to renew it for another 10 years and pay Baht 8000 when the only travelling I will be likely to undertake is to the ‘charcoal furnace’ sic!

    What do you think?

  5. Like some of the other guys have already said LOS still has a great deal going for it depending upon how old you are and what you want out of life. I'm an old guy who has worked and lived in many countries during my life time and am unable to think of a better place than LOS for me personally. I'm in my 23rd year of retirement here (PR papers) and life with a much younger wife here just suits me fine.

  6. I read on the Internet that a newer alternative to viagra and the rest is a drug called Alprostadil (Muse etc) cream/gel and ‘pellets’. It had been approved by the British Medical Council and is available in the UK as well as the USA. I like the idea of the 'pellets' which you have to insert in the penis. The advert sates that there are no side effects like you get with the normal drugs!!!!

    Anyone any ideas as to where llne could find MUSE in Thailand?

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