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Posts posted by TimRichards2k

  1. A long time ago, in UK they used to find coffins had scratch marks inside - meaning that the victim was not in fact dead. So they installed a pull cord inside the coffins, connected to a bell above ground. Someone alive in their coffin could then ring the bell to let people know that a buried person was indeed alive. This is where the old English phrase "dead ringer" comes from!

  2. In the first few months of a baby's life they analyse all the spoken sounds they hear. After that, that learned sensitivity to specific sounds is the foundation to 'listening'. So if they hear multiple languages during the first few months of their lives before they learn to talk, then their abilty to understand and recognize words sounding like those they heard in the first few months, will be greatly enhanced. So the more variety of spoken languages they hear in the first few months, the better their ability to learn and use more languages as they grow older.

    If you want detailed information, look at this - http://www.ted.com/talks/patricia_kuhl_the_linguistic_genius_of_babies.html

    Good Luck!

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  3. 1 ) Lease the Land - If you take out Usufruct Interest recorded on the land from day 1, set the Usufruct to last until you die [it can be set for shorter period], then you set up a lease to the benefit of whoever you choose [GF, children, whatever]. The Usufruct gives you guaranteed benefit for life for anything on that land - house, garden, garage, swimming pool,.... So you have the benefit for as long as you live, and on your death, the lease you set up [you are the lessor, the named recipients, the leasees] can carry living in the house for as long as they like or choose. The house you build is then registered in your own name [legal for Farang to own house - but not land]. But the lease between you and a Thai woman that you marry can be unilaterally terminated at any time by either party during the marriage or up to 1 year after the termination of the marriage.

    LEASE - things you may not know about leases between husband and wife -
    A registered lease cannot be canceled by the land owner unless the owner is married to the lease holder.
    Section 1469 of the Thailand Civil and Commercial Code - Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from
    the day of dissolution of marriage; provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith is not affected thereby.

    So solicitors that sell 'Lease for 30 years' for protection of Farang husband are taking money, in effect, under false pretenses, as the wife can, without even telling the husband, terminate it any time she wishes [or vice-versa].

    2) Solicitors also offer 'Create a business' to buy a house. But you must make sure it is a genuine trading company [like selling newsletters or advice back in home country] that can put in legit accounts every year, and do not, for example trade in property. Make sure it is set up so that you are not required to have a Work Permit. A good and genuine solicitor can arrange all this, plus a deal with the land owner. There must be a contract that forbids loans, debts, liens, or the like taken out against the land as surety. And a legal binding contract for support and due care, plus an active commitment to help sell the property if you want to move on. Good idea to include an incentive [e.g. 3% of sale price] so the land owner is motivated to help you at that point in time.

    Let me point out - "This is all my personal opinions. I am not an expert, nor qualified to give advice" . This is the result of ardent research to help many Farang over the last 15 years. Poor souls!

    Want to know more about Laws in Thailand - look here -

    Thailand Civil Code

    Thailand Criminal or Penal Code

  4. Good piece. However for some more in-depth cross-cultural info there's a book called "Thailand Fever" - it's yellow with red lettering and most bookstores will have it.

    The name of the book is a bit awkward I think but it's a good read. It has English on one page and the Thai translation on the facing page and is meant to help falang-Thai relationships "cross the cultural divide". It was recommended to me and I agree with about 90% of the content, far as I can judge it. Worth to have a look at, can be useful for both partners.

    I believe that the Left-hand page explains in English [or other Western language] all about Thai Culture and Thai perspective on any one matter, for the Westerner to read. On the Right hand page in Thai language is an explanation of Western Culture and the Western perspective regarding the same matter or topic, for the Thai partner to read. That way, each side gets a better understanding of their partners way of thinking, and so improves the relationship by helping both sides to understand the other somewhat better. I bought many copies of this book over the years to give to couples to help them understand the very different ways we all think and react to different situations. Well worth buying!

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