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Posts posted by TrymStaumo

  1. Driving a jetski is is not a sport for everybody. You need some basic

    skills to operate a PWC not jetski as it is called in this thread. If you

    do not know how to operate a speedboat, you have nothing to do on a

    PWC. You have to be able to read the sea and the waves, to adjust

    the speed to get a smoth ride. Sometimes it can be better to go faster

    just to avoid the danger of digging into arough wave. In other words:

    If the significant wave hight is 2 meter you can get a better and more

    confortable ride in 30 knots rather than 20, because you are crruising

    on the wavetops instead of diving into the boittom of every wave. You

    also need som skills aboat hoiw to use the throttle to avoid hard landings

    after a take off. This is not a recomended sport for newbies ! Renting out

    a PWC to people without boating experience should be banned. It is crazy.

    I have experience with speeds up to 70 knots, and I have been out in the

    deep blue for more than 35 years,. I know what I am talking about.

    I am a naval instructor and I got a boat driving licence in 1981. MY


    Ugly & useless things. Can't they be banned?

    How ridiculous, yes, it's sad that they were killed on their honeymoon. But they were warned "The guide leading the tour group told the Gazette that he expressly told the tour group not to rent a jet-ski, as most of them could not drive well and many Chinese tourists had accidents with jet-skis in the past."

    They mad a choice and a stupid one at that. They paid the ultimate price for their own decision.

    Lets ban all farang's from driving motorbikes, cars and ban them from bars sincve most can hold their liquor and act stupid. While they're at it, let's ban all the bars that have "hostess" and maybe that will end the AIDS problem.

    Come on, it's a free country where many come for a vacaction and have fun weather it's riding a motorbike or riding a jet ski.

    Ban all jet skis, what will you come up with next.

    I am travelling to Phuket since 24 years and in those days there were no Jetskies and not so much motobikes but a lot of farangs who know something about the country they are travelling to.

    So do you think we dont had fun? We could walk on streets without seeing accidents day by day and belive it or not, somtimes we WALKED more than a kilometer, or we took a BUS to Phuket town.

    I dont blame the farangs renting motobikes here. If we get a normal public transport system and fair prices for taxis and tuk tuks tourist wont rent motobikes or cars and cause accidents...but STOP,

    then the renting shops, garages who repair bikes and hospitals dont make money anymore, even the morticians running out of good business with foreigners. They sent back hundreds of Thai Tourists back in coffins or ballot boxes....so OK, YOU ARE RIGHT

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