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Posts posted by DougLee

  1. Not 100% related, but can anyone advise if I can bring garbage directly to the "Garbage Man"? I have about 20 boxes of useless items and don't want to leave them out on the road. Prefer Patong.

    all garbage is brought to the incinator in Phuket town. Suggest you look for the public garbage truck (yellow/orange) to pass by, and ask if they can handle it all

    They burn stuff? they have mountains of garbage and i have never seen fire come out of the incinerators..

    Do see a lot of people walking on the garbage picking up stuff covered in animal poo and old food though.

  2. I gave up having a good shave many years ago.. Only way is to hurt my very very hard and thick beard and cut myself.

    So now i simply use an electric razor for most parts (if i go out at night i gotta shove again) and finish off the lower neck and the hair the the electric razor missed with a random 3 bladed razor. No clean shave for me, its hopeless. Feel a lot better that way though, i feel like a real man.. Too many androgen weirdos around

  3. I fully realize what I gave up in America, let me list just a few, in no particular order :

    Expensive restaurants

    Expensive insurances

    Expensive transportation

    Expensive housing

    Politically Correctness out of control

    Taxes [which I still have to pay, being American] are out of hand

    Having to pay taxes on my social security that I paid 15% of my income for most of my life

    Government out of control, Big Brother taking over

    Much more violent than here

    People much friendlier here [ever since America was overrun with unfriendly immigrants, that choose to keep their own culture, instead of blending in like the older immigrants use to do]

    Unrealistic laws for everything. There may be too few here but that is better than having a restrictive law for everything

    Laws affecting your lifestyle to an unreasonable degree

    Unions out of hand, controlling companies for unrealistic wages and benefits.

    Anti Business; every week there was a new fee, tax, insurance etc for my business

    Majority of Americans hate anyone that has money, even the people that worked hard for it.

    Everyone with their hand out expecting people that work hard everyday to support the ones that don't wish to work

    We are invisible to younger women, not so here

    Aggressive females, I like the calm Asian ones

    Policemen aggressive to its Citizens

    I could go on with this rant but I am done. And if you ask if I don't like the new America, why don't I leave? I did and its the best thing I ever did for the last 5 years and till I drop

    Where did you live? if you lived in one of the north-east province, almost none of these apply.

    American is paradise, i would move there if they weren't so good at catching people not paying taxes.

  4. Howgh, geriatrickid spoke right ! I just want to add my two Satang, avoid eating butter, buttery cakes and cream topped food ! On most of freshly arrived farang there hangs the smell of old butter and sour milk , I often notice. Joined with your own sweat, a heavy attack to non-sweating Asian's noses ! Take two showers a day, using the good old LUX soap instead of balmy,sticky shower foams ( they actually do not clean the pores deep enough as they should do) , you will notice it when soaping down the first time - your own smell becomes apparently noticeable for yourself then. Rinse, and then soap a second time , you will notice all the odor gone ! If you sweat a lot, why not shower on every occasion. Once in Thailand for a few weeks, the fat lumps of your skin will have been sweated dry . . and such your olfactory character will dwindle. And that 's then a good chance to shop for a decent deodorant and a flask of a manly Eau de Perfume

    dam_n that does make sense.. I had girls tell me my whole youth that i smelled good when i used my mom's dove bar soap..

    Every since i moved on my own with gel soap, if its warm at all i get stinky really fast.. i dont stink that much, but i used to smell great even when i was hot.

    Time to switch back.

  5. Just seems so variable.. I had exactly the same as you maxnet premier (I started when it was promised 2mbit but it kept upgrading) for 1090 (1166 IIRC with VAT) and got solid 5Mbit pretty much day and night.

    Then you have other people on the same package, getting far worse speeds..

    From what i remember of my old 16 years old dslreports.com days, just a wrong setting in windows can lower your speed by quite a lot. I remember we had this little program to change TCP's and ports and packet sizes and it would fix a lot of people's problem. Most people seem keen on downloading any crap that passes through their monitor, a lot of those programs might alter their network configuration. Also half of the people having speed problem are probably infected with a trojan uploading illegal softwares or packets 24/7, there's thousands of kids running botnets of 10s of thousands of infected computer, there's gotta be a few in phuket.

  6. 0-100 km/hr, average of 4 runs (Thai models tested):

    Ford Fiesta hatch 1.6L 6AT (Powershift): 10.9s

    Mazda 2 Hatch 1.5L 5MT: 11.0s

    Mazda 2 Sedan 1.5L 5MT: 11.5s

    Honda City 1.5L 5AT: 11.9s

    Toyota VIOS 1.5L 4AT: 12.1s

    Honda Jazz 1.5L 5AT: 12.2s

    Toyota Yaris 1.5L 4AT: 12.6s

    Honda City 1.5L CVT: 13.0s (discontinued model)

    Honda Jazz 1.5L CVT: 13.1s (discontinued model)

    Mazda 2 Hatch 1.5L 4AT: 13.3s

    Suzuki Swift 1.5L 4AT: 13.5s

    Mazda 2 Sedan 1.5L 4AT: 13.6s

    Chevrolet Aveo 1.4L 4AT: 14.4s

    Many test drivers have commented that Fiesta does not feel as fast as brand x/y, but that's just due to smoother and quieter power delivery and less suspension squat.

    Edit: Added VIOS numbers, and note on Honda CVT's being discontinued (just demonstrating how crap CVT was ;) )

    Thats the problem, when i tried the fiesta(twice) it was very noisy, and had a big kickback on every gear change. Back then i was used to a CVT (which is not powerful but does feel nice when stuck in traffic, no feeling of gears changing at all)

    The kickback on the city is a lot smoother and i feel the acceleration is a lot faster, especially if you use the "1,2,3" speed on the gear stick

    I understand that the fiesta should be faster but there's definately something wrong with those numbers, how is the mazda 2 even in front of honda? it has 103hp vs 125hp for jazz/city

  7. Both shit slow cars, but please get the ford.

    Honda City is about the same price and is much more powerfull/confortable than both. Better resale value. Only bad thing in the city is the dumb side angle block on the front window. The honda feels like a F1 race car compared to the mazda/ford


    Fiesta 1,6 has more hp, more tourque, more cc and a much more efficient 6 speed DSG auto. In addition Fieasta hatch suspension is on the sporty side, while City is designed to be comfy for old people.

    Mazda 2 performs on par with City though

    have no idea why you use a slash between Mazda and Ford, as they dont have specs in common. And if any of these would feel like a F1 car, it would be top spec Fiesta hatch

    I thought the same thing when i read the brochure, then i drove one and something definitely slowdowns the acceleration. i saw NO difference between the fiesta and mazda 2.

    My first car was a 01 Hyundai accent GSi and it was much more powerfull than those 2 cars. They definitely must of lied on the HP.

    The mazda's suspension was quite nice compared to the fiesta, the fiesta felt like my Jeep Wrangler back in canada.

    At first i thought it was the dealer's car that sucked, but it had less than 200km

  8. I have always understood that if you pay for 10mbit line, you are paying for 10mbit of domestic bandwidth. International bandwidth is shared by everyone and varies by provider and how much they are willing to buy. I read on this board CAT charges isps something like 15000B per mbit in intl bandwidth so therefore for every 1mbit is intl bandwidth there will be at least 40 people sharing that just to cover cost. Hence, no good connection outside Thailand.

    i get 5mbps on international connections at any hour with 3bb.. so i doubt they share it with 40 people

    Im on the 3mbps premier with a mixup putting me at 5

  9. nice wood but why all the pastel colors? Makes it looks about 45 years older

    Maybe subconsciously my wife and I like it because we did live near Fort Worth for 7 years and the show "Dallas" was one of our forever favorites. Wife's cousin, who owns a contractor business has got a lot of business because of the style, quality from higher end clients.

    Im not gonna judge you since you did grow up with that show :jap: I'll just blame CBS, wonder what are old thai's excuse :D

  10. This axle issue wouldn't manifest itself in squealing when coming to stop, would it??

    Do you still get the squealing noise when your wife isnt in the passenger seat?


    I see the Mitsu Thailand website has not been updated as yet with any information about these model changes :huh:

    because they are slow , webmaster is sleeping :)

    Even the staff in mitsu dealerships have nothing but their "loan sheet" for the 2011.. not even a brochure.

    Idiot dealer even had the nerve to tell me the 2wd is 165hp while on the price sheet it says all models 178hp, she obviously denied it even after i pointed it out.

  11. I know you said 6k as your top budget, but in case you don't find anything you like, BL mansion just at the foot of Patong hill (Kahtu side) has lovely little one bedroom flats for about 8k. Well that's what they used to be a while back, can't see them having gone up too much. Anyway, the couple who own it are lovely, and it's a nice clean place to live. Free wi-fi included.

    P.S I hope for your sake that bloke isn't you in that picture 'Douglee' because he's <deleted>*king annoying!


  12. I am not a permanent resident as I still refuse to cut ties to my homeland. This doesn't facilitate an LTR with a Thai when I make clear that I have no intention of living full time in Thailand. Why should I? My quality of life is significantly better where I come from. Sure, I pay in excess of 50% of my income to my government, but I like medicare, and I like living in a country where my rights are protected. I'm at best a valued invitee of Thailand. Unlike others, I am not about to show deference to the local authorities who really aren't up to snuff. Full residency means that I have to accept 2nd class status, and it means that I have to accept the Thai way. There is no full time job opportunity for me even if a permanent resident as I do not see being appointed a deputy health minister anytime soon. I have no patience for the red yellow stupidity, nor for the military position, nor for the out of control corruption. For some people, it works fine, but for those that need to work in an environment where there is integrity and efficiency, Thailand is a morass. In my entire work career, no homeland government official, no one ever, has expected or sought a bribe. I have never been subjected to extortion or threats from anyone in my homeland. Can the same be said for Thailand? I maintain a small pied a terre in a major urban center in my homeland. I think the population is about 2million. Last year there were 40 some odd murders. The number of fatal car crashes due to drunks is minimal, I can cross the street and not worry. Crime is of no concern. I can drink the tap water and I don't have the same risks as I do here. Why would I give that up?

    More importantly, my western work is judged upon results. It doesn't matter what hours are worked as long as timelines and objectives are met. If I need to come in at 11:00 hrs it's not an issue as long as the work is done. I usually work 5 days a week. In Thailand, people show up at the workplace from 08:00 until 18:00 hrs. 6 days a week, but they aren't at work. they are daydreaming, screwing around, picking their noses, slacking off. I can accomplish more in a day than my Thai counterparts achieve in a week. Who needs that sh*t?

    That's my personal view and I keep it to myself. It's not my country and I can't tell the locals how to do things, even when asked. For people like me, Thailand has nothing to offer me, except a break from things, some interesting challenges and an injection of appreciation for my western life. Even the available vaginas are well worn and stinky. I don't have problems in the west and can get a job anytime. I can meet younger women back in my homeland as well and they aren't hookers in a bar. Thailand is ok, but why would I want to permanently live in a country so far below my own?

    Now, if I had a wife and kids and a loving local family, I would perhaps think differently. However, i don't. My father would never ever think of asking me for money, nor would a family member, although I would willingly give it. My father basically subsidized a decade of advanced education. Education and duty of service to the nation were taught in our home. I have siblings, cousins etc. why would I need to replace my imperfect but acceptable family? Like I said, if I married someone from my station in life, or if I was older, things would be different. I'm a single male 20 years away from collecting any type of decent pension and these are my circumstances.

    Your whole post resumes my point of view, i have the same kind of job. Only difference is i have a family here and im much younger, i have a good "local family" but do not really care about it as i only love my real family and that wont ever change, i don't really talk because i dont speak thai.

    We're here because some things appeal to us, but its not forever. It's hard to get setup in the west when you are young, its hard to start a family, we're doing it here and as soon as we can afford everything at once in the west. Big house + big pool + great location + money for business etc etc, then we will move. It's not worth living a medium quality life and having debts in the west, while here you can just pay for everything per month and start your life comfortably with no stress. We went back to my country last summer and it was great, we missed thailand a little but wow. How fun is it to leave the house at 1pm in the summer and being able to walk 250meters to a huge grassy park with a soccer/baseball field , trees and a huge kid's playground with sand(not cement like here) while not being burned by the sun or cut by broken glass or made sick to your stomach by a bunch of food/cigarette butts lying all over the ground. Having no dogs in the street or barking all night, having pesticide free veggies and fruits and having police arrest and fine heavily people who might kill your children on the road.

    Thailand might be fun but when you can afford to live the same lifestyle in your own country, life is a lot better there. When i can own a 500k$ house, 10mins from the bridge to the capital with a lot of green next to the house, thailand will become a 3weeks holiday every year. Even the laos restaurant next to my family in my country is better than thai food in thailand, super high quality, real laos women. and let's not forget the delicious ways of the thai/viet restaurants who make thai food taste like sweet heaven. Cooking thai food costs about the same as here, 10mins from the house we had a nice small family asian store with all veggies imported, even banned products like MSG available. Same price as thailand for most products. Going to the zoo is a lot more fun and cheaper than in thailand, for the price of a SUV in thailand, in my country i can get a small 2004 sports car with 250hp turbo and a nice family car for the woman. i have an actual theme park 10 mins by car, which is maintained meaning i wont die in a ride. etc etc etc

  13. I was wondering, am i the only one who does not have a single clue to what this "aussie" is trying to say? He speaks like a bad joke about bar girls, How do you guys make anything of it?

    If you read it with an OZ accent, it all makes perfect sence. If you say 'Barbie' in an English accent, you think of a doll, but say it in an OZ accent, and you think of sizzling prawns. :)

    There used to be a regular poster on here called something like 'NZpete' His posts used to crack me up. They were written exactly as if he was talking to his mates in a bar. He sounded like an extra in a Crocodile Dundee film.

    lol :jap: :jap: :jap:

    I must be one hell of a idiot to never use my local slang/accent with any foreign person :blink:

  14. I was wondering, am i the only one who does not have a single clue to what this "aussie" is trying to say? He speaks like a bad joke about bar girls, How do you guys make anything of it?

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