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Posts posted by polecleaner

  1. what the criteria for attending the get together, it seems to be so many posts and a member for more then 3 months, have i got that right. to me thats like putting 20 million in the thai bank, but your only a valued customer, even though we need your contributions to survive after you've walked in the bank 20 times or 3 months has past. it seems to undermine the common decency of the nubbie forum members, once i join something i'm 100% committed, postings or time frames really have no relevance to my intentions or commitment. How do these regulations and procedures work with the partners of the forum members, they might never have even seen the forum, never posted or don't even know how long there partners have been a member on the forum. i would have thought if a nubbie is willing to pay for a BBQ that in it's self shows attention and commitment towards the forum.

  2. Thanks for that KBB, the security issue is a genuine concern, i look forward to attending the get together. ah a fly in the ointment, haven't been a member long enough and don't think i've got 20 posts yet, i've replied to this situation regarding the criteria for attending the meeting on the other relative get together thread

    In the opening post it says this topic is for people who want to sign up to attend the event only.

    Some people on this forum remind me of a mob of sheep at a gate.

    Hanging back waiting to see who will go through first.

    What are you worried about, i have my walking stick and KBB has his wooden leg, we will look after you :)

    This is a topic for signing up only, so please no more off topic posts. Off Topic posts have been deleted. There is another thread to discuss the vent.

    I realize the security issue, and have been giving it some thoughts.

    I am a Highwaypolice Volunteer. I will have a chat with a couple of local Police offisers to either have frequent patrols or have offiser(s) to join us for the night.

    As this invitation thread was posted at the same time as the annual Blues Festival takes place in Phuket, it will not have RicknRolls or my full attention until Monday

    Still got the Blues :D

  3. I think the OP original question was just that, a question on house sitting, but i agree the OP would be better given a bit of back ground to how they have arrived at the idea of house sitting, i'm sure a house would be perfectly fine to the elements for a month or two over the wear and tair of a house sitter.

    OK, stop being so vague, give us the reason why you asked the original question, if it was just a general observation that you where asking about, then whats the harm in that, but your coming back a bit defensive which means your not fully aware of the implication and problems of the thing you have asked about, please be a bit more open and say why you wish to house sit and the situation that has lead you to this choice of life style. PS i've had no takers for the big bike sitting, damm!!!

    Interesting projection here. It assumes I neither own a home currently nor have I ever owned one - both untrue. Good luck with your big bike! B)

  4. I can even get a True sim free, yes free, when you arrive at Bangkok and Phuket airport they are free from small self service information racks and you get 5 minutes free to a land line back to Europe or about a minute to a mobile.jap.gif

    I agree why buy at over 250B when the OP knew they were 49B from 7/11,"i know why", 7/11's are so hard to find, A great find is "super cheap" have started opening convenience stores, they truly are super and cheap

    Am I missing something here on this post ? :blink: Why would the OP go to the 3rd floor shop when he alrady knows they are readily available for 49 baht from the nearest 7/11 ? :huh: To then waste time and effort to tell us this only adds to the confusion ? :blink::sorry:

  5. I was amazed at a shop that was taken over by a Thai girl, straight out of beauty school, done a 2 weeks coarse and her boyfriend fitted this shop out for, wait for it 200,000B!!!!!!.

    This is how crazy they are, within a month she decided on a whim that she didn't want the shop any more, of coarse not her money so that horrible attitude of "i don't care, not my problem"and the farang with not one penny back, literally just handed the keys back and one of her friends snaked in a lifted the fittings.

    Genuine story!!!!!!, who's to blame, is it the sad love sick stupid farang, or the manipulative thai girlfriend, knowing she is fleecing him every day, or are they both to blame as much as each other.

  6. Amazing how the OP see's his Bike, through rose tinted glasses me thinks, my neighbour next door has a Harley heritage, i think thats the model, i'm not into bikes but that's a thing of beauty. chrome, white wall tyres, immaculate and a absolute head turner, mind saying that he looks like one of the village people the way he dresses on it. the green eyed monster and envy coming out there, joking apart now thats a bike!!!!

  7. I went to the friendship beach xmas eve bash, for under a 1000B the food was pretty tasty, just what was needed, lots of choice, the staff all ways attentive and polite and the setting, well it's outstanding, the entertainment was a couple of i think English guys, perfect for the setting, a little bit quiet as i think people would have danced to there music, they even sang "white christmas" as it should sound, a very enjoyable easy night, of coarse the heavens opened and the rain came, but late, so didn't spoil a thing.highly recommended for next year!!!!

  8. Walking along beach road for the festival to celebrate the beginning of the high and peaks seasons, it was dead, i know it was raining but in past years even with rain it has been unwalkable because of the crowds.

    Just come past that new Patong city view point, unbelievable, a bus had parked and let people off to sight see and take photo's, the traffic tailed back to the Caltex garage, i can't believe someone really thought that project through and at 9 million baht, wow.

    I passed Banana nightclub aswel the other night and thought "ah bamboo scaffold up for work" i've just passed and it's the new finished exterior, it looks so badly done, 0 out of 10 for effort.

    Can anyone think of a new road that hasn't fell to bits within 6 month, potholes within potholes

    As for the water supply on the hills in Patong it's non existent, last month nearly 20,000 in bills for water trucks

    The rough and readiness of phuket 10 years ago had a quaintness about it, but the money and investment that has been ploughed into the place it should look a lot better and have a better feel about it.

    What wasn't a moan or a irritation then is now turning in to one.

    Just look at the tourist forums. Many, many returning guests.

    how about your bookings this season are they still as good..and last years customers still coming back in the same numbers?

    Returning guests is not the problem, new guests are. Also virtually no walk in trade.

    November was a good month, for me anyway, December seems to be (way) down for everybody. Beginning of next year looks ok regarding bookings, could do with some walk ins though, later on in the year is again not looking too bright.

  9. Hi

    Can i ask offensive in what way, your good lady must get defensive about the relationship, could you tell us about any age difference and any problems if any you see as a farang and her as aThai, it might make the people who are clearly finding it distasteful understand a bit more. Even i've had a UK girlfriend 13 years the difference in age and people would raise there eyebrows at dinner parties.

    ..."seeing older, foreign men with young Thai girls quite distasteful."

    Careful, my wife might find that offensive :lol:

  10. Hi misschris

    The disgusting thing i think you refer to is normally the age difference, even unbelievable to me how a old timer see's the point of a Thai girl old enough to be his grand daughter and they don't even speak a word of each others language, love ah. would the same old guy allow his grand daughter to date a guy over 60, even if he had money.

    I think and am sure if the guys you refer to mistreat there Asian girls they'll have a history of abuse with western ladies aswel.

    The tatoo's, thongs and singlet are the uniform of the tatoo **ck wits, "you can take the boy out of the council estate, but you can't take the council estate out the boy" normally the moral fibre of a cockroach, sorry to all cockroaches out there!!!!

    Q:men with thai women

    A:YES because western men are sick and tired of being treated like sh* t and thai women look after there men pure and simple

    why is that its disgusting to a western woman to see a western man with a thai lady i think they are itchar!!!

    As a western woman, what I fin

    d disgusting is how some of these men treat the women (Thai, Filipino...it doesn't matter) in their company. So rude & obnoxious and usually dressed in thongs, singled & stubbies...while they are with a lady who is really nicely dressed. It must be so hard for some of them and I am ashamed.

    Yet I read here lots of postings from western men who clearly dearly love and cherish their Thai gf or wife. Good for you!

    Quite right! Are you here on holiday - or have you only been here for a short time?

  11. The kittens in question did have over the top fluffiness, on a scale from 1-10, a 10, but had green piecing eye's, like beautiful emeralds, looked like something out of a CGI cartoon movie, if you sent me a email i'll send the photo i took of it, we've framed it and have it as our adopted kitty without the mess or damaged furniture. i've got photo's of horses and pigs too

    Just visited Jatujak market in Phuket. Four kittens at two different stalls; all fluffy, so might suit your girlfriend.

    Thanks for info...but a bit hard to tell if a ''fluffy kitten'' will grow into a ''fluffy cat'' as is the birman..this fluffiness and the breeds love of being pandered to..love being groomed and handled constantly and apparently are known for their extreme friendliness. The big blue eyes are also a ''big deal'' according to g/f...so now ''birman hunting''...nothing else will do ...:)

  12. I first can here 1986 when it was still a jungle, i remember elephants walking around, grazing and no sign of a 7/11 or family mart, but i remember the sunshine coast and the whit sundays in Oz as a beautiful place, parts of the UK, asia and Europe the same, everywhere in the world is now build on greed, just look at the last 2 years in the financial world, phuket is just the same, money is king here, as for it being dirty, yes but you can go to any run down or poor area in the world it'll be the same but with violence, try walking around any government estate in UK or the USA after dark, the girl thing, except for a few exceptions it's strictly business. i don't agree with it but it's a win win situation.

    Taxes, try living anywhere with tax on everything, i mean proper USA and UK tax, imaging being some old boy, worked more then 50 years, sorry your redundant, oh and by the way your pension plan has been screwed up by the men in suites, austerity measures and not even a sorry, get me on a plane back there, sounds peachy

    Budgie smugglers, thongs, they should be compulsory for the tourists, bad enough seeing a bloke in them but a white well oversized, larger, big boned, it was after i had my first child, is that a McDonalds, do you think i look fat in this, is that mirror faulty, sorry about breaking the scales, he loves me for who i am, larger lady walking around in a thong, well i'm salivating thinking about it, Ooh, sorry that's my personnal lonely hearts ad mixed up here.

  13. Hi pete, why rent at 20,000 a month, i already have a beautiful apartment, i bought it as the pent house at the time, this is i buy at 700,000, spend 200,000 on a quick renovation and sell for double, staying well under the market value with a 100% mark up, i've done it so many times now, whether at the top or the bottom of the market, word of mouth is always the best information, thats why i originally asked the question, it might be small money at 700,000 but i'm still not willing to get my fingers burnt, i've bumped into to many of those character

    Fair enough mate, but for 700000 baht you should be able to rent a 1 bedroom apartment at 20000 baht a month

    Signing a i year rental agreement for the first year for approx 3 years.

    There are some nice apartments for that price, i have found that after the first year if you are a good tenant

    landlords are happy to keep you there on a month by month basis with 1 months notice.

  14. Hi pete, i agree the thread has wavered, but interesting, i see it as a toxic buy, i do my full dudiligance on any property i buy, at 4 million not a great buy but at 6-700,000 worth a punt

    Here we go again....i thought this post was about PHUKET PALACE.... not condos in general...

    This post started of by the OP asking if the Phuket Palace was a good investment.

    Buy following the thread it is definitely not like most condos in Phuket.

    You would not have a apartment for sale there by any chance

  15. Of all places i sore them was at the big weekend night market/ bizarre down the road from central about 6 month ago, around the back where they have the pet section, if you can call it that!!!!, i actually looked twice if they were not Burmese or siam they where the best copies i've seen, worth a look!!!

  16. the only other palace ive heard of is the queens palace, you won't get a curry, just man gravy, i think he means that one. I managed to get a look in a condo in phuket palace by a real estate agent, he surprised me by telling me all what's going on, the pool is owned by a separate company, if i buy the condo it has to go in the rental pool, the court case is into it's 8th year and the place will be declared bankrupt or enter liquidation soon.

    Yes, 2 or 3 have been sold at nearly 4 million in the last few months.

    I asked"what happen if it goes bankrupt", the agent simply said "your in Thailand", but stated at the right price, i suspect under a million i couldn't loose in any circumstance, and guess what there are some available at that price by private sellers.

    If anyone knows any other condo's where i can get a 50 sq mtr condo freehold for under a million i'd be interested as stated by some forum members.

    I'd also like to know if there's any links or reference to the program aired on Oz TV about the place

  17. Hello, i've been looking for a reasonably priced condo to buy, i'd looked at the phuket palace in patong just along from the Simon cabaret about 18 month ago and the prices were over 3 million for a 50 square metre condo, now on passing i hear the prices have come down a million to 2 million or less, i've herd rumours and stories about these condo's but i can't get to the bottom of any conflicts in the place, does any one know the truth and are they a sound investment at below 2 million baht.

  18. I can only agree with whats been said 110%, but give it time and pattaya will turn as did phuket from the early days, one thing that phuket has lost is common sense amongst the Thai community and authorities. It's a complete free for all, especially in Patong.

  19. The prices i have been quoted so far are so far apart and when i have had my eye's tested not the same results in all 3 opticians so far, someone recommended shops in tesco lotus mall, best price i have had so far is over 10,000B for black frames with progessive lenses and grey colour change, i need ASAP

  20. I can only agree 100%,i have hit the same place many times, driven around the island now is like a car testing coarse, Karon looked beautiful but now it looks like a demolition site, Rawia is the same, roads dug up everywhere, my friend can't even leave his own home because the road is missing outside his house, even the north of phuket is getting dug up. Someone must be held accountable for all this upheaval and inconvenience, if they would repair and leave the road in good order at least would be something and of coarse it has to be done in high and peak season.

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