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Status Updates posted by REM

  1. "I'm supposed to be back in LA, my wife is pregnant. What am I supposed to do?" "Have you seen Forest Gump?" "Yes." "Well, he ran across America, and he was pretty stupid." - Due Date

  2. 6:30AM is too early to go to work! At least I get to walk by the market this morning :)

  3. Another early morning, I haven't slept good in a week!!!!

  4. Another rainy morning in Thailand!

  5. God dam_n cats have been fighting outside since 4:30AM!!! Guess I'm awake now

  6. Got my appointment for a half sleeve on my arm in a week!!!!!!

  7. Hell yeah, booking my flight back to Thailand today!!!!

  8. I already miss Thailand ssssoooo much!!!!

  9. I have sent you a PM. I have an MBA, am fluent in Spanish, I am from Phoenix, AZ, USA and have lived in Mexico for about 5 years. I am currently living in Bangkok, and have full visa and work permit.

  10. I just found an Oishii restaurant here, let's see how good it is in America........

  11. If anyone wants to get a hold of me, just call me in Skype and it will go straight to my cell phone!

  12. It's too early. I woke up at 2AM Phoenix time (4PM Bangkok time). One word....sucks!!!!

  13. Just downgraded my iPhone 4S firmware for an unlock!!!! Took two seconds!!!

  14. Just got a wholesale hookup!!! Hell yeah!!!!

  15. Just ordenes the TPSIM to see if it really will unlock my 4S!

  16. Just ordered 5 new shirts from the Tailor and some new D&G sunglasses. Gonna look fresh all summer!!!!

  17. Just woke up at 4:15AM. In four hours I'll be on the airplane. Feeling kind of sad to be leaving here...again. But I'll be back soon enough!!!!

  18. Keep having trouble sleeping. Today, I woke up at 4AM!!!!

  19. My nerdy side is boiling to steady roll here. I just read a Star Wars book, and I absolutely loved it!

  20. Off to start the new tattoo!!!!! Pix coming soon!!

  21. Sitting here in the Taipei airport and it's in the low 60's. dam_n, I haven't been in weather this cold in a long time!!!!! It sucks!!!

  22. Sitting in the chair waiting for the new ink!

  23. So my Rebel SIM unlock order was cancelled due to quality problems....just ordered a new Gevey SIM S. Hopefully this one comes through!

  24. So the downpour begins.....hope there's no more torrential flooding....

  25. This app said it would post my tweets to Facebook, but it didn't do it so far!!!!

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