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Posts posted by rocknrollpoet

  1. This Guy is crazy...made his living with this buseness for all his life...he is sick...obsceen and a hipacreat. I can't spell but you know what I mean...I do have what is called common sence...and I feel Thailand is in for some rough times down the road a bit. He aint helping one little bit.

    He is part of the problem not the solution. I have traveled all over Thaialand and have seen working Ladies in every town and city. They are not for us Americans and why does he think he should go to the US Embassey???? That buseness was here before the Viet Nam war and will be here long after he is dead and gone. We did not start it! He thinks he is go-like...the man to listen to, the man with all the answers...he is a clown...a joke. But he has money and so he is also dangerous.

    I meant God-Like
  2. This Guy is crazy...made his living with this buseness for all his life...he is sick...obsceen and a hipacreat. I can't spell but you know what I mean...I do have what is called common sence...and I feel Thailand is in for some rough times down the road a bit. He aint helping one little bit.

    He is part of the problem not the solution. I have traveled all over Thaialand and have seen working Ladies in every town and city. They are not for us Americans and why does he think he should go to the US Embassey???? That buseness was here before the Viet Nam war and will be here long after he is dead and gone. We did not start it! He thinks he is go-like...the man to listen to, the man with all the answers...he is a clown...a joke. But he has money and so he is also dangerous.

  3. Belhaj was detained by the CIA in Thailand in 2004 following an MI6 tip-off, allegedly tortured, then flown to Tripoli, where he says he suffered years of abuse in one of Muammar Gaddafi's prisons," the Guardian reported.

    Does anyone else find it interesting that following the alleged tortue he is sent to Tripolli by the CIA who if you believe speculation were supporting Gadafi at that time and now this guy is a high up in the overthrow of Gadafi once again speculation says The CIA are supporters of the Gadafi overthrow. It all boils down to "if we the minions were to ever find out what the governments of the world are really up too it would blow our socks off.

    I must agree with post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would blow our socks off !!!

  4. Should read... "PT MP's squabble over the right to skim the cream from upcoming mega-projects." Some of them may claim that they didn't do as well as others from last years red shirt shin dig in BKK, giving them the claim for a cabinet post. Trying to be positive...this is going to make a great movie one day.

    I quite agree with looping here...and headlines aint squat...what they want to world to know aint what we know here in the Magic Kingdom. Man...the world has a bleak future. I am glade I am not just starting out in this mixed up place that humans have ruined. I life my life as a citizen of the world, a child of the universe but with no plan to hurt anyone or take what is not mine. Smiles are getting harder to find and muster up...'let the world call me a fool...as long as things are right with me and you'...Waylon Jennings.

  5. Thank You...I so agree with you...what is wrong with the thinkers of the world??? The future is grim...with these out dated, government, oil company, greedy f--ks, and misinformed ,so-called leaders telling the world that we must go on like we always have...shameful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i'm sure they could accomplish all their cooking and automotive needs with hemp seed oil. Not only is it healthy, it's clean, fast growing, produces textiles, far better than cotton, doesn't need chemicals, can make it into a stronger than steel material, (henry ford) did it a long time ago. It would solve a lot of problems. Palm oil is just stupid anyway you look at it. Try to sell palm oil in the western world as something to cook with, you can't, they have to sneak it into baked goods somewhere it's so bad for you. screw nuclear, screw petroleum, thailand has everything it needs if it can think outside of the box they live in.

  6. Maybe if the young Thai woman who dam_n near got beat to death selling fruit on the Phuket beach would just take her shirt off next time, perhaps the police would then take notice of all the crime?!

    I think as I look at most old Thai paintings that the females in old Siam did not wear tops like most other tropical countries around the world. It was when western missionaries started pushing western values it changed. It has been pushed on them so much they think it is their culture like a few other customs we all know about. It is though, todays way. Put up signs...get real. Warn people...tell, explain, and inform. Help the tourist. It is not a big thing, like some of the other negative things that happen in this country that are noted in post on this page. Violence, cheating, graft, murder, drugs, mayhem, ??????????? Boobs on the beach really are not a real big deal now are they? Sad, very sad. Let it be...

  7. Thai police failed to establish a legal case.

    Disgusting beyond belief.

    I wish the two friends all the very best of luck and hope you get justice for Raymond.

    I agree with you Man, hope for justice...2 friends that have had enough...maybe just maybe they can get more people into this and they will have to change this situation and maybe even change the way other farang are treated in the future...Right On guys...I all of us go into the streets like the red shirts they would have to review the case and so lets get the press involved. Best of luck to the friends in Hue Hin. Folks...how much is too much???.................................ahhh, crap...it won't happen...and the guy who said what is the British government doing about it, Maybe we all should ask THAT question...as long as our governments let it slide, look the other way...forget about it really, the longer we as ex-pats will get the shaft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Thai police failed to establish a legal case.

    Disgusting beyond belief.

    I wish the two friends all the very best of luck and hope you get justice for Raymond.

    I agree with you Man, hope for justice...2 friends that have had enough...maybe just maybe they can get more people into this and they will have to change this situation and maybe even change the way other farang are treated in the future...Right On guys...I all of us go into the streets like the red shirts they would have to review the case and so lets get the press involved. Best of luck to the friends in Hue Hin. Folks...how much is too much???

  9. Half a gram or more he's a junkie anyway, smoking drugs.

    It's quite obvious you have no idea, what a junkie is, tell me sir, are you a drinker or do you smoke cigarettes, they have found, in case your unaware, the smoking a little pot for some, is one of the best remedies for many, many things, does that make them a junkie?

    Now over drinking or smoking cigarettes is a different story, yea right!

    I quite agree with Koto...

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