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  1. I used my Paypal account on the 17th Dec when I received money into it, and then quickly transferred it to my Thai bank account. So, it seems they are not sticking to their 15th Dec closure edict? ......is it just me or are others still being able to use THEIR PP accounts?
  2. Just a thought, if my Thai wife opened a new account with Paypal and went through all the NDID rigmaroll but used my email address, would THAT 'work'? - Oh..... what about the 2-step log-in - when I log-in on my PC, Paypal send me a log-in code which I must use. The log-in code would go to HER mobile phone so she would need to be next to me when I wanted to log-in?...... just trying to find a work-around!
  3. Anyone got any updates on Paypal Thailand's discriminatory dictat about barring anyone who is not Thai from using their platform? After all it contravenes the UN Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice, Article 2.2 .....2. Racism, of which Thailand is a signatory! Another beef I have is they have not defined what they term as a 'resident'. Do they mean someone who resides (ie. lives) in Thailand? Or do they mean someone who holds a Residents Permit. The latter definition makes no sense as a Residence Permit holder is obviously not a Thai national. This whole sorry saga is nonsensical at best, and racist at worst!.
  4. So who exactly is making up these discriminatory rules? Is it a Thai government department, The NDID entity (whoever THEY are), The soon-to-be Paypal Thailand or Paypal head office USA?
  5. Just a thought......Thailand is a member of the UN. Here is the UN Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice, Article 2.2 .....2. Racism includes racist ideologies, prejudiced attitudes, discriminatory behaviour, structural arrangements and institutionalized practices resulting in racial inequality as well as the fallacious notion that discriminatory relations between groups are morally and scientifically justifiable; it is reflected in discriminatory provisions in legislation or regulations and discriminatory practices as well as in anti-social beliefs and acts; it hinders the development of its victims, perverts those who practise it, divides nations internally, impedes international co-operation and gives rise to political tensions between peoples; it is contrary to the fundamental principles of international law and, consequently, seriously disturbs international peace and security. Seems that Paypal Thailand haven't read it!?
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