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Posts posted by patayayaya

  1. Don't let our country go down a path of which this time there would be no return.

    I've seen this country going on a path of no return since the time I arrived here in 94, and I think it had been going in that direction for some time already by then.

    was it ever going uphill???

  2. Feel sorry for poor Thailand as it did not even make the top 10 Lonely Planet best places to visit in 2014 better luck for 2015













    SOURCE: Lonely Planet Best of Travel 2014

    if you even looked at that list twice you know your retarted right........

  3. A CCTV video record shows that the suspect took only 20 minutes to rob the store

    xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.-IItaThStW.webpOnly 20 minutes?

    What did he do? Queue up?

    I know. He joined the wrong queue and got stuck behind a woman paying her electricity and water bill in 5 baht coins. Next in line was a gang of Korean tourists buying a phone sims so the staff had to enter the pin number for them. As he reached the front of the queue a bloke strolled in, went straight to the counter and asked for a packet of Khrong Thip. The bloke paid with a 1000 baht note so the staff had to get some more 100 baht notes as change from the safe.The robber felt a bit peckish so he ordered a hot dog smokey bite and a sticky rice burger which they stuck in the microwave and then the staff tried to sell him some tasteless, dodgy biscuits they had on promotion at the counter. He was about to demand the takings but the staff took an eternity counting off the promotional stickers he was entitled to. The staff then had to figure out how many straws and little plastic spoons they had to give him for the 5000 baht and put the cash in 20 separate plastic bags. As he attempted to flee the staff called him back because he'd forgotten his receipt.


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