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Posts posted by johnch12111

  1. You are right that reasons for return are important, but the ECO will be looking at the application as a whole. As well as reasons to return, she needs to show reasons for going to the UK, and these seem to be good. That is, to see her daughter and grandson ( and you, of course !). The ECO may well take into account when she last saw her daughter and grandson, and if was very recently, then he may have a problem, for instance, with why she wants to see them again so soon.

    It's difficult to be specific, as each application will have positive and negative aspects. Regarding the accommodation, the ECO could refuse at a push, but normally, in short visits such as this, it should not be a problem. However, if the ECO was really looking for a reason to refuse, he could probably get away with it on those grounds.

    Tony M

    Thank you very much for the reply,,The last time she saw her daughter and grandson was September 2012, she would most proberly not come over here until September or October. If I had my son in with me and my wife so that his grandmother would have her own room do think that would be more acceptable.

    Thank you very much for the advise so far.

  2. I am going to try and get my wifes mother a UK visa so that she may come and visit us for 3 - 4 weeks, I shall be sponsoring her I.E paying for her flight and she will be staying with us. My question is I am having a problem with a reason to return to ThaIland she lives with her daughter and is a director of her daughters company but that has only been up and running for a couple of months she also manges a farm that is owned by my wife and her sister but is unpaid for this.

    To summarise:

    I wil fund the flight, food and accommodation during her stay (she would be sharing a room with her grandson do you think that would create a problem?)

    any help or advice would be great.

  3. but really its best with your debit card... much easier..

    Unless you want to book a flight online with a carrier who requires sight of the card used to make a booking, my experience is that you cannot use debit cards online - certainly not Kasikorn anyway.

    Or you want to rent a car, again my experience is that car hire companies will not accept debit cards for security deposits.

    I do agree that debit cards are fine for everyday point of sale purchases worldwide, though I have had some problems with a few UK retailers who don't know that "chip and pin" is not used worldwide.

    With a Kasikorn account you can set-up a virtual debit card that can be used on-line the give you an expiry number, CCV Number and card number simple and easy to apply but as it is linked to your account you can only spend the money that you already have as it is a debit card not a credit card.

  4. Thank you for your help,

    Does anyone know how the invitation letter should be set out I understand that I will need 2 letters one from myself sponsoring my wife and another from my father saying that we will be staying there and that there will not be any cost to either of us ETC. I am just unsure what should be included in the 2 said letters. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for the quick reply my bank account in the UK is an on-line savings account which they do not issue statements also I am in Thailand do you think it would be a good idea to get a letter from my bank here in Thailand showing my account balance and also print of my on-line statements. I guess it can not do any harm.

  6. I am married to a Thai and would like to go back to the UK for a visit latter in the year, As I will be sponsoring her, My questions are as follows:

    1. Can I print 3 months bank statements from my on-line bank account?

    2. I have a new passport should i photo copy every page from my old passport?

    3. Should I apply for a tourist or family visit visa as she will be doing both?

    4. The hard part is going to be able to prove that she will return to Thailand as she does not have a job here any advice as to work around this? I have been in Thailand for about 5 years now and have know intention of going back to the UK to live.

    Any more advice that anyone can give to me about the best way to apply for this Visa would be gratefully revived.

  7. Classic.

    Almost as good at the battery running out on the Tsumani detector...:rolleyes:

    I argue with anyone that says Thailand is not a 3rdworld country. At least they run this country like one

    givenall, do you dare open you mouth and prove to the world that you are a fool? If so, then please explain in what way exactly does Thailand classify as a 3rd world country (didn't people stop using that term 20 yrs ago?).

    Thailand has for the most part excellent infrastructure, universal schooling and healthcare, extremely reliable electricity, water and other utilities for almost all of the country. It's people have a very high literacy rate 94%. It also has a reasonably high life expectancy - over 70 years, high scores on international indexes for female education and career opportunities

    The economy has significant diversified industries with very low unemployment of less than 1%, it's inflation is quite low around 3%, the country has significantly large foreign exchange reserves and consistently exports more than it imports.

    If you seriously think that this country is comparable with places like Afghanistan, India (I had to wait more than one year to have my home connected to a telephone land line!), Myanmar (even in Yangoon you are lucky if you have electricity for more than 12 hours a day), Bangladesh (half the people can't read or write), not to mention almost every country in Africa or even Cambodia and Laos.....and it you still believe Thailand is a 3rd world country, then get off this forum pack you bags and go back to your little safe haven whereever that is in the world. People read this forum for sensible discussion and your comments are just plain boring. But perhaps disparaging comments make you feel good by reassuring yourself how much better you are than anyone else?

    on one point about schooling how can you say that when most people will never fail anything,,,umm i think you need to get into the real world

  8. Hi I extended my non O visa for 60 days as i am married to a Thai, this will end at the end of January can i now extend that for 1 year with the required documents? Also I have just started a new job is it possible to use the income from that instead of getting a proof of income letter from my embassy.

    Thank you for your help

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