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Posts posted by RonLee

  1. If your looking for ebooks on Thailand or about Moving to Thailand - issues such as that Thailandebooks.net is just starting to collect these and also offers a Thailand Ebook Affiliate program. Also, just wanted to share a new ebook that arried this week,'The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Thailand' - Learn more about what it's like to live in Bangkok as an expat or for retirement - Just $ 2.99 BRAND NEW

    http://www.amazon.com/Ultimate-Guide-Moving-Thailand-ebook/dp/B00BC5ACVE/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1360243566&sr=1-2 or again you can also find it at http://www.ThailandeBooks.net as well. If you have any ebooks on Thailand this is also a great place to sell them or add Thailand related affiliate offers to your Thailand web sites.

    Make it a great 2013!

  2. I am looking for Thai language e-books on line if you have come across such a site in your internet searching. Will help to keep my wife content while we are out of Thailand.



    I found this interesting. I have a friend who has discussed developing such a site focused around Thai Language ebooks at www.ThailandeBooks.net - lately we've been doing a fair amount of research as the market is growing quickly for ebooks. We'll see where that goes. Asia books has been slow to jump into this grown market.

  3. I moved here here about 4 months back to do my MBA and have been exploring the BTS Stations ever since. I agree that for work and play living close to one, especcially if you don't drive is best. I am no expert but learning along the way. I actually recently set up a FREE site for Expats in Bangkok and English Speakers here in general called www.BangkokBTSCondos.com . I DONT MAKE ANYTHING AND IT IS NOT FOR PROFIT. Just a way to share what I learn about the condos at each stop and amenities offered at each location along the Bangkok BTS Skytrain. Anyway, if your wanting to compare Condos near the BTS check out my little hobby and click like to share it if you find it useful. I am also looking for tips of places to add so if you know of any share them with me here or at the site link to FB. Thanks! P.S. I love OnNut BTS. Great values in this area and still very close in!

  4. I am a MBA student here in Bangkok looking for Internship Opportunities with a English Speaking Real Estate Brokerage - If anyone can suggest a good real estate company in Bangkok I would really appreciate any referrals. I have set up a website to highlight my experience at www.BangkokRealEstateAgent.com

    thats interesting, was it in your name only?

    Yes, in my name only. I did some research and found the UOB option best for me. But also other banks do provide some financing for foreigners. Its not heavily advertised though.

  5. Does anyone know of any relief efforts one can volunteer for here in Bangkok. I am doing my MBA over here and have a bit of free time and I am in OnNut area...no flooding here.

    As long as Thaksin and his Red Shirt cronies are breathing, the division in Thai society will continue to grow.

    What about the converse: as long as there are parties refusing to accept the results of a free and fair elections, the division in Thai society will continue to grow?

    2 sides to every issue.

    By the way, I am neither a Thaksin fan nor a fan of the pre-Thaksin status quo.:jap:

    Pray tell, who hasn't recognized the results of the last election?

    Last time I checked the party that won the elections is in power now.

    And causing a total ClusterFROC all the while.

  6. So I was just curious if anyone in the forum could offer any guidance on the complexity and steps to starting an online business in Thailand exporting / selling clothing items back in the US? I understand there must be some complex steps involved in such a thing and I was just curious in doing some preliminary research. I am supposing having a Thai National start the company here and then setting up the corporation back home, then working for the thai national as a subcontractor would be best way but that is purely speculation.

    Would appreciate advice from someone who has some experience or has done something similar here in the past and know the correct legal process. Thank you in advance for any suggestions and guidance.

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