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Posts posted by mrphisted

  1. If your condo is actually above the condo where there is water damage in the ceiling, then it is completely obvious that your condo DOES have a leak! If you go to court and the damaged condo can show evidence of water damage to their ceiling, then you will most likely lose the case. The Thai law is not on your side on this. You need to be responsible and work this out. Most likely the ceiling will need to be opened below (and you are legally responsible for all of these costs, fixing the plumbing, and repairing the damage below) and then do tests by running water above to locate the leak.

    I have been in the damaged condos owner's position and I did consult a Thai lawyer and was indeed told I would easily win my case if it came to court simply by documenting the water damage in the ceiling.

    The ceiling is already open in the condo below. I can see the exposed underside of my condo. That is how the renovation crew AND a certified plumber said there was NO LEAK coming from my condo. Also, as I stated before, there were heavy rains that flowed into the hallway of my floor which could have caused this.

    Sorry I wasn't clear in my original post, but the owner of the condo didn't just open a small hole, he tore a huge section of the ceiling down and the entire underside of my condo is exposed over the damaged ceiling area. That is why we have found no evidence of a leak. you can see the exposed area and have checked after showers, laundry, dish washing etc.. with no evidence of a leak.

  2. They condo below mine had some water damage to the ceiling and floor. They, of course, say my condo is leaking. I purchased my condo and had it totally renovated 3 years ago. I have done nothing to it since then. I had both a foreman for a renovation crew and a certified plumber say nothing in my condo is leaking. I also had the key to the condo below me and every time we showered, did laundry, washed dishes etc. would go down to see if there was any leakage.... NOT!!!!

    They seem to sporadically use the condo and I don't know how long it has been since anyone has stayed there. There have been at least 4 rain storms that have had water in the hallway outside my condo and this could have caused the damage. Unfortunately I don't have any specific dates, pictures etc to prove this.

    Now this fool is talking about getting a lawyer and going to court.

    Anyone know about the Thai law (knowledge please, not speculation) and my rights? I know in the States, he would have to prove the damage was from my leakage or I could collect damages attorney's fees etc. from a wrongful and frivolous law suit.

    We suspect that the manager of the condos owns the unit and is just trying to play "<deleted>*k the farang", but don't have any proof of that.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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