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Posts posted by booman

  1. PBH gives the required vaccinations to get an American passport, if asked for. This is the most strigent shot course available. This needs to be asked for and signed for. The hospital will ask for clarification, because the "American" regimen is more than the "International Regimen" This will cost about a 1ooo baht more. Sorry to concern you, but look at he international immunization card that they supply. This will answer all of your questions. You have no case with your "lawyer". Good luck on your defamation of character suit. You are an idiot.

  2. And yes I have been to the states,

    Wouldn't go again though

    Cos the yorkshire puddings are cr@p!!!

    Excuse me!

    My Yiddische-Yankee mama made a Yorkshire Pudding that would have inspired Maggie Thatcher to invade Cape Cod!



    But.. that a pizza. Yorkshire pudding is good... and I am sure your mum's is the best!

  3. Iv'e noticed that the service in C4 has went to hel_l. I tried to by a few CDs and they said at the regester that you need to take them back to get a price check! They have A MICROPHONE this is not acceptible to me, They should do the foot work for what is wrong not me... Besides, I already paid under the Marshall Plan being an American (no?).

  4. booman

    from my understanding pak is stay, so should you ask some one in thailand where are you and he says stay knodo this means his is showing off,

    an normal answer to tinay? is yuu baan.

    but i guess we are still agreeing on the main part is does not matter where you live where you hang your coat is home or baan. :o


    mai chai, khun kit pitt To "pak" is to stay in a temporary location (aka apartment or hotel) condos are considered the same, unless it is pretty exquisite. Most Farang condos are pretty exquisite, but the Thais most of the time do not differentiate.

  5. I beleive You are comparing apples and oranges - A condominium refers to a legal form of ownership (where individual owners have legal title to their unit and a percentage of the common area). Apartment is simply a generic term for an architectural style of a shared use building - typically rented out.
    After all of the conversation MikeyM is quite correct.

    so this means i will buy a condo but i will rent it out as a flat???

    codo apartment all same thing,

    i guess the only time it makes a difference is if some one like to brag, i am going back to my condo, as a marketing scheme again.

    i do not know, but where i am from we all say we are going home, doe snot matter if it is a mansion,house, villa, townhouse, apartment, or now condos.

    is it the same in thai

    "Uu baan." at home not "Uu condo"

    You are quite correct if you believe "Home is where I hang my hat (or coat)" Thais say "pak kondo" not "yuu kondo", but you can "yuu bann"

  6. when in Rome do as the romans, don't you Yanks know this ?

    If you want the perfect cr@p pizza then have it in America.

    You guy's whine to much, not to much, but over the top as ever. :o

    Moan moan moan moan.

    And yes I have been to the states,

    Wouldn't go again though

    Cos the yorkshire puddings are cr@p!!!

    Yes, but our pizzas don't suck :D

  7. Bob's is very good, a bit pricey but it will make you full for a long time. Don't go fo the staight out Mexican food, but go for the BBQ. Even Bob isn't foolish enough to register a full tilt spicy TexMex taco and burrito on y'all. Y'all think ya can handle it, but you ain't ready. Did you know that the chili pepper was delivered by Dutch traders from the Carribean and Americas to the Far East Asia? Hey Potatos and Corn came from the same area. What did Europeans eat before the Americas? :o

  8. I've been quoted before for saying pizza is like sex, when it's good it's great, but when it's bad it's still pretty good. this pizza is like (Chuck Wow) less then sex and masturbation combined. Holy crap!!!! Do not eat here, who is the owner? Probably British.

  9. I still have the episodes you seek. I will give them to you if promise to give them back. I am a true believer in copywrite laws. Please, please do not copy them! Again, I have most of the HBO seies from America, these I'll let enyone view. The price is...well, nothing. Please return if you borrow.

  10. I think if you Google condums it would be better than asking the "Smart Asses of The Universe" to answer. You might just look at boots for finger cots. Since you asked on line, it has got to be huge however. My hands are small, this make my "member" look huge so I can use anything (think contact lens size, just ask my wife).

  11. A better way of fitness is to measure your belly fat. Simply put, the bigger the belly the worse your health. Weight is arbitrary between muscle and fat. Abdominal fat is pretty accurate. The body puts on fat because of a command from the insulin level that is produced by the foods we eat, by the way, beer, is the worst because of the maltodextrose, thus beer belly. The lower sugar levels that you eat, the less fat you will produce, in general. This does not take in account of any physical activity or excersize program you may currently be in. Always consult a physician. (I am not a physician). :o

  12. Having a party on Saturday for my daughter. Anyone is welcome, got a good list already. Bring swimming suits. Food and beverage are free!

    Come to Soi kowtalow (spelling?) Wanthip 2 (just between the Ekmonkong developments) the second house on the left. Without going outside and checking I think it is 102/3, oh I could be wrong... Anyway, if you find yourself in this neck of Pattaya and fancy a few free drinks, just say your of freind of Mikey (Me) and have a really good time. Bring Ipod if you want your music.

  13. I have it on good report that Weho is on vacation from his holiday. Something about a border dispute between Italy and Norway seems to be holding him up. Fodd land employees seem to be at a loss, however... :o

  14. FF you have seemed to have made up your mind and you are only looking to muster support and fellowship in your move. Move for Christ's sake! The prices of Pattaya can only be supported by the market. Pattaya and Thailand are not rich enough to sponsor and support an artificial market for very long. Someone is paying and out pricing you (probably I am, I can afford the local prices). It is only inflated to what the market can stand.

    Sorry, enjoy Malayasia, it is truley Asia.

  15. I have all of the episodes of the Sopranos and (Deadwood) American versions on DVD. Any one can borrow them for viewing. Please do not copy them. This is my warning, if someone borrows and copies the game is over. Hey I bought them at full price.

  16. Hump (free) Bear thanks for the input with the Blues Factory. I am already a fan of the place but they still can't play Rocky Mountain Way by Joe Walsh, I've requested it for about five years now (since it opened). This a kinda thing with me by now. Yeah 'Head' I feared that there was nothing I was missing on the music front, unless there are some Norwegien DJs out there with some cool sounds? (Throw back to an earlier thread).


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