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Posts posted by chrisnouy

  1. http://en.engormix.c...2368/165-p0.htm

    Take the time to read the article linked here. PRRS is now endemic in Thailand. If you are unlucky and it arrives at your farm then learn how to deal with it. So far I have been lucky but I remain a boy scout and try to be prepared.

    Thanks IA very worthy article.

    indeed a good read,

    thanks for sharing

    knowledge is power

    a shot in the air

    would someone please try to help get the phone number or adress of the betagro slaughter house in khon kaen.

    i just cant find it on the net,

    but they do have a new plant there.

    Thanks in advance

    Hi humblefalang







    Have you had any luck finding a reliable market?

  2. IA

    such is life indeed

    I was wondering what you were going to do with your dead boar--huge beast to dispose of.

    In the same vein during the last three weeks we've had one sow abort so she was shipped out .Another pregnant went in the back legs just like her mother and will have to be sold off. Then yesterday my best gilt had a run around with the immature boar walked back into her stall and dropped dead.

    Some days are daimonds some days are stones!

    Initially I was toying with whether to reduce our herd due to price hoicks but fate seems to have taken matters in hand-- seven sows and gilts have gone in two months for various reasons.

  3. Have been following this thread with interest i am trying to get a calendar drawn up but last year we were flooded out for three months so i have no real idea of prices for oct nov dec

    As I understand it people are saying aug/sept/oct are bad times

    then nov till chinese new year feb /mar ? is good


    apropos of prices i looked up this site today but we can never get within 5 baht of these prices???? กรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 48.00 บาท/กก. หนุ่มฟาร์ม อ.ธวัชบุรี จ.ร้อยเอ็ด 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 54.00 บาท/กก. บริษัท บุรีรัมย์ฟาร์ม จำกัด อ.เมือง จ.บุรีรัมย์ 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 55.00 บาท/กก. อลงกรณ์ฟาร์ม อ.พาน จ.เชียงราย 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 55.00 บาท/กก. ฟาร์มปากช่อง อ.ปากช่อง จ.นครราชสีมา 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 56.00 บาท/กก. บริษัทศรีสุดาฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.นครสวรรค์ 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 56.00 บาท/กก. CPF ประเทศไทย อ.เมือง จ.ชุมพร 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. เค.ที.อาร์.ฟาร์ม อ.แม่ทา จ.ลำพูน 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. บุญมีฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.อุตรดิตถ์ 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. ศิริสมานฟาร์ม อ.ศรีสำโรง จ.สุโขทัย 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 57.00 บาท/กก. กาญจนาฟาร์ม อ.ปากท่อ จ.ราชบุรี 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 58.00 บาท/กก. ที เค ฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.นครปฐม 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 58.00 บาท/กก. ไพลินฟาร์ม อ.ค้อวัง จ.ยโสธร 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 58.00 บาท/กก. บจก.ก้าวหน้าปศุสัตว์ อ.ควนขนุน จ.พัทลุง 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. บจ.เบทาโกร อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. บจ.เบทาโกร อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. พันธุ์ทิพย์ฟาร์ม อ.เมือง จ.ระนอง 2012-09-14 สุกรมีชีวิตหน้าฟาร์ม 60.00 บาท/กก. บจก.ตรังวัฒนาฟาร์ม อ.ห้วยยอด จ.ตรัง 2012-09-14

  4. Thanks to one and all for the great response

    We have been breeding our own pigs and i am already looking closely at each sow and changing the semen supplier

    There has been no evidence of worms when we slaughter or from the people who buy from us and sell in market

    Protein has been way over 14% for the last batch --I left it as high as 18%--

    I think maybe genetics

    I have four litters two weeks old so i will put each on a different feeding regimen and see what happens

    Thanks again

  5. to revar and coxyatcity

    Thanks for quick replies I need to find something new

    Pigs eating up ,no apparent sickness just not growing

    Sold some yesterday one in particular at 94kg which i weighed a week ago also at 94 -- so no growth for the week

    Many people seem to be using beta gro I need to see if I can find this in Khonkaen

    Is there anybody in the kk area who can supply the names and addresses of feed dealers? i have only found CP so far

    Meanwhile I will bite the bullet and sell the remaing dozen at around 90kg

    Buyers are starting to quote 'silly' prices as low as 49baht against online figures of 56bht

  6. I have a problem with a whole batch of piglets FROM ABOUT 5 LITTERS

    They do very well hitting growth targets until about 70 kgs but then they slow down radically and very few reach 100kg within my time frame of 24 weeks

    msotly in the 90+ kg bracket but just not finishing off


  7. broke my fattening record yesterday. One pig went from 15 kilo to 116 kilo in 105 days. feed cost less then 3000 bath. Other pigs from the same piglet supplier were between 94 and 104 kilo (same age and feed costs). Still very good. Illustrating how important the quality of the piglets is is the fact that another pen with other piglets took over 5 months to reach 85-90 kilo with feed costs around 3500.

    Sent from my GT-S6102 using Thaivisa Connect App

    a 100KG GAIN IN 105 DAYS IS SPECTACULAR and for 3000baht

    this works out at 30baht per 1kg of gain assuming an fcr of 2..7 you must be feeding for around 11 baht per kg?

    very good going

  8. back to sunny Surin(lol) later today,the last couple of sows have been good,9 - 10.looking strong and healthy,can,t wait to see them with my own eyes ,had a couple of good results in the last 3 days,5 bags of food from birth,108 kg + 98 kg.they say there are some big ones left as well ,,but there are some about 80 + smile.png out of the 16 left.,,this is an old picture




    • Like 1
  9. By coincidence a dutch friend visited me on sunday When he saw my black , brown and white pigs which i thought were poland china duroc large white mix breeds he told me about a breed which he called ??/ portrainer ??-- which was the main meat pig in Holland. been around for a long time apparently

    Why was the Duroc 'replaced'?

    Post or PM me a few pics of these pigs. I am interested.

    I have only knowledge of Pietrain(=portren?) It is the main finishing breed in Holland.

    The Pietrain is from Belgian origine, so more used in Europe.

    The Duroc has Canadian origine and more used in the states.

    Duroc and Pietrain are both used as finishing boars.

    With replaced I meant that in Thailand, Duroc was used and now they try with Pietrain.

    pictures are billy big balls

    The sow missy



    these are keepers

    These arepost-120887-0-61194700-1343012547_thumb.post-120887-0-02213100-1343012423_thumb.post-120887-0-58044100-1343012467_thumb.post-120887-0-19230200-1343012504_thumb.post-120887-0-15993200-1343012715_thumb.post-120887-0-94562500-1343012755_thumb. keepers

    black gilt

    three mixed

    all these from same litter???

    • Like 1
  10. By coincidence a dutch friend visited me on sunday When he saw my black , brown and white pigs which i thought were poland china duroc large white mix breeds he told me about a breed which he called ??/ portrainer ??-- which was the main meat pig in Holland. been around for a long time apparently

    Why was the Duroc 'replaced'?

  11. WOW, you guys have been busy this morning. First the tome on probiotics. Cant dispute what they claim but I see it cast in the light of the research funding source, guess who? A probiotic brewing company. No wonder it is so hard for anyone to get it to work. Dont even try it, just buy our freeze dried wonder dust, Poppycock!

    I brew the stuff on site and put a litre in each 1,000 litre drinking water tank. The system self propetuates all I do is input more feed materials for the culture when the tanks are 50% used. They eat pig feed and brown sugar, they also eat rice wash water. Those who use EM will known that you can brew your own or your can buy the dormant culture for 50 baht a litre and multiple it out. Mine costs me 3 baht a litre.

    The report doesnt not say anything about odour control or improved FCR's. It doesnt mention that the LAB accumulates in the pigs colon and improves digestion. It does mention the difficulties in freeze drying the stuff and storing it etc.. Well I dont have that problem as it used immediately in the water.

    The implication is it must be used in a wet feeding system. Cant argue as that would work, but I am not changing feeding systems. I need the stuff to be viable in pelleted feed form.

    So the real issues aren't how hard it is to brew the stuff because it isnt. You need to control forming temperatures so the microbes aren't cooked. You need to control moisture content so the feed doesnt mould and the microbes spore and go dormant. You need to control storage temperature of the feed so the microbes survive for a reasonable amount of time and provide some form of innoculant to prolong that period.

    In a preparing the feed there is an opportunity to improve the digestibility of the raw materials by fermenting them in guess what? The probiotic! By fertilising my pond with effluent from the septic tanks on the sty I do two things, feed fish with natural foods that consume the nutrients and I boast the protein level in aquatic plants like duckweed to a point it is richer than soybean meal. I can harvest half my pond a day of duckweed and use it as an alternative feed source, if I ferment it as well more of the crude protein is useable. If I raise BSF larvae and cook that I can replace fish meal.

    All the while the bacteria is out competing the nasty stuff inside the pig and I dont need antibiotics regularly, the growth hormones I dont need at all because the pig gets more out of its feed and as the nitrogen components are being used up, less smell.

    I have read many of articles like this that to me present a commercial interest. I have also read research materials that have done much to solve the real issues. In the day when life was more leisurely, farmers used to grow and cook vegetables and grains to feed their pigs. The pigs were more resilient and performed slower but there was a profit to be gained and natural ethically raised pork available.

    But get this, one thing that was used often to feed pigs was fermented cabbage leaves, the spoilt outer leaves and trim. The pigs did well because guess what occurs naturally ib cabbage? LAB...

    Do I know it all, hell no heaps to learn. But I do know this, that if your can integrate your farming activities and waste nothing you can save external expenses and even make money by onselling the byproducts.

    Pig and fish feed here I come!

    Hi Issan aussie

    Just been reading this post and am fascinated by duckweed as i had no idea what it was .

    we started with pigs and fish 18 months ago just pumping the pig effluent into a couple of ponds where we had tilapai and catfish

    cat fish seem to survive anything tilapia a bit different

    i didnt realise the green stuff on the water surface is duckweed???

    We got really badly washed away in the flood last year dams washed away and pig pens under water

    Luckily we didnt lose the hogs but at presnt i have no fish but have a large pond with a beautiful green surface Is this duckweed

    Can i harvest this??

    Hi Isaan aussie

    I have again been reading your posts with great interest

    Am i to understand that i can produce a strain of lactobacillus by decomposing vegetable matter eg cabbage? and then reproducing it ad nauseam like yeast?

    Ps I read somewhere your post about cornflakes boxes containing more nutrient than the corn flakes I tried to tell school kids that for 37 years-- but you are the first person who i've come accross who had ever heard of it

  12. Reason I asked was that the first sows i bought were from a guy at university ag dept He had bred using improrted semen-- or so he said

    They were /are magnificent ladies Ive also had some piglets from other sows bought from him and ai-ed by him and they were good But he now wants 1000baht a pop

    i am breeding and raising the pigs for market so improving my stock is always on my mind My other Ai option locally is okay at 700baht but i was looking for variety

    I wont buy anything else locally as i got alot of rubbish along with the good and have culled at least 60% of my breeding stock after first litter to date

    we are now breeding all our own sows but its a bit hit and miss

    But at 4000 a tube i,m certainly not interested

    But am still interested in good local semen at right price

    700 THB is way to much for AI. In the big farms you pay normally about 250 to 300 THB. Another sollution might be buying semen from the Department of Livestock. This would be the cheapest sollution.

    Where is your farm located? If you are in the envirement of Chiang Mai I know another good adress for you.


    thanks for this info frank I thought we were paying overs. Sadly I am about 8 hrs from Chiang Mai! I am 'near' Khon kaen( 90km) and quite isolated so if anybody has info about this area i would be very grateful

    Iits been a helterskelter ride for 18 months having nearly got wiped out in the process and i have had to move our operation in its entireity to higher ground My initial buildings were on ground we raised--and the Thai connection was "sure it would not flood as it only floods every 8 years and it never comes this high" Then last year we had the monster

    As a result my breeding schedule is shot to bits and my information gathering has been sporadic Will try to find local agriculture dept

    meanwhile i keep reading and am grateful that you guys share so willingly-- all suggestions welcome

  13. Without seeing it, I cannot tell. It could be algae. Google duckweed images and then compare. Yes you can harvest it.

    thanks for reply

    I had a quick look this morning and most is algae but there is a fair amount of wind blown duck weed at one end of the dam-- i think

    I will collect some later and compare with i/net images

    I remember that i had two ornamental large clay tanks with tiny fish at my last house and one was inundated with duck weed and as fast as i scooped it off it grew again

  14. WOW, you guys have been busy this morning. First the tome on probiotics. Cant dispute what they claim but I see it cast in the light of the research funding source, guess who? A probiotic brewing company. No wonder it is so hard for anyone to get it to work. Dont even try it, just buy our freeze dried wonder dust, Poppycock!

    I brew the stuff on site and put a litre in each 1,000 litre drinking water tank. The system self propetuates all I do is input more feed materials for the culture when the tanks are 50% used. They eat pig feed and brown sugar, they also eat rice wash water. Those who use EM will known that you can brew your own or your can buy the dormant culture for 50 baht a litre and multiple it out. Mine costs me 3 baht a litre.

    The report doesnt not say anything about odour control or improved FCR's. It doesnt mention that the LAB accumulates in the pigs colon and improves digestion. It does mention the difficulties in freeze drying the stuff and storing it etc.. Well I dont have that problem as it used immediately in the water.

    The implication is it must be used in a wet feeding system. Cant argue as that would work, but I am not changing feeding systems. I need the stuff to be viable in pelleted feed form.

    So the real issues aren't how hard it is to brew the stuff because it isnt. You need to control forming temperatures so the microbes aren't cooked. You need to control moisture content so the feed doesnt mould and the microbes spore and go dormant. You need to control storage temperature of the feed so the microbes survive for a reasonable amount of time and provide some form of innoculant to prolong that period.

    In a preparing the feed there is an opportunity to improve the digestibility of the raw materials by fermenting them in guess what? The probiotic! By fertilising my pond with effluent from the septic tanks on the sty I do two things, feed fish with natural foods that consume the nutrients and I boast the protein level in aquatic plants like duckweed to a point it is richer than soybean meal. I can harvest half my pond a day of duckweed and use it as an alternative feed source, if I ferment it as well more of the crude protein is useable. If I raise BSF larvae and cook that I can replace fish meal.

    All the while the bacteria is out competing the nasty stuff inside the pig and I dont need antibiotics regularly, the growth hormones I dont need at all because the pig gets more out of its feed and as the nitrogen components are being used up, less smell.

    I have read many of articles like this that to me present a commercial interest. I have also read research materials that have done much to solve the real issues. In the day when life was more leisurely, farmers used to grow and cook vegetables and grains to feed their pigs. The pigs were more resilient and performed slower but there was a profit to be gained and natural ethically raised pork available.

    But get this, one thing that was used often to feed pigs was fermented cabbage leaves, the spoilt outer leaves and trim. The pigs did well because guess what occurs naturally ib cabbage? LAB...

    Do I know it all, hell no heaps to learn. But I do know this, that if your can integrate your farming activities and waste nothing you can save external expenses and even make money by onselling the byproducts.

    Pig and fish feed here I come!

    Hi Issan aussie

    Just been reading this post and am fascinated by duckweed as i had no idea what it was .

    we started with pigs and fish 18 months ago just pumping the pig effluent into a couple of ponds where we had tilapai and catfish

    cat fish seem to survive anything tilapia a bit different

    i didnt realise the green stuff on the water surface is duckweed???

    We got really badly washed away in the flood last year dams washed away and pig pens under water

    Luckily we didnt lose the hogs but at presnt i have no fish but have a large pond with a beautiful green surface Is this duckweed

    Can i harvest this??

  15. Ben,

    There are two ways of feeding your pigs: mixing the feed yourself or going with a commercial brand.

    If you are very knowledgable it is probably cheaper to mix it yourself butI for instance don't have the knowledge. But others on this forum do.

    If you go for a commercial brand like Betagro, Balance, Sunfeed, Selectfeed or others follow their advice and use the feed strategy specific to that brand.

    I use and sell Betagro (the normal green one not Balance).

    If your weaned piglet start eating Betagro at 15kg kg and eat 0.66 bag of 301, 0.33 bag of 301-L, , 3 bags of 301B, 2 of 302 and one of 303 they should be at around105 kg after 4.5months.

    But sime of my customers are used to other brands which require one bag of everynumber and ending with several bags of the highest numbered (and cheapest type). People refer to the bags as number 1 feed, number 2, etc. But number 2 from Betagro (302) for instance is aimed at 60+ kg pigs while number 2 from sunfeed is for 25-50kg pigs. So when starting with a new brand sometimes people use the wrong types with as a result slow growing pigs or even sickness.

    One of the villagers here used wathever is cheapest; cp food which 'fell of the back of a truck', mixes her own feed or gives them left over food and I also caught her feed Betagro 304 (meanth for pigs over100 kg) to her 30kg pigs. I became involved because I act as the vilages unofficial vet and after 8months her pigs were still only 50kg and often very sick. Trying to educate her but only with limited success so far.

    Sent from my GT-S6102 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Hi Revar

    I've been reading back posts trying to catch up

    You give details of feed here

    can you tell me what is the total cost to get the pig to 100kg on this diet

  16. Reason I asked was that the first sows i bought were from a guy at university ag dept He had bred using improrted semen-- or so he said

    They were /are magnificent ladies Ive also had some piglets from other sows bought from him and ai-ed by him and they were good But he now wants 1000baht a pop

    i am breeding and raising the pigs for market so improving my stock is always on my mind My other Ai option locally is okay at 700baht but i was looking for variety

    I wont buy anything else locally as i got alot of rubbish along with the good and have culled at least 60% of my breeding stock after first litter to date

    we are now breeding all our own sows but its a bit hit and miss

    But at 4000 a tube i,m certainly not interested

    But am still interested in good local semen at right price

  17. Hi TO ONE AND ALLi have been off the air for a while

    I was in touch in january when trying to start up but have been v busy and had to make a few trips to uk which have taken up time

    i got my pig/fish thing up and running and going really well but have just been flooded. It was a real two month setback and we had to move pigs (90 odd )three times building temporary bush pens ,a night mare, but we didnt lose any pigs but lost all of our fish. cat fish. tilapia and carp

    I am interested to know if any body has made bacon? What do you use for cure and does anybody know of sausage presevative available here/



  18. WS,

    Yours is a valuable story for anyone thinking of seriously investing in the pig industry here. As in any industry, often circumstances will stop the best of plans and personal application dead in their tracks. Those of us in pig farming here have had a rare opportunity to get a good return for 9 or ten months, some did, RBH for instance. I am just one of the struggle town guys I'm afraid but already ready to learn and adjust.

    Good luck in your current activities. Hang tough.


    Hi have been off the air for a while

    I was in touch in january but been v busy and a few trips to uk have taken up time

    i got my pig thing up and running but have just been flooded and had to move pigs (90 odd )three times a night mare but we dint lose any PIGS BUT LOST ALL FISH

    I am interested to know if any body has made bacon? What do you use for cure and does anybody know of sausage presevative available here/

  19. I have been reading all the posts on this topic with great interest

    i would like to start aa small scale operation for my friends parents

    judging from what i have read initially a grow to finish operation would hopefully yield about 400/ 500 bath per pig?? given luck and good management

    thus for income of 10000 pm a production of 20 pigs per month would be the aim

    assuming pigsare to be kept at 10 per pen can some body tell me the normal pen size required for 10 growers


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