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Everything posted by phukettrader

  1. Back in the days before he met Megan the manipulator when he still knew how to have fun and the people loved him for it ????
  2. Absolutely the correct decision as there needs to be clear heads and attempts at diplomacy to de-escalate this US proxy war. However, I suspect that Thailand did not abstain for this reason but rather to not p**s off either side as they want the tourist $$$
  3. Me too. I could never understand why I got so much s**t for deciding not to wear one.
  4. Not peculiar at all if your aim is to brainwash and maintain fear in the general population. This has nothing to do with health.
  5. I am genuinely sorry for your loss, but the fact that she passed alone, with no family with her, was nothing to do with covid. It was the governments disgusting and heartless response to it that led to so many people dying in similar circumstances. What they did to these people was nothing short of crimanal and those responsible must be held to account.
  6. Why? If you've had it and had no symptoms then so what? You've also now got natural immunity which we had been told is far better than any jab.
  7. Brainwashing and peer pressure. Don't want to be the first one to go maskless in case someone blames them.
  8. Never mind how many have died from it. How many are actually sick from it apart from a runny nose?
  9. Many studies now are showing that young people are more at rise of death and serious injury from the vaccine than from the virus. A number of countries are now banning the japping of young people altogether. Why are these psychopaths still intent on continuing this nonsense here?
  10. Yep. The Gates family has a long history in the eugenics and planned parenthood movement.
  11. People's inability to sleep is probably more down to the constant fear-mongering by government "experts" and mass media than any physical condition.
  12. Whatever the reason, this is good news for millions of people.
  13. Hardly surprising seeing as NZ is now a fascist dictatorship under that horse face woman.
  14. It seems to me that you are the one suffering from information overload, believing everything you hear and read from MSM. All I am trying to do is to present an alternative view based on information which is never reported/censored from MSM as it contradicts the narrative that we are all told to believe. I believe in free speech and freedom to have a different opinion. This seems now to be increasingly hated and censored by the leftist/globalist establishment. I am not a conspiracy theorist or anti-vax, or anti anything if it stands up to scrutiny, but I choose to form my own opinions by doing my own research rather than believing what I am told to believe. You do and believe what you want, but please respect others that do not agree with you. It’s called a debate. There are not necessarily winners or losers.
  15. So, read the article you linked and could not find any reference to hospitalization or deaths. The doctors THINK it might be more infectious but serious but no data is given other than numbers of cases, which is meaningless. The world has got to move on now and accept that new variants will constantly appear forever more. As it stands now, including these new variants, for the overwhelming majority of people this is nothing more than a bad cold. You can live in fear forever if you want, but the vast majority of people just want to get on with their lives and return to the old normal. what should be of concern are the number of excess deaths NOT from Covid (1200 in the UK last week alone according to ONS data) caused by the health service being effectively closed for all non-Covid cases for nearly 2 years resulting in cancelled treatments for serious illnesses and other illnesses being undiagnosed because doctors refused to see the patients.
  16. Here we go again! So how many people are in hospital or dying FROM this variant as opposed to WITH it? What is the average age of those seriously ill? How many co-morbidities?
  17. Had dengue three times. First time was mis-diagnosed by hospital and nearly died. Second and third times were not so bad, but still required hospitalisation. Not true that Dengxaxia is only given to under 45's. I had it after my third time at age 59. Recommended by my doctor. No problems since then.
  18. Because CO2 emissions are what we are constantly being told causes global warming. The climate is constantly changing. Always has, always will. Humans have very little effect on this. Controversial I know, but there is a huge weight of research to prove this which is never debated in MSM
  19. No job. No house. No travel. No hope. You will own nothing and you will be happy.
  20. Nothing to see here. Move along please.
  21. Suggstion. Start with some smart people running it.
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