Maybe if more people DID ignore the constant propaganga and fear-mongering, things would get back to the "old" normal whereby if we got the flu, we would spend a few days in bed then get on with life.
Yes. I might also get run over by a car or get struck by lightling. We all die sometime. I would rather live life than spend every waking moment worrying about something which I have a more than 99% chance of NOT dying from.
If you want to wear your mask forever, please feel free, but don't insist I do it. Your mask will protect you right? This obsession is now becoming a mental illness.
Yes, Grandfather Bush (Prestcott Bush) was a director and shareholder of Union Banking Corporation when it was cancelled by the US government for funding Nazi companies during ww2!
Wearing a muzzle does not prevent you from catching, nor passing on the virus. FACT. Look at dear Dr. Fauci. Tripple masked, 257 boosters and now tested positive for the second time in a month. Science!