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Posts posted by BillSteptowe

  1. We are thinking of buying a water vending machine. We are quite remote and our drinking water supplier has become undependable. Leaving us without any drinking water for whole weekends in the hot season (3 times last month alone). It's hot and we need water. I find myself getting dehydrated, preferring to leave the remaining water for the kids. or boiling water.

    The rest of the people in our village are in the same situation and we feel they wouldn't mind an alternate source of drinking water. So it is likely that the machine will actually generate a small profit eventually. The cost is about 25k baht.

    Anyhow, I do not know what are the supply requirements for such as machine. We have town water, which is fresh but untreated (spring water) and this we run through a sand filter before it get's to the house supply. We have a pump for pressure and it is possibly potable already, but we have not tested it. Some of the townsfolk drink the town water without any filtration. They have been doing so for decades. So it must be reasonable quality already.

    So I am wondering if this is good enough to connect to a machine, which obviously has a pretty good RO filter and I think also UV. I haven't seen the specs yet, so that is my guess.

    Can this work?

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