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Posts posted by GrahamMaddison

  1. 23 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You have to go to immigration and ask for your extension to be changed to start from the 31st of October and end on the December 30th.

    I have a 60 day extension based on Marriage which expires on 25 Nov and went to Khon Kaen immigration back on the 16 th Oct with a view to getting the expiry date changed, but was told by the immigration officer to go back one week before expiry .. they did not seem to understand what I was talking about.

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  2. At least get some basic knowledge before even contemplating depositing any funds. You can easily wipe out your entire account with one losing trade if you do not know what you are doing. Any dreams of making money trading forex will be shattered and you would most likely walk away from it calling it a scam, when in reality it was simply a lack of knowledge that caused your loss. Do it the safe way and get some training first.

    Easy forex trading lessons are available for free to anyone with an interest.

  3. I recently had an infestation of "tics' or hip as the Thais call them .I couldn't sit outside without getting bitten .night or day .but usually more at first light in the morning. Your photo suggests to me it may well be Tics...as to the solution, I can't really help you there....I moved home and haven't had a bite since.( I am in Khon Kaen by the way) The people that bought our home have phoned my wife several times complaining.....oh dear!

  4. I get 100% free medical cover which includes dentistry as well.


    My wife is Thai and works as a government officer ( a well respected one I might add) As a government officer, she and her immediate family are entitled to free health care ..and that includes me :)

    I have had the benefit of this on quite a few occasions and the only time money changes hands is to pay for any medication, for which my wife claims back.

    Morally however, I feel as guilty as hell when I use the benefit .. me, a foreigner who hasn't paid into the system getting free health care just doesn't seem quite ethical somehow, when I look around at all the genuinely sick Thais who don't have the same benefits I do,

  5. Send some this way. I only have air in the bedroom...I suffer through it during the day. It makes those afternoon showers all the sweeter.

    I am in khon kaen and driving past the police box at central plaza, the temperature was showing 45 degrees the other day .. I too only have air in one bedroom and shower to keep cool during the day time .. the problem i have however, is that my water tank is situated in a position which gets the full midday sun ...so no cool showers for me ,.. more like a sauna .... still refreshes me however.

  6. As far as domain names go, the best option is always concidered to be .com followed by .net and .org.

    There are many new TLD's being released (Top Level Domains) and one you mention is .club ... this really is suited only for membership type websites.

    In order to build a website, you will need first to find somewhere to host it..somewhere where all your website files are stored and managed and made available to the www.

    There are places where you can host your website for free, but if you are serious about your website/ business, these are not recommended for a multitude of reasons.

    A very popular website hosting company is "Hostgator" which has been the preffered company for many internet marketers for many years until it was taken over recently by another company. But as a starting point, I would certainly recommend them as you can get hosting for less than $5 a month and their hosting plan offers "cpanel" interface which makes it easy to use even for novices.

    As far as website builders are concerned, I would recommend "Wordpress" 100% and it is totaly free. There are thousands of Wordpress videos on youtube which can help guide you to set things up.

    Whichever hosting company you choose, they in most cases have simple install scripts such as "fantastico" which will at the click of a mouse install the complete wordpress installation for you. You only then need to find a theme (thousands to be had for free) and simply add your content ...... really ... there is a small learning curve, but it is the way to go in my opinion.

    Hope this helps.


    • Like 1
  7. frogsnake.jpg

    Sat in my garden in Khon kaen one eveing, I heard a rustle on the gravel just near to where I was sitting, It was dark, but I could just make out a snake and grabbed my camera.

    Then I realised the snake had caught a toad by its leg .. I managed to free the toad from the snake and the snake slithered off in one direction and the toad hopped off in another.

    Next morning I found the toad dead ....poor thing.

  8. Sat in my garden in Khon kaen one eveing, I heard a rustle on the gravel just near to where I was sitting, It was dark, but I could just make out a snake and grabbed my camera.

    Then I realised the snake had caught a toad by its leg .. I managed to free the toad from the snake and the snake slithered off in one direction and the toad hopped off in another.

    Next morning I found the toad dead ....poor thing.


  9. This just sums up Thailand smile.png

    Taken in Bangkok - sorry i cannot remember the soi, but it is near Amarin Activ TV studio, I was kicking my heels waiting for my wife to finish her screen test when I cam across this building site .

    At first glance i thought nothing of it until i read "Safety First" .. nice to see Thailand are taking health and safety seriously blink.png


  10. Tragic story. Anyone know anything about this snake? Did a search on Thap Samingkla and the only hit was this story. Nothing in Wikipedia either.

    Really sad to read this news ....RIP little boy.

    I often have snakes in my garden in khon kaen and the last only a few days back killed a toad ...about a foot from where I was sitting ..scary things.

    I found this pic by doing a search on google Samingkla .http://www.thailandsnakes.com/tag/thailand-snake/page/3/

    if this is the type of snake he was bitten by, I doubt he had any chance of survival.

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  11. I had a plan and it's gone "tits up"

    my marriage visa extension of stay expires this month and I no longer have the required 400,000 thb to show in my bank account to enable me to get another.

    Having said that, my pension income works out at around 179.50 a week ..now depending on the exchange rate used for calculation purposes, I may be okay ..for example, if they use an exchange rate of 51thb or above to GBP, I will be able to show the required monthly income of 40,000 thb or above..if however they use an exchange rate of 50 or below, I am screwed. ...... Does anyone have any ideas which exchange rate they use ..current or average across year?

    My plan was that I would be able to refund my account when the sale of my property completed, but the buyer pulled out .aggh.

    I am aware I can go to Savannakhet and get a new visa, but this is not ideal and only a last resort.

    many thanks in advance for any helpful information.


  12. from a safety aspect, I would avoid siting your washing machine in the bathroom ... considered dangerous and there are laws in the UK to prevent you from doing this and for very good reason.

    Siting the machine near your kitchen sink would be favored as you have both a water inlet and water outlet (drain) although you could simply hook the drain pipe over the sink and let it drain that way - making sure of course, that you don't leave the sink plug in and cause flooding as a result. You may be better to get a plumber to install the water inlet .. really can't advise you on this, due to 1. not knowing your skill set and 2. not knowing the plumbing layout of your condo.

    As others have said, living in a condo, it would be prudent to get insurance in case of leaks etc affecting those below you and it is best practice to always be around whilst the machine is in use ..don't switch it on and go out.. Many machines can become unbalanced and jump around during the spin cycle which can cause quite a bit of damage, although modern machines tend to have an automatic imbalanced load detection, it is better not to rely on this system and be there whilst using the machine.

    As for the type of machine, I would definitely go for a fully automatic machine - front or top loader and definitely not a twin tub.

    35 years experience as a domestic appliance engineer .... shame you are so far away from me, i would have been happy to plumb it in for you.

    good luck

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