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Posts posted by Mackie

  1. Sounds as though you're preparing the ground for a Sukhumband defeat.But you will have to invent more convincing lies than the import of half a million PTP voters or Baht 300 bribes to be convincing .

    Denying vote buying in Thailand is kind of ridiculuous. Everyone knows that Thaksin's proteges buy votes. It's common knowledge. So accusing him that he invented it does not hold water. By the way, they offer 500 baht this time around. Inflation and all that. Also tax rebate for the first time car buyers will suffice. Thais love cars.

  2. It just shows how immature Thais are - politically. The very same people who almost burned the city down, caused chaos and havoc in the city, which resulted in loss of human lives as well as billions of USD damage, are going to be voted to govern the great city of Bangkok. Ordinary Thais are so corruptable. Vote buying is rife and nothing gets done about it.

    The big daddy fooled them with the mobile phones, a little sister is fooling them with the car rebate.

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  3. Back in the UK is normal for women to get drunk Friday or Saturday night and pick up some horny hunk. One night stands are common occurence. Women even brag about it. I'm not taking sides in this case. She probably got embarrassed when she sobbered a bit. What travellers should bear in mind - When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Keeping low profile in unknown countries certainly helps.

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  4. It's kind of funny when we-and by we I mean fellow westerners, have a go at Thais reagarding prostituion. As if there is nothing wrong with our home countries. Utter hypocricy. In any major city in the USA the prostituion is rampant. London has become disgraceful place. Albanian mafia openly runs brothels with under aged girls who were kidnapped and forced into prostituion. Our officials take money and keep quiet. Let's be honest here, what is the difference between a western woman who drinks herself into oblivion and then sleeps with whoever comes first and a Thai girl who does the same but takes the money for it?

    • Like 2
  5. This is just another attempt by Cambodians to provoke Thais further and cause more internal problems for Abhisit's government. We all know who is behind it, don't we? It's been very well coordinated.

    People keep forgetting that Cambodian PM is a former Khmer Rouge. His party is fiercely nationalistic. (Cambodian's People Party)....Sounds familiar??? How on earth anyone can support Hue Sen and his totalitarian regime is beyond me.


    PHNOM PENH (AFP) – The Cambodian government is choking freedoms and locking up detractors in an increasingly bold effort to silence critics as elections loom, observers say.

    Prime Minister Hun Sen, 59, who has vowed to remain in power until he is 90, recently said on national radio that his aim was "not just to weaken the opposition, but to make it die".

    The comment was the latest in a string of outbursts against critics, prompting fears that freedoms are under threat as the government looks ahead to local polls next year and a general election in 2013.

    "The space for dissent has shrunk to the point where people are gasping for air," said Mathieu Pellerin of local rights group Licadho.

    "Vast areas of political debate have been effectively declared off-limits. The most minor venture into these fenced-off topics can bring the authorities' wrath, whether you are a prominent politician or an anonymous village farmer."

    Outspoken opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who lives in self-imposed exile, has been sentenced in absentia to 12 years in jail over two cases related to border issues with Vietnam.

    If the sentences are upheld, he will be unable to challenge Hun Sen's ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) in the 2013 poll.

    "The CPP is preparing for the next election, that much is clear," said a Cambodia-based Western expert, on the condition of anonymity.

  6. It is obvious that RA is doing it for the money. It is ridiculuous that ICC even takes into consideration his fradulent claims. Let's put things into perspective. Thailand is independent country with its own laws and the constitution. The state of emergency is clearly defined. There are duties and responsibilities which apply to every single citizen during the emergency rule. I genuinely believe that Abhisit and his government were too soft. Softly, softly approach only encouraged red shirts militants. There is no country in the western world which would've tolerated red mob demonstrations last year. Red mob was armed, dangerous, destructive and violent. If they tried something similar in Washington DC or London, ambushing and killing British or US soldiers they would have been obliterated by Armed forces. Full stop. There is no case against Thailand/Thai Government whatsoever. Thailand is independent country and its Armed forces acted according to Thai Law and constitution of their own country. It was their duty to protect innocent Thais against the unruly mob. As simple as that.

  7. Manipulative crook is at it again...The tragic thing is that he still has a lot of support in Thailand, rural areas in particular. They love him because he gave them government loans which they have never repaid. Instead of investing into their small business as agreed they spent all money on mobile phones, cars, gambling and alcohol. No one explained to them that the loan is the loan. You've got to pay it back. It's easy to be generous with the government money,eh. Basically, he gave them 5 baht with his left hand, and took out 50 baht of their pocket with his right hand. And they love him for it!!! Bloody unbeliavable!!! However, you've got to give it to him. He is a master of manipulation.

  8. Here we go again. Playing gutter politics.Typical of Thaksin and his cronies. I am sick and tired of westerners supporting the Red mob movement. You are either ill informed or totally ignorant. It has nothing to do with the democracy. They are dangerous organisation led by a deluded grandomaniac. They have set up guerila training camps in Cambodia. They developed the network of radio-stations across Thai countryside-Khmer Rouge style, they constantly spread lies, hatred and vitriol.Their aim is to brainwash uneducated and poor masses in the countryside. Exactly the same as Khmer Rouge movement did. Hun Sen, Cambodian PM was one of them. Get real, you left wing liberals and back up Thai government and the rule of Law.

  9. Nonsense. Those guys brought Thailand on the brink of the civil war. They haven't got a clue what the democracy is. Democracy Khmer Rouge style. It is well documented that they use force against their political opponents in North and North East of Thailand. They intimidate other political parties and their family members by using firearms and bombs. Red mob movement has nothing to do with the democracy. Most of their leadership are power hungry thugs. Thailand has no future with them. Jobless, uneducated and violent mob will certainly not solve any of Thailand's problems. They had their chance last year. Abhisit offered them an early election within three months. They turned it down and chose the path of destruction and violence.

    In democracies groups have a right to demonstrate. Mostly the organizers and the police will setup a meeting to discuss subject, route, attendance, limitations, security issues, first-aid preparations/stations, start/stop time, etc., etc. This to ensure a peaceful rally with minimal disturbance.

    If the Ratchaprasong business people don't like being singled out for protests they should start talks with police and rally organizers to reach a compromise.

    Democracy is action, you've got to love it :)

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