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  1. What figures? The figures put out by the terrorist organisation, Hamas - not differentiating between terrorists & civilians?
  2. And how do you know 'he' was Israeli? Did he speak Hebrew to you & you understood immediately that it was Hebrew???? Your example & generalities are farcical!!!
  3. And it's NOT the Israelis. They have been killing terrorists, whereas Hamas were delighted to kill civilians in most barbarous ways. It's obvious in ANY war that civilians get killed. How many civilians were killed in Dresden under Allied bombing? How many civilians were killed when H-bombs were dropped on Japan? Oh, you don't care to mention those because it wasn't Israelis doing the killing.
  4. And that's exactly why these guys don't go to those places!!
  5. And probably want 500 bt for the privilege?!
  6. Hope they've got the relevant work permits?!
  7. Most unlikely - that's why they're keeping the dates 'secret'!!!
  8. And being drunk won't have helped!!!!
  9. You think it's a joke being in captivity for over 1 year, do you??
  10. A totally out of context comment & nothing to do with what's happening in the UK today!!
  11. Ah Well, if the wonderfully unbiased BBC said it was poisoning, then that's it then!!! Case closed!!!!
  12. What about Sudan, what about Yemen, what about Syria? FAR worse......
  13. You are entitled to believe anything you like but please bear in mind that a vicious terrorist organisation was in total control of Gaza before 7th Oct. ANY figures that come out of Gaza are totally controlled by Hamas & manipulated to suit their propaganda needs. That's what I believe!!

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