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Posts posted by sukhothai64211a

  1. hello lads

    It has been a while but been very busy when I left thailand last year the wife and I took a slow trip back to oz, through Malaysia etc etc. We spent Christmas in Oz with the family, a lovely time.

    As you can see the name has changed it is similar but for the life of me I couldn't remember my password, I have checked the site from time to time bit all has been quiet so I gather you are all in Sukhothai.

    I am actually in Thailand this week but will not be going to Sukhothai, but from the photos that have been sent to us the house is coming on just fine, even though at this early stage has gone way over budget because the wife keeps changing her mind she is on the phone every day to her brother changing something. Nevermind she can have what ever she likes if it makes her happy.

    we are only here for 10 days but will return in may for a month. We will probably not come to live in Sukhothai until the house is finally finished which I thought would be at the end of the year (2011) but with the plans being altered everyday it will probably be the middle of next year!!!

    How's the golf eddieblue?

    Kelboy sorry to here about the truck business but I have put 2 and 2 together "with the mb name" assuming mb is motorbike name maybe he should be called K-wan-ker but then I search thaivisa and decided to call him K - Toey as no man would give up a truck for a yaris as we all know it is a womens car, but what I cannot understand is why he needs a car as he spends all his time on thaivisa.com. I hope I never have to meet this man.

    Well I have better things to do than sit on the Internet all day, as life is for living.

    Happy New Year

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