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Posts posted by Jayme43

  1. Plan to get married in Thailand but we are both foriegners . . . Our paper works are already prepared and translated in english. .. After marriage what we should do next??? Do we need to report it to my embasyy and his embassy??? What if he doesn't want to report our marriage to his embassy??? Do you think our marriage is legal in US without reporting it???

  2. Hey a99az,

    Teacher's License. . . Getting Teacher's License in Thailand is very easy. . . In your case you're already teaching in Thailand and I'm sure you already have a Work Permit . . All you need to do is to attend three consecutive days of Thai Culture Semminars and they will provide the certificate upon completion of the seminnar. . . Give your certificate to your school as well as an ID picture. . . The school will prepare your documents needed and pay 500 for your license. . . The Teachers Association of Thailand will conduct an investigation of all the documents as well as your diploma if its real . . . This certificate will just valid for 5 years and it is renewable. . . Lucky for you. specially if you're a Native English Speaker . . Me even I had my License 2 years ago I couldn't find job because I am not a Native English Speaker. . , Goodluck

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