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Posts posted by cnbiz850

  1. Was it another rating that ranked Bangkok No 1?

    This is a worrying fall for Bangkok! It's normally ranked no. 1 in the world for the past decade. Instant drop of 18 places on the list... What on earth happened? Did people realize it's a chaotic, stinking, dirty, dangerous, noisy place full of people who don't really like foreigners but are happy to try to scam them at every opportunity?

  2. do you not drive in the west, the outer lane is for overtaking, a favorite police 'catch'

    I don't agree. The outer lane is not always for overtaking. If there is a sign in some area that outer lane is for overtaking only, then it is. Otherwise, it is equal as the inner lane.

    My incidents all involve the U-turn area, so I guess it has to do with that.

  3. It happened last month when I drove on Rt 317 in Chanthaburi. It is a divided highway with two lanes on each side. At the moment I was driving on the right-hand lane when coming to a U-turn section. From faraway I saw a police car parked at the U-turn area and a policeman standing there. As I was approaching, he waved me to pull over, and so I did. Finding that I don't speak Thai, he spoke in broken English with something like "No light, no right lane". I tried to ask for more detailed reasons and obviously he couldn't answer in English. He appeared pretty angry in his face. I guess he was thinking how come this idiot doesn't know about this simple rule. But he let me go anyway.

    I kept wondering what he meant. I guess it might be that at U-turn section without light cars not taking U-turns should bear left. But there was absolutely no sign on the road saying anything about this. And in my driving experience in other parts of the country, it doesn't seem the case at all. And that doesn't seem to be a correct guess because he pulled me over before any evidence that I was not making a U-turn.

    I kept driving. About half an hour later, coming to another U-turn section, I saw another police car parked there with policeman standing. I was on the right-hand lane, but I pulled to the left lane about 100 meters from the U-turn area. I was again waved to pull over. This policeman appeared nicer and could speak some more English. He even had a radio conversation with the other policeman who pulled me over before. He simply said to me "no right-hand lane, 300 Baht fine". As he was trying to write the ticket, I tried to ask in simple English with gestures: "so officer, I can not drive on the right-hand lane at all?" He thought for a moment and smiled slightly, and then let me go.

    I appreciate both officers letting me go. But I still don't understand the reason. Could anyone explain?

  4. I went to the hospital recently, and the said it was just flu. I insisted on dengue test and Routine CBC (Complete Blood Count). The dengue test was positive, and my platelet count was way down - ergo Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).

    Dengue may or may not develop into DHF; it is the latter that can be fatal, as any bleeding, especially internal, is very difficult (impossible if the platelets are very low) to stop.

    There are three known varieties of DHF. Once you've had one you're immune for life. (In my case, I'm two down, with one to go).

    The first day of symptoms was agony; days 2-3 were just high fever with, in my case, no other symptoms. It didn't fell like flu, so I went to check.

    If in any doubt, insist on a Dengue test and CBC. It's one blood sample, about one hour's wait, and doesn't cost much.

    Thanks for sharing. Best wishes for your recovery!

    Please kindly update us what you have to go through to recover.

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