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Posts posted by luangtom

  1. While the vote to exit from the EU may have been a protest on the part of many voters, I do agree with some of the posters that the EU is too much of the New World Order venue for the good of Europe and Great Britian in particular. What sort of rule is it that a centralized government in Brussells dictates what lawn-mower is efficient or what toaster to use for the good of the environment? Unelected officials in Brussells dictating policy for the whole of Europe is ridiculous. Honestly, is this not what the whole of The Continent wished to avoid being under with the Nazis and the Soviet Union?

  2. I had prostate-cancer surgery in May of this year. Had it via DaVinci prostatectomy. My two follow-ups, so far, at 6 and twelve weeks show no discernible PSA readings. Both have been under 0.1 readings. Prior to surgery, the last test showed 24. So, it is a large change. It was termed a robust cancer, as they went from a 3.4 on tests to a 9, a 12, a 15 and up tp 24, all in 18 months. I only suffer now from an off and on infection that gave me epididymitis and enlarged the testicles to golf-ball size and ping-pong ball size. It was painful, but they gave good IV meds while in the hospital and good tabs to take home. La-la land was occupied for a spell while things got back to normal. I now take no pain meds and suffer from a bit of incontinence, wearing pads to keep from wet pants. I do most all daily activities with not much problems. Help is out there.

    My surgeon is almost sure this prostate-cancer is related to my exposure to Agent Orange during my Vietnam years. I also have ischemic heart-disease and eczema on my legs. All of these are listed as a result of Agent Orange exposure. But, if I had not been in SE Asia, I would not have met and married my Thai wife of 42 years.

  3. I certainly hope that the voters of the State of Arizona do NOT give him a sixth-term. That would put his tenure in the US Senate at 36-years. That is far too long for anyone to be there. He is so entrenched with lobbyists they will probably have to pry him from his seat in the Senate. And, yes, he is the epitomy of the phrase RINO...Republican In Name Only.

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  4. I sit and read all of these posts and smile. We live in the USA most of the time, staying in Thailand but a month or so annually. We live an hour and a half Northeast of Atlanta within an enclave of Lao and Lao-Isaan immigrants. Some have been here since the fall of Laos in 1975. A majority of those immigrants speak no English, yet they survive and get by. If a need arises, they find a next-generation family-member or someone like me to get them through their dilemma. People adapt and problem-solve as their needs change. So, if you get along without speaking Thai while living in Thailand, go for it. Basics and survival mode occur everywhere.

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  5. For those of you living overseas and not seeing or hearing the lead-up to Obama's granting amnesty for up to 5-million illegals, it was NOT the humanitarian effort many wish to make it out as. If you check the most recent election results, nation-wide, in the USA, you will find that the Democrats lost more seats in the US House and the US Senate and also in the governorships of some states. The cross-over votes came from those that felt disenfranchised by the Regime in office in Washington DC. Latino-voters and Black-voters crossed the line and voted Republican. This move to grant amnesty to illegals will now create another voter-bloc that feels beholding to the Regime and the Democrats due to the amnesty. They will be future Democratic voters. They will replace the cross-over votes we saw in the elections of 2014. The split in the votes of the minority-voters is reflective of their not being satisfied with the promises not kept by the Regime in 2008 and 2012. They took their anger out on the Democrats in 2014.

  6. My Thai wife and I have two sons, both now adults. It was no problem whatsoever for them to sleep in our room after their births. My wife nursed them both, which made it an easy life for this father. Dirty-diapers, maybe. Feeding a bottle, nope. Baby had a cradle and later bed of its own and when upset or hungry, his mother would bring him to bed, nurse him back to sleep and we all lived just fine. I worked days, afternoons and nights, so had a varied schedule. Having a baby in the room did not

    bother much at all. It was an easy life for this father. After the nursing and the during-the-night get-ups, they both had rooms of their own and life went on. Do not make a big deal out of a Thai mother wanting to have a baby in your room.

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  7. The good doctor was flown to Dobbins Air-Reserve Base where he was transferred to a waiting isolation-ambulance and transported to Emory University Hospital, which is in proximity to the Center for Disease Control, CDC, where all of the USA and its allies test or create the viruses of the world.


    The uproar or concern that has occurred locally is due to the fact that the very same CDC that is to tend to the good doctor is the same unit that compromised the health and safety of 80 of their own employees recently by exposing them to the Anthrax virus. It is fear of a repeat of this folly that is in the news locally.


    On a noted conspiracy basis, this is what many people fear will lead to declaration of a national emergency and imposition of martial-law in the USA. This, too, has been noted in the media and quesitoned. All of the National Guard units and all of the US Military Reserve units have been issued contamination-suits and containment-areas have been set-up at 20 locations nation-wide in preparation for "errors" occurring. So, say what you may and think what you wish, this is a matter of grave concern in the USA.

    What will be, will be. We all have to die of something.


    I write this some 60-km from the site of Emory University Hospital.

  8. If those babies died as a result of willful neglect it's a shame for the Catholic church.

    ...but what about the multi-million baby holocaust that is happening under our noses today?

    ...it's called abortion..

    Baby-killers, a.k.a the 'pro-choice' crowd are not qualified to judge.

    800 children is barely a day's tally in abortion clinics across the world today.

    Nuff said.

    NYC, in the USA, has over 35,000 abortions of African-American babies in one year. The 800 in the well in Ireland pales in comparison to the annual extermination of New York City babies that are African-American. Racial self-genocide. Sadly, the pro-choice crowd condones this and leaders of the African-American community are mute on the matter.

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  9. Run away from this. Do not walk. As easily as you say you fell in love, there are others that will present you with much of the same. I have been married to a Thai woman for 40-plus years. No demands for permanent payments, no demands for property or buildings. We did so for ourselves over the years, but not for her family. Sin-sot is for "virgins" and those that have not married before. Alot of this may be the family telling their own family of the future you will give and for them now to not have it will disgrace them. Run........

  10. I am married to my wife from the Isaan for over forty-years. She has lived in Minnesota and its Winter for 32 years and now we live in more hospitable weather in Georgia for the past seven years. She has told me on numerous occasions that she knows she cannot live in Thailand full-time ever again. Honestly, she has a hard time speaking her native tongue with her family for the first few days we are back in Thailand. She now spends alot of time at the Lao/Isaan temple near us and socializing with the women from her area of the country in Thailand and right across the river in Laos. So, she is even more happy.

    She ails from a couple of maladies that she knows would not get the same care in Thailand. I guess that is part of her reason for saying she could not live there full-time again. Only a handful of doctors could do the surgery that she required and we doubt it is available in Thailand. So, we enjoy our time at our Isaan home when we stay there, but she is also happy to return to her home in the USA and our two sons. I guess I am very fortunate.

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  11. I know a Thai lady who converted to Christianity--- early one Sunday morning in her village--there was about 2 hrs of "chatter " coming from loudspeakers somewhere -when asked what was all that about--she said -- and I quote---

    That's the Temple telling everyone -- who - and how many baht they give to Temple this time---now you know why I want Christian blink.png

    anyone else heard these " announcements" ? wai2.gif

    Yes, and I got a very good explanation from an English speaking monk.....they publicize who gives what so that there is no question how much money was donated and where it was going to be spent, unlike "missing" funds in so many other religions that will go unnamed. No one person is left to handle the funds either. In some villages, the phuyai baan handles it with others signing receipts and treasury reports with him. No one can be accused of mishandling the funds.

    And, yes, Buddhism and Christianity can co-exist in a person's life. It is between the practitioner and whichever deity he or she believes in come Judgement Day. It is not up to us to decide who is right or wrong. I find those that protest the most seem to be unsure of their own beliefs when they want to alter someone else's....just my two-cents worth.

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  12. This term, "slope", was used quite often during the Vietnam era by "farangs", sometimes in rebuttal to the locals, be it in Thailand, Vietnam, Laos or Camobodia. The term, "slope" was not not nearly as offensive in context as "gook" or "Victor Charlie", which fighters referred to their enemy as. I guess lotsa people currently in Thailand led a sheltered-life or are too young to remember back to the late '60s or early '70s.

  13. My Thai/Isaan wife of 40 years and her mother both ask why we waste the money for such nonsense. I guess I am fortunate in that my wife never did catch on with holidays such as this or birthdays or Christmas. I may get her a single flower or such, but nothing extravagant, that is for sure.

  14. Is Thailand not already almost a Chinese colony? Major gold-dealers have always been Chinese.

    The current clan in charge has a Chinese background, do they not? Name a major business in

    Thailand that does not have a Chinese background of some sort in its upper echelon. I would

    dare say there is a deep Chinese foothold in Thailand without it being a colony per se.

    The USA has definitely had its run of printing bad-paper to pay its debts. However, I do wonder

    why those that hold those debts keep taking them?

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  15. History is history, just that. It is past and gone forever. The USA, right now, is at a near boiling-point. The major networks do not cover it much, as they are governed by the sitting regime in the White House. However, bad things could happen in the USA in the future. The dismal failure of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) is disrupting what little semblance of continuity there was. The issues of Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the AP phone-records, the NSA data-collecting and tapping foreign dignitaries, allies and citizens are all added fuel to the fire. The turmoil in Thailand is a great diversion and could be a prelude of things to come in the USA. So, I sit and chuckle when the USA tells Thailand to be calm. We have little or no business telling any foreign government how to act or deal with their issues.

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