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Posts posted by sunstate

  1. Dave,

    search on your pc "remote control" and follow the instructions, I think the easiest way.


    It's easy enough looking up your Dlink router and downloading a manual from Dlink , however connecting remotely is not for the feint hearted unless the person setting up your system has already solved the problem of you not having a fixed IP address (Which most likely you don't).

    Many countries give you a fixed IP address as a matter of course but in Thailand it is an extra cost.

    There are other ways of doing it through a 3rd party however you are better off getting a Pro to set it up for you.

  2. Two very signifigant stories in the news this week regarding Open Source Software;

    The first regarding a deal between Microsoft and Novell (The makers of SUSE Linux)


    The second involves Oracle and Red Hat.


    It really has been a very busy week in the area of Open Source Software. The Big boys are certainly up to something, I'm just not sure what it all means. One thing is for very certain and that is the tacit acknowledgement that Linux is a threat in both the the Server and Desktop markets.

    I really don't see a change in Microsoft's fundamental attitude and am concerned that it will use commercial tactics to destroy the Linux threat rather than embracing a new business model!

    Oracle and Red Hat? This also could destroy the Open Source Model at least as we know it.

  3. I have actually upgraded my subscription with Xandros 3 Premium to Xandros 4 Premium. It cost me US$59. It does not include Crossover.

    I am currently running a triple boot system with installs of Suse 10.1, Xandros 4 Premium, and windows. I use a scanner (One that is supported), digital camera, printer, Cable Modem, separate router, wireless access point, USB CD/DVD burner, USB Hard Disk, USB Pen Drive. I also installed a PCI wireless card. Everything was detected and installed flawlessly. All updates were also installed easily.

    All features that I require were installed at installation time. These include a proper NVidea driver, ability to play mp3, .mp4 Audio and DVD Movies, Virus Scanning, Firewall and a "System File Protector".

    I would highly recommend Xandros as a very painless Linux distribution which is extremely "Ex Windows user" friendly.

    The only other thing I can say is that Xandros is boring! It just works and keeps working. I no longer use windows except for Accounting. I shall try and get MYOB working on Xandros but if not shall look at Linux alternatives.

  4. Via /System /Yast/ Software Manager make sure that Knetworkmanager is installed.

    Then Via System / Yast / Security / Firewall turnoff the firewall and set the firewall to manual start up.

    Then Via System / Yast / Network Devices / Network Card set to User Controlled via Network Manager then next, set to Auto or static (Usually Auto is best) but static is OK as well (If you get it right). On the general tab set Device Activation to boot time and also tick the user controlled box, at this point you can confirm that the Firewall is off as well, then next, then next again then finish.

    When you reboot you should then see an icon (Network manager) on the tool bar confirming the connection.

    That should then get it all going however remember that "Ping" responses can be disabled, but generally are enabled by default.

    Hope that helps

  5. It is my opinion that if you are after a stable Internet connection for use with Linux (Or Windows for that matter) make sure that the least you end up is a Modem (Cable or ADSL) that supports an Ethernet connection.

    Most of the USB modems emulate an Ethernet connection. To get rid of one of the major wild cards when trying to implement a Linux solution do not use a USB modem. Thats not to say that you cannot use one! But be prepared for heartache.

    If you are going to use any sort of network (Wireless or wired) then make sure you use a router. If you purchase a router and have any problems make sure that you know the configuration address (This will be something like or or whatever) also the User Name and Password so that you can get to the setup system (Usually Browser Based). Most of the Modem Routers will have a connection wizard that will solve most headaches.


  6. Just a suggestion, Loz. download Google Earth from www.earth.google.com and have a look at Korat. The pic's hi res and on the "Koratforum" you can find some placemarks. You can measure distances (line) with the tool, too.

    Here is the link to all of the google earth placemarks Google Earth Placemarks for Korat. You can then use the measuring tool to measure distances in either Km or Statute Miles (As the Crow Flys)

  7. 006-03-22 04:04:56' post='687373']

    was browsing through the internet, then this hit my screen:


    feel like a criminal.

    wonder what "official" softwares control us netcruisers here in thailand.

    It is only a matter of time before, people work their way around it, so I wouldn't worry too much. Just like alcohol and drugs, they will never win, but always think that they will! :D:D

    Well, is there anybody with a solutiont to this issue?? I am getting kinda itchy :o


    What is your main issue? That you couldnt get the page or your are worried about being traced?

  8. Locals or visitors can find Google Earth Placemarks for various points of interest in Korat at


    Click to the link to download the file Korat_Placemarks.txt and save to a directory. Once Downloaded rename the file to Korat_Placemarks.zip Extract the files as for any zip file.

    Once Unzipped you can double Click any of the extracted files and they will be imported into Google Earth or you can do it via File/Open on Google Earth

  9. The other thing that I failed to mention is that you will need that Tabian Rot in your hand if you want to take the motorcycle out and then back into the country. You should certainly allow up to (worst case) two months for that to happen. Perhaps by using a major dealer and making the sale conditional on a speedy transfer this time could be shortened.

    I know that by making a small extra payment almost anything becomes possible.

  10. The first thing that you need to have is a minimum 12 month multiple entry Visa or higher to buy the motorcycle in your name.

    Since you are (or will be) a farung you will not have the required Tabian Bahn (House Registration) with which to obtain the Tabian Rot (Motorcycle Registration). I believe that the are two ways (I have only used the later). First way is to go to your Embassy in BKK and you effectively sign a statutory declaration that you live at a certain address in Thailand. The Embassy then issue you with a nice official document that says that you say that you live at a certain address.

    The other way is to take your 12 month house lease along with your landlord as well as a Government Employee who knows you and is will to go with you to the Amphur (Sort of City Hall / Regional Government Office). You need to take your passport. The Landlord and Government Employee need to take their Tabian Bahn and their Bhudphrachachon (ID Card). To save time also take a photocopy of the main and Visa pages of your passport, and photocopys of the lease, both ID Cards, and both Tabian Bahns. All photocopies should be signed.

    Upon payment of a very small amount of money (maybe 150 Baht) the Amphur official will sit down at her manual typewriter and bash out a really nice official letter which says that you live at a certain address. The document will then be stamped with a lovely big red stamp.

    Thats almost all. The next thing you do is rush out to the closest high quality colour photocopying shop and make some copies. Every time you want to do anything in Thailand you will have to supply an original document from the Amphur. It is your job to make sure that there are many originals.

    You can now safely purchase your motorcycle and be assured that it will be registered in your name.

    Another small motorcycle worth considering is the 150cc twin overhead cam, 4 valve head Suzuki Raider. It has a six speed gearbox and is cheaper to buy, more manouverable and cheaper to run thatn the CBR. The top Speed is largely determined by the back sprocket. I changed mine from 42 to 36.

  11. In fact the prices quoted to me (One hour Ago) by the branch manager, Mr Worrapong Sukkasem, was 3000 Baht Installation Cost and 7000 Baht for the cost of the modem.

    The good part is that as part of their initial promotion, True Internet are offering to waive the installation and modem charges and the first month is free!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sounds like a good deal to me.

  12. I can receive email from my sister but can't send to her, not even by clicking reply, whichever way I do it it's AWAYS returned! I use @hotmail.com and she uses @ntlworld.com (UK). Any ideas what the problem is anyone?

    You have to tell me more. Are you using a POP email client (Like MS Outlook or MS Outlook Express) or are you sending via a web based client (Like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox etc).

  13. I can confirm that following extensive trials conducted in conjunction with Intel, True Internet will announce on the 22nd of February 2006 the availability of High-speed Wireless Internet access in Korat to complement their existing cable internet service.

    Domestic Plans available for immediate connection start with 256Kb at 590 Baht, 512 Kb at 750 Baht, 1024 Kb at 890 Baht and 2048 Kb at 1000 Baht. I believe these are very competitive rates compared with the technically inferior and distance limited ADSL options.

    Unfortunately I cannot read Thai but as far as I can see there is a further cost of 2500 Baht for the modem however please contact True Internet in Korat to actually confirm the deal.

    I have had True Cable in Korat for about 8 months and have been very happy with it. I always get the connection speed that I pay for and most of the time it is considerably better. Unfortunately that speed is the connection speed to the True servers and what happens after that is subject to the vagaries of Internet in Thailand.

    I can only recommend True Internet (In Korat). Anyone Interested should contact;

    Mr Kannika Phutthasutakhun (aohh)

    Provincial Sale Representative

    Tel. 044-267358, 044-267177, 044-267179

    Mobile: 01-5937122 Fax: 044-267181

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    This is not a commercial for True Internet. I am only a customer and present this information for all of the people who are labouring under inferior internet connections in Thailand.

  14. I can confirm that following extensive trials conducted in conjunction with Intel, True Internet will announce on the 22nd of February 2006 the availability of High-speed Wireless Internet access in Korat to complement their existing cable internet service.

    Domestic Plans available for immediate connection start with 256Kb at 590 Baht, 512 Kb at 750 Baht, 1024 Kb at 890 Baht and 2048 Kb at 1000 Baht. I believe these are very competitive rates compared with the technically inferior and distance limited ADSL options.

    Unfortunately I cannot read Thai but as far as I can see there is a further cost of 2500 Baht for the modem however please contact True Internet in Korat to actually confirm the deal.

    I have had True Cable in Korat for about 8 months and have been very happy with it. I always get the connection speed that I pay for and most of the time it is considerably better. Unfortunately that speed is the connection speed to the True servers and what happens after that is subject to the vagaries of Internet in Thailand.

    I can only recommend True Internet (In Korat). Anyone Interested should contact;

    Mr Kannika Phutthasutakhun (aohh)

    Provincial Sale Representative

    Tel. 044-267358, 044-267177, 044-267179

    Mobile: 01-5937122 Fax: 044-267181

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    This is not a commercial for True Internet. I am only a customer and present this information for all of the people who are labouring under inferior internet connections in Thailand.

  15. I am located in Korat and have just recently connected to TOT 256/128 ADSL. I am generally disappointed as I expected much faster results than I was used to with "Shark Attack" 390 Baht dialup. What I would be checking is the actual download speeds of a given file from a given site at a given time. Its true that I am occasionally seeing quite fast downloads (12-20kbs) but sometimes it is shocking and as low as 2kbs. Seems to depend on where the site is actually located (as it does with any connection). But it all comes down to alternatives. Check what you have now and then go and check what they can offer you (actual real life download speeds from a known fast server).

  16. It seems to me that the silver bullet fix for what is basically a Win98 problem will not happen by just installing Firefox.

    It seems to me that the real issue involved in the Mozilla / IE debate is why you should not use IE. That answer is very simple. Security! IE is the browser of last resort.

    Where it gets slightly more complicated is when you want to access the MS update page. For that you will still need IE installed on your computer.

    I personally use Firefox for everything except updates. For that I use IE. I also use Mozilla on my Linux installation.

  17. I have been using dialup (1222) internet in Korat for 12 months and was generally quite impressed with the dialup service and value. I have just switched to ADSL (256/128) at 500 Baht per month with a unlimited download through TOT. I am located in the absolute centre of Korat. The installation was promtpt however I am quite convinced that the connection is actually worse than the 1222 dialup or at the best about the same. The file download speeds seem to be slightly better however the net surfing speed seems to be very slow and unreliable. I am actually convinced that it is the international backbone that is the propblem as addresses within Thailand seem to be quite quick.I would therefor not recommend any change to ADSL in the Korat area.

  18. The most immediate and obvious threat to the lives of children (and others) that I have seen in Thailand (I have spent the last 12 months in Korat) is the transport of multiple children illegally positioned on motorcycles all without helmets.

    The second highest immediate threat to life is the transport of children (and adults) in overloaded vehicles all of whom are not wearing seatbelts.

    These children (and adults) are also exposed in the most immediate sense to long periods of intense toxic fumes.

    If the real issue is the safety and long term health issues of people in general and specifically children why not address the immediate and undisputable link between road accidents and death.


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