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Posts posted by JohnDodd

  1. Pres. Duterte sounds like an O.K. bloke to me, slagging off Obama, the " Yes we can" phoney walking disaster of a Pol.

    Also giving the verbals to another pair of totally useless people, the " Pope " and Mr Fixit, the pride of S. Korea Bank-ki-Moon.

    Keep up the good work Pres. Duterte, as all these traitors, so called Leaders of the " Free " World are going to get worse than

    a slagging off when the Sheeple wake up.

  2. 8 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

    Who would care, I rarely talk to foreigners, doesn't matter what flavour of foreigner they are.


    “Phom eng ngo mark na krap – phom mai ruu ruang arai leuy”,

    Apparently the ghost writer for this puff piece isn't Thai either, as this appears incorrect.

    Phom eng ngo mark na krap- phom mai ruu ruang leuy=I myself am very stupid krab- phom mai ruu ruang leuy=I don't know anythin

    ผมเองโง่มากนะตรับ......ผมไม่รู้เรืองเลย......same same

  3. Nice little town with friendly people.......even the BIB are helpful......don't go on New Year its packed with Thai middle class posers...those quiet empty streets pictured above become packed liked sardines in a tin....and unless booked earlier will not find a room vacant, or a place to park.

  4. I would rather live in so many other locations on this planet than the US. The US is the world leader and thus should be leading by example; however it falls short in so many areas in comparison to other developed nations.

    > America has one of the worst murder rate of any developed country

    > Trillions in debt

    > Huge homeless problem

    > One of the worlds highest prison populations

    > Still uses capital punishment in many states even though it obviously not only doesn't work but makes the situation worse

    > A huge obese problem

    > Lack of jobs

    > Has been at war for 95% of the time it has been a country

    > Kills millions of innocent people overseas and has even justified in an interview that the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was worth the price

    > Lies to own citizens and creates false flags, such events as Pearl harbour spring to mind

    > Has injected own citizens without their knowledge with plutonium in the 60s as research, as well as LSD

    > Has released a bacterial cloud in San Fran from a navy vessel in the 70s to see how it would travel, scared of the Russians attacking. It caused many illnesses and one death, didn't tell it's own people.

    > Biggest consumer in the world and thus is the most damaging country to the world on many levels

    > Spies on it's own citizens like no other, and not only that but other people around the world

    > Has spent over 700 billion on war in the past decade

    > Only country to ever set off nuclear bombs on another nation in war

    > Has set off most nuclear bombs in total

    .. and so forth

    ​I would not trust the US government, I am physically not able to do that. The fact that recently the FBI director stated they would not be charging Hillary Clinton over something many others have done and have been punished for in a immense manner is just one drop in the ocean of problems there. All of these false flag events, the recent sniper incident who was killed by a robot with a bomb! I still have to shake my head at the many people still asleep and who are not able to see through the smoke and mirrors. The elites want a race war, they want chaos so they can come and swoop in to take over. Tomorrow the 15th is going to be a bad bad day for the US as the BLM movement (which is ran by a black dude paid by Soros) is going to cause much destruction. This is all part of the plan

    # one.

  5. I recently listened to an interview with Dmitry Orlov who is a Russian who is based in the U.S. he is a geopolitical strategist, he stated that the Russian people are preparing for war both mentally and physically as they cannot believe the obvious lies demonising them, or the naked aggression by NATO aka Murder Inc. along their baltic coast. The Russian people are tough and pragmatic, other than a few Oligarch's and Medeved's Atlanticist's the whole country is behind their Leader. These people have long memories, Barbarossa, Stalingrad etc, 25 million dead Russians, every Russian family today lost a family member. So I'm not surprised the Russian Army is moving West, what I am surprised at is this NATO's Stoltenberg the latest mouthpiece of the psycho Zionist Anglo/American asking for more "dialogue" these gutless fascists could possibly turn the world into a giant Hiroshima....because the Russian's wont blink.

  6. It is sad to se your country go down the toilet. The EU was a lie and continues to be so. Sadly the younger generation don't have the same backbone and have a culture of handouts and 'what is in it for me'. The working class have gone. Working class use to mean those who wanted and went to work. Now it means you are a bum. To many people are aspiring middle classes. The country has been diluted with immigrants who as a whole do more damage than good to the nation. The luvvies, lefties and liberals will have you believe that you a racist or extremist if you question or disagree with them.

    Just yesterday on mainstream TV the presenter mentioned the banks and premier league football clubs supported remain. well they would of course. Mostly foreign owned clubs paying ridiculous wages and taking money from those who can barely afford it.

    The banks are just organized legalized criminals. I would truly love the UK to vote leave but as many are sheep and rarely have the time to see what is really happening, I will not be surprised if we end up staying in this farce called the EU.

    It won't be long though before you hear we were lied to, when more immigration happens and Turkey etc join, via the back door. Well I am sorry people of the UK, you were warned and didn't listen.

    Excellent post, all true, pity the British electorate are not aware of the real purpose of the E,U. and its unelected dictators the E.U. Commissioners who decide every thing behind closed doors, and who are following the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan the founder of the Pan European Union in '22 whose ideas include the mongrelisation of the white Christian European Race through mass immigration and miscegnation, a true horror story happening before our eyes.

  7. Actually mind control over Thais masses is a long successful practice.

    The elites routinely keep them poorly educated and on their knees .

    LM prevents a solution.

    Army enforce the "" correct "" mind set.

    Religion offers acceptance .

    Then the TV plays out what is propaganda essentially.

    And cycles ensure of an ineffective cat and mouse game.

    Various races respond to thinking differently.

    White skinned people endured once ice ages so their DNA is from survivors of that.

    European by nature solving problems was a life and death exercise.

    So science was applied in basic tools to make it through.

    Ghosts, are in the 21st century still believed by Thais.

    And charms etc used by wearers.

    Ask a Thai why the moon appears big or small or shines , even where it is , or how far away?

    And they will look perplexed.

    They don't wonder.

    That's the reason we went there and little Farangs sing twinkle twinkle about stars.

    Thais have no idea about the sun being a star.

    Or that it in fact isn't moving but the earth is.

    Cause and effect.

    Thais are often in westerner countries for the first time like people in need of de- programming from a cult.

    It's so entrenched..

    But the most insidious idea is their special place in the world.

    When they see the bigger world and how it turns without regard to them.

    It floors many times.

    Reduces them.

    Changes them.

    Yes mind control does as this woman says come on a frequency it's called the Friday night speeches by a man who ceased power and won't give it up.

    And while the TV and radio spurt out his propaganda ....indeed she has a point.

    This post is word perfect, this analysis of Thai thinking, or lack of explains that they are already controlled by their own "Culture"

    • Like 1
  8. I forget how many of these centers are torched every day. It is something like 10 per day - arson attacks by the residents due to frustration over food, weather, not enough free stuff, or frustration at being surrounded by non believers. As for the average amount of times police are called out on emergency to these centers again many many times daily to investigate the rapes, thefts, violent assaults and attacks on gays and other minority groups within the center. It is a complete mess, and I can understand why the mainstream media does not report on any of this - it just does not fit their agenda.

    How do you those things in so much detail if the media did not report any of it?

    He said Main Stream Media.....there are alternative sources...PressTV, Global Research.ca, The Corbett Report, Voltaire.org etc.

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